Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Does the Name “Jesus” Add up to 666?

By Maria Merola
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, February 2012

There is a false teaching circulating on social media, and it is trying to purport that the name “Jesus” adds up to 666 in the Greek Alphabet. The author of this lie also claims that the name “Jesus” is the “Mark of the Beast.” The first point I would like to make, is that if it is true, (that the name “Jesus” is indeed the mark of the beast), many of us have already taken it, simply by calling on that name for salvation (before we knew the truth about his Hebrew name). 

I was first born-again in 1981, when I only knew him as “Jesus.” Just as a mother attends to her crying baby, (even though the baby is unable to speak), our Heavenly Father hears us when we cry for help, even if we are not calling on his true Hebrew name.

I am reminded of what Shaul (Paul) wrote:

Romiym (Romans) 8:26-27: 

Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities [weaknesses]: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  

And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because he makes intercession for the qadowshiym (saints) according to the will of Elohiym. 

I am thankful that even when we are babes in the faith, (and we have no understanding of the Hebrew language), the Spirit of YaHuWaH makes intercession on our behalf, and interprets the deep groanings of our heart.

I will show you in this blog, that it is simply not true, that the name “Jesus,” adds up to 666, and that those who are purporting it,  are using false Alpha-numerics to build their case.

There is a guy on the internet who claims that the pronunciation for “Jesus,” is “key-sus” or “cheese-sus.”

Anyone with half a brain knows that the name “Jesus,” is pronounced with a “J,” and not with a “K,” sound, nor with a “Ch” sound.

I have another blog where I show evidence that the name of our Messiah has been deliberately altered over the centuries. Thus, the “sus” on the end of “Jesus,” means “belonging to Zeus.” 

The Pagan Roots of the Name Jesus

The original spelling in Greek for the name “Jesus,” did not have the “S,” on the end of the name. In the Greek Septuagint, the Hebrew name of “Joshua,” was spelled as follows: 

The Greek equivalent for the Hebrew letter “Yod,” is “Iota,” and the Greek equivalent for the Hebrew letter “Hey,” is “Eta.” In the 1600s, the English translators of the Bible, invented the letter “J,” which replaced the letter “I,” in the Greek Iesous.

Therefore the “JE,” in “Jesus,” is meant to be “IE,” (Iota Eta), which is the Greek equivalent for the Hebrew name of Yah” found in Psalm 68:4.

Ιησουο versus Ιησους 

The original Greek spelling for the name “Joshua,” was spelled as follows:

Iota, Eta, Sigma, Omicron, Upsilon, Omicron (not sigma at the end). 

The letters “SUS,” on the end of Greek names denotes “Belonging to Zeus.”

Here are a few examples:

Tarsus = the sweat of Zeus.
Ephesus = the desire of Zeus.
Dionysus = the son of Zeus.
Pegasus = the horse of Zeus.

Therefore, when we put together the Hebrew name of “Yah,” (equivalent to the Greek Iota Eta or IE), we get the Latin, IESUS, which quite literally means “Yah is Zeus!”

However, even though I recognize that the name “Jesus,” has pagan roots, I was still mightily saved using that name in 1981, before I knew his true name. And there are many others that have been saved by calling upon that name out of ignorance. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father can interpret the deep groanings of our heart, according to Romans 8:26-27.

Thankfully, YaHuWaH overlooks our ignorance when we are babes in the faith. But when we are mature believers, he expects us to learn the truth by seeking him diligently:

Maaseh Shlichiym (Acts) 17:30 And the times of this ignorance Elohiym winked at; but now commands all men every where to repent: 

I was shown in 2006, that the patriarch Yahuwceph (Joseph) was given a “hidden name” by the Pharoah, which was Zaphnath-paaneah which means “Savior” in Egyptian. 

Joseph was a prophetic “type” of Messiah, as he saved the Egyptians (as well as his Yisra’elite brothers), from a famine. We can see the same prophetic pattern with Esther, whose name comes from “Easter,” the pagan goddess of fertility. 

However, despite the fact that she saved the Jewish people in the Persian Empire from complete annihilation (using a pagan name), YaHuWaH allowed this for a prophetic purpose.

Esther was like a spy who went incognito into the Persian Empire, under a “hidden name” to save her people. But this was only for a season. Once the mighty exploits were displayed for the glory of YaHuWaH, Esther revealed her true name, “Hadassah.”

We can see the same pattern with Daniel being given a Babylonian name, Belteshazzar while in exile. This pattern is evident repeatedly throughout the Scriptures. Likewise, our Messiah was given a “hidden name,” as “Jesus,” and thus, he saved the Gentiles under that name until the fullness of the Gentiles is accomplished (Romans 11:25). We are now in the last days, when the Spirit of YaHuWaH is revealing to us, his true Hebrew name!

I believe that we are going to see a prophetic pattern of what took place in the Maccabean Revolt in the last days. In 164 B.C., Antiochus Epiphanies set up an Image of Zeus on December 25th in the Jewish Temple, and forced the covenant people of YaHuWaH to worship this image under penalty of death. I believe that the same thing will happen again!  

