Friday, March 15, 2024

When is Passover?

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, March 2024

Every year, (leading up to the season of Passover), many people write to me, asking when the date of Passover will be. It’s easy to just look it up on the internet and find the traditional dates that Judaism goes by. However, the Jewish calendar that is used today is missing the years before the flood, and it is also based on a mathematical calculation, rather than observation of the celestial bodies in the heavens.

What Constitutes a New Moon?

In ancient Yisra’el (before the Roman Siege in 70 A.D.), the new month was determined by “new moon watchers” who stood on the walls of Jerusalem, and they waited for the first crescent moon to appear in the sky. When they spotted the new moon, (every 29-30 days), they reported their findings to the Jewish Sanhedrin. Once the new moon had been determined and sanctified, the Sanhedrin would send out couriers to notify the surrounding tribes of Yisra’el that the new month had arrived called “Rosh Chodesh” or “The head of the month.” 

In the Fourth Century however, under the Jewish Council called “Hillel II,” the Sanhedrin determined that it was too difficult to keep the times and the seasons according to the “sighted moon” in Yisra’el (because they were in diaspora). Therefore, they began using an alternate method of determining a new month based on a Greek mathematician’s calculations. 

Because, they were in exile in the nations, they could not site the moon from Jerusalem. Hence, today the calendar used in Judaism is based on the “conjunction moon” (the dark moon), rather than the “sighted moon,” which our Creator commands us to keep. 

In Deuteronomy 16:1, the command he gave is to “Observe the month Abib.” The Hebrew word for observe is shamar, which means “To watch narrowly for, to be a watchman.” The Hebrew word for month is chodesh, which literally means a renewed lunar cycle, or new moon. In other words, we are commanded to watch for the new moon.

Since 1948, (when Yisra’el was officially reborn as a nation), there has been no excuse to continue using a pre-fixed calendar. However, the Jewish Sanhedrin has not made a ruling on this matter yet, as they are waiting for the Temple to be built first. Therefore, the rest of the Jewish world goes along with the Hillel II Calendar. See the link below for a more detailed explanation of what constitutes a new moon according to Scripture:

There are those within the Hebraic Community who have now eliminated the sighting of the moon from the time-keeping mechanism that YaHuWaH has established. Those who are following the non-canonical Book of Jubilees, have gone with the same Solar Calendar that the Roman Catholic Church uses. 

But what does our Creator say? How does he want us to measure TIMES & SEASONS? 

Bereshiyth (Genesis) 1:14 And Elohiym said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be FOR SIGNS AND FOR SEASONS [festivals, feasts], and for days, and years: 

*Explanation: The sun, moon & stars are given to us as a time-clock to measure the SEASONS, which in Hebrew is the word “mowediym, which means the festivals or feast days!


Those who have abandoned the Torah for time-keeping, are now consulting the Book of Jubilees, which eliminates the commandment to sight the new moon. See my other blogs for more information:

I have encountered at least ten different followers of Messiah, over the past two years (who were at one time, keeping the sighting of the new moon). These same people have now abandoned biblical time-keeping, in exchange for the Book of Jubilees which is a Pseudepigraphal work. 

This means that the writings in this book pretend to have been written by the Zadok Priesthood, but they were not. It is more likely that the book was written by the Essenes in the Qumran Community in the 2nd Century B.C. There is a growing trend in these last days (among professing believers), to embrace extra-biblical writings, in exchange for the 66 inspired books that were canonized by the Kingdom of Judah & the Protestant Churches of England.

These same people are holding the Roman Catholic Apocrypha books as being inspired Scripture, even though many of these extra-biblical books contradict what is written in the Torah & Prophets. These same people claim that Scripture does not command us to sight the new moon for time-keeping. 

They say that the word “chodesh” (new moon) simply means “month,” but they claim it has nothing to do with the object of the moon itself. They will argue that Genesis 1:16 is not describing the the moon, when it says that Yah made the lesser light to rule the night. 

But lets test that theory, shall we? King David repeated Genesis 1:14-16 in Psalms 136, and he identifies the LESSER LIGHT AS THE MOON! 

Tehilliym (Psalms) 136: 

6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endures forever. 

7 To him that MADE GREAT LIGHTS: for his mercy endures forever: 

8 THE SUN TO RULE BY DAY: for his mercy endures forever: 

9 THE MOON AND STARS TO RULE BY NIGHT: for his mercy endures forever. 

After YaHuWaH delivered the children of Yisra’el out of Mitzrayim (Egypt), he wanted us to commemorate the time when he delivered us out of the bondage of sin and death. From that point moving forward, YaHuWaH commanded Mosheh (Moses) and Aharown (Aaron) to begin the year in the 1st month called “Abib” or in Modern Hebrew “Aviv” or Nisan.

Shemoth (Exodus) 12:

1 And YHWH spoke unto Mosheh and Aharown in the land of Mitzrayim (Egypt) saying,

2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

This was to fall every year, 14 days before YaHuWaH’s Passover (Pesach) in the month of the Abib (Aviv). In Nehemiah 2:1 & Esther 3:7, this first month on the Hebrew calendar began to be called “Nisan, while the House of Judah were in Babylonian exile. Today, the rabbinic calendar still uses the Babylonian name “Nisan for the month of “Abib.” 

The word “Abib” in the Strong’s Hebrew Concordance has the following definition:

# 24 ‘abiyb aw-beeb’ from an unused root (meaning to be tender); green, i.e. a young ear of grain; hence, the name of the month Abib or Nisan:--Abib, ear, green ears of corn (not maize).

Every year in Yisra’el, we determine a New Year by three things according to Genesis 1:14-18: the sun, the moon & the stars. We first determine a New Year by the full revolution of the earth around the sun (365.25 days) which is called a circuit. The Hebrew word for “circuit” in Scripture is seen in the Strong’s Concordance as follows:

#8622 tquwphah tek-oo-faw’ or tquphah {tek-oo-faw’}; from 5362; a revolution of the earth around the sun, course, (of time) lapse:--circuit, come about, end.

In the book of Psalms, King Dawiyd (David) speaks of the revolution of the earth around the sun each year which is the same Hebrew word “tquwphah.”

Tehilliym (Psalms) 19:6 His going forth is FROM ONE END OF HEAVEN, and HIS CIRCUIT UNTO THE ENDS OF IT: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

Secondly, we look for the new moon following the Vernal Equinox (around March 19th - 25th) when the earth has made a full 
revolution) around the sun. Thirdly, we look for the constellation of Aries the Ram over Yisra’el, because the ram is symbolic of the first-born son. The ram was seen in Scripture with his horns caught in a thicket (Genesis 22:13). The Hebrew word “thicket,” means “A thorn bush!” This reminds us of the crown of thorns that was placed upon our Messiahs head, to symbolize that he was taking away the curse of sin from us!

Our Messiah also became the first-born of every creature (Colossians 1:15) when he resurrected from the dead, as he has given us the right to become first-born sons when we are born-again of incorruptible seed (1st Peter 1:23). 

When the first crescent moon appears, and the Ram is seen over Yisra’el, then we know it is the month of Abib (when the barley is green). You can download the Stellarium software below to look for the constellations over Yisra’el which prophetically point to YaHuWaHs Feasts.

*Disclaimer: We are warned in Deuteronomy 18:10-11 not to use the constellations for fortune-telling and divination purposes. Genesis 1:14-16 tells us that YaHuWaH gave us the sun, the moon and the stars for time-keeping---not for personal fortune-telling. 

Finally, when the first ripening of the barley harvest is seen, we can know for sure that the New Year has arrived. We are not supposed to determine our own times and seasons by a pre-determined date. We are meant to be totally dependant upon YaHuWaH to establish the times and the seasons.

As soon as the barley is “Abib” and the new moon appears following the Vernal Equinox, we can accurately say it is “Rosh ha’Shanah” or the “Head of the Year” according to Yah’s rendering of time:

Shemoth (Exodus) 13:

3 And Mosheh said unto the people, Remember this day, in which you came out from Mitzrayim (Egypt), out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand YHWH brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten.

This day came you out in the month Abib (Aviv).

Some people have written to me questioning my use of the term Vernal Equinox, because the pagans also refer to this time of year as an important time for their sun-god worship rituals. But the dictionary also defines this term for us: Vernal Equinox:

Either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic; either of the two times each year (as about March 21 and September 23) when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere on earth of approximately equal length.

As you can see, this term Equinox is simply a marking point for spring & autumn wherein both times of the year, the day-time and the night-time are of equal length. This indicates that the earth has made a full revolution around the sun. This is how we know that it is a new solar year. Our Creators calendar is based off of these three heavenly luminaries created in Genesis 1:14: The sun, the moon and the stars. Therefore, all three witnesses must testify that it is a new year.

Our Heavenly Father is the one who has the authority to “know” the times and the seasons:

Maaseh Shlichiym (Acts) 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in his own power.

Therefore, we cannot presumptuously predict when the New Year begins. It is not determined by the Pope, nor by the Rabbi’s within Judaism, nor by any scientist or astronomer. The times and the seasons are determined by our Heavenly Father, who has put these things into his own power, and it is he who has given us the method by which he wants us to measure them.

Understanding the Two Calendars in Scripture

On the first day of the seventh month of Ethaniym (Tishri), the Yahuwdiym (Jewish) people refer to Yom Teruah as their New Year, aka “Rosh Ha’Shanah.” This is reckoned as the Civil New Year, which measures linear time. However, in Scripture this day is called “A memorial of blowing trumpets” or “The day of blowing.

To clear up some confusion, it is important to understand that there are two calendars in Scripture. The calendar that was being used since the beginning (at the creation), is a “Civil Calendar,” which cycles around in the seventh Hebrew month of Ethaniym (Tishri). This calendar measures linear time each year from Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur. It is in this seventh month that we measure Sabbatical Years, aka Shemitta. It is also when we measure fifty-year Jubilee cycles.

The seventh month in the year, is literally called “The birthday of the world,” and it is when Adam was first formed, and the breath of YaHuWaH was breathed into him. To learn more, see this website:

At the time of the Exodus, (Exodus 12:2 & 13:4), YaHuWaH introduced a second calendar, which is a “Sacred Calendar.” This calendar cycles around in the spring, on the first day of the first Hebrew month called Abib (Nisan). This calendar measures the seven annual festivals outlined in Leviticus 23, as well as the three harvest seasons of the year, which are as follows: 

1.) The Barley Harvest - The 17th day of Abib in the Spring on the Feast of First-Fruits.

2.) The First Wheat Harvest - The 50th day from First-Fruits in the Summer, which is called Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost).

3.) The Second Wheat Harvest - begins in the Fall in the seventh month, and ends with the closing of the Feast of Tabernacles.

From Genesis 1 until Exodus 12:2, Scripture uses the Civil Calendar when referring to dates. However, in Exodus 12:2, Elohiym introduced a second calendar. Moving forward, all dates mentioned in Scripture, (from Exodus 12:2-Revelation 22:21) are referring to the ones on this Sacred Calendar.

The Sacred Calendar is Seven Months Long

The Sacred Calendar marks the beginning of the Spiritual New Year and it governs the timing of YaHuWaH’s Feasts outlined in Leviticus 23. 

YaHuWaH’s Feasts set the appointed times (days) for the manifestation of Elohiym’s redemption in Messiah