I believe that the false Messiah will set up an image, or a “clone of Jesus” in the 3rd Jewish Temple and cause people to worship that image!

However, I do believe that many people have been saved (just as I was back in 1981), by calling on the name of “Jesus.” As I already stated, the Holy Spirit “interprets the groaning our hearts” according to Romans 8:26-27.

When people don’t know the true name of the Messiah, the Father knows who they are talking about, because the Holy Spirit interprets the name Jesus as Yahuwshuwa before the throne. There is a day that is coming soon, when people are going to have to choose to worship either the “false image of Jesus” in the 3rd Jewish Temple (a clone from the Shroud of Turin), or the true Messiah Yahuwshuwa! 

And when that day comes, there will no longer be any mystery as to the true name of our Messiah. People will no longer be able to get away with calling him “Jesus,” because at that point, the Anti-Messiah will standardize the name Jesus as “his mark.” 

Anti-Messiah will attach that name “Jesus,” to the “Image of the Beast” (Revelation 13:15). But for now, I believe that YaHuWaH is showing mercy on those who have called him by the name Jesus before they knew better!

Examine the Chart Below for the Greek Alphabet

We can now prove that the name 
“Jesus” does not add up to 666. See the above chart, or go to this website for the chart for the Greek Alphabet below:

In the prophecy about the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:18, the number 666 is # 5516 in the Greek Strong’s Concordance as follows: 

#5516. chi xi stigma khee xee stig’-ma the 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral:--six hundred threescore and six. 

Hazown (Revelation) 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).

What I am about to illustrate below, is not accurate information. It is a break-down taken from a certain false teacher who claims that the name “Jesus” adds up to 666:

600 = chi (“chee” as in cheetah). 

60 = xi (pronounced “zi”).

6 = sigma (an “s” sound),

chi + zi + sigma = chizis.

Jesus (pronounced “chizis”) is the Mark of the Beast.  

*Note: the above calculations are false, because the false teacher who is purporting this is attempting to make these three letters chi xi stigma sound like cheezus. However, the pronunciation key in the Concordance already tells us that chi xi stigma” sounds like “key-zee-stigma.” 

Here is what these letters are supposed to sound like:

600 = chi (pronounced as key). 

60 = xi (pronounced “zee”).

6 = stigma (an “s” sound).

*Note: the false teacher claims that the letter sigma has the numerical value of “6.” However, this is false. The letter is notsigma, but rather, it is stigma.

The letter “chi” when used in Greek words makes the “ch” sound as in “chemistry, or mechanics.” It does not make the “ch” sound as in “cheese.” 

Go to this link, at Blue Letter Bible, and listen to the Pronunciation Key for yourself: 

The Greek letters for the name “Jesus” (Iesous) are not chi xi stigma,” but rather, they are as follows: 

Iota, Eta, Sigma, Omicron, Upsilon, Sigma, which when added together has a numerical value of 888----not 666!

Another argument that can be made against the false teaching, is that the Greek letter “sigma” (seen in the name Iesous) has a numerical value of “200,” but the Greek letter 
“stigma” has a numerical value of “6.” 

Therefore, the argument cannot be made that the letters in chi xi stigma,” are the same letters in Iota, Eta, Sigma, Omicron, Upsilon, Sigma. They are completely different letters with different numerical values.

The false teacher purporting that the Greek letter Chi sounds like “chee” as in “cheetah” is found to be wrong. 

The pronunciation key tells us that these three Greek letters are pronounced as khee xee stig’-ma. The Greek letter “chi” sounds like “key” not “chee” as in “cheese.” There are plenty of Greek words, such as “Christ” that do not make the “ch” sound as in “cheetah.” 

I would have no problem what-so-ever believing that the name Jesus adds up to 666, if it were only true. I have no attachment to the name Jesus, as I gave up using the name Jesus in 2004. I only use it sometimes when trying to teach people his true name. 

The false teacher who has been peddling this information about the name Jesus adding up to 666, is causing many to fall away from the true Messiah! This teaching causes people to doubt the entire character behind the name “Jesus,” and thus, they end up denying even his alternative names, such as Yeshua, Yahuwshuwa (Yahushua), Yahshua.

This false teaching is a dishonest rendering of the wisdom to count the number of the beast, and I will illustrate to you why. The people that are presenting this false mathematical equation, are using the wrong letter to try and build their case. There are actually two different letters in the Greek Alphabet that sound very similar! 

They are “stigma” and “sigma.”

Below is an illustration of what the letter Sigma looks like, and it has the numeric value of 200.

Below is an illustration of the letter Stigma, and it has the numeric value of 6.

The “Mark of the Beast” in Revelation 13:18 is NOT Chi Xi Sigma (which has the numeric value of 860). It is Chi Xi Stigma, with the numeric value of 666!

Now, let’s add up the letters to the formula that is being used to try and prove that the name Jesus adds up to 666:

The Greek Letter Chi = 600 
The Greek Letter Xi = 60
The Greek Letter Sigma = 200

Grand Total = 860

The word for 666 in the Greek Strong’s Concordance is NOT Chi Xi Sigma!

It is Chi Xi STIGMA!

Below you will see the numeric value of Chi Xi Stigma: χξϚ

The Greek Letter Chi = 600 

The Greek Letter Xi = 60

The Greek Letter Stigma = 6

Grand Total = 666

The Word “stigma” means to stick or to prick!

So then, what is the “stigma?” It is an obsolete letter of the Greek Alphabet that is no longer in use, but it did not make the “s” sound! 

It made the “st” sound, and it is the equivalent of the Hebrew letter “waw” or the modern “vav,” which is the 6th Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet:

Obsolete letters 

Digamma or wau (Ϝ) was the continuation of Phoenician waw, denoting the sound /w/. It stood in the sixth position in the alphabet, after Ε. It dropped out of use because the sound /w/ became mute during the archaic and classical era. It remained in use as a numeric sign denoting the number six. In this function, its shape in uncial and cursive writing changed to ϛ until in Medieval Greek handwriting it was conflated with an accidentally similar ligature sign for “στ.” The symbol ϛ both in its function as a numeral continuing that of digamma and in its function as a ligature, is today called stigma.

The letter “stigma” used to be the 6th letter in the Greek Alphabet, equivalent to the Hebrew letter “waw,” and it had the numerical value of 6. But the Greek letter “sigma” is the 18th letter in the Greek Alphabet, equivalent to the Hebrew “sin,” and it has the numerical value of 200---not six! 

So while I agree that the name “Jesus” has a pagan origin, (as it comes from Y’Zeus), it does not add up to 666, and therefore, does not meet the criteria for the mark of the beast.

Let’s us add up the letters to the Greek word for Jesus: 

Ιησους (Iesous or Jesus) 

Iota = 10
Eta = 8
Sigma = 200
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Sigma = 200
Total = 888

Let’s us add up the letters to the Greek word for Christos: 

Χριστός (Christos)

Chi = 600 
Ro = 100 
Iota = 10 
Sigma = 200 
Tau = 300 
Omicron = 70 
Sigma = 200
Total = 1480

There are several different ways to calculate the names of people in Gematria. At the following website, you can calculate various terms adding up to 666, 888 or 444.

In English Gematria, you would assign A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, D = 24, E = 30 and so on. When calculating in English Gematria, we arrive at the very same numeric value for the name Jesus, Yshua, & Messiah. They all add up to 444!

The word Yshua = 444

The word Messiah = 444

The Total:

Jesus Messiah = 888
Yshua Messiah = 888

At the above website, the name “Christos” adds up to 666. My guess is that it is because the Greeks called all of their false pagan gods “Christos!”

Therefore, we should refrain from using this title Christos for the true Hebrew Messiah! 

We are now entering into the last days of end-time prophecy, and this means that we are being called out of Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of all Harlots!

YaHuWaH, our Creator is removing the false names of Baal, and the false pagan deities from our lips! And this includes the name Jesus, God, and Lord!

Hoshea 2:

16 And it shall be at that day, saith YHWH,that you shall call me Ishi (husband); and shall call me no more Baali (Baal or Lord).

17 For I will take away the names of Baalim(Lords) out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

In the Strong’s Concordance the word “Baal” means Lord!

#H1168 Baal: A Phoenician Deity; Lord; Husband, Master.

If you were saved using the name Jesus (like I was back in 1981), then it is time to “go on unto perfection” (Hebrews 6:1), and begin to call upon him by his true name of salvation!

That name is YaHuWShuWA (Joshua in Ancient Hebrew).

Prophecy is being fulfilled right now, as YaHuWaH is restoring his covenant people to a pure language which is called “Edenic,” or Ancient Hebrew. Why is he restoring us to a pure language in these last days? So that we may all call upon his true name, YaHuWaH with one consent!

Tzphanyahuw (Zephaniah) 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of YHWH, to serve him with one consent

See my other blogs below, by clicking on the hyper-links:


  1. David Morris - SYD

    Thanks for the write up Maria.

    With the emphasis on the STIGMA vs SIGMA / 200 vs 006

    I'm curious why your Spreadsheet detailing each numbers value & more doesn't include this important number (6). The important part of the puzzle....

    1. Shalom David Morris,

      If you look carefully at the chart, the 6th letter for the Greek Alphabet is missing. It shows the 5th letter, and then after that, it jumps to the 7th letter. That is because the letter Stigma has fallen out of use. I have also added some new graphics to this blog showing what the letter Sigma & Stigma look like.

      Also, after I went through and proof-read this blog, I noticed that I made an error in citing that the letter "chi" makes the same sound as in "champion." That is incorrect. I corrected the citation and used a better example. The letter "chi" makes the same sound as in the "ch" in "chemistry" or "mechanics."
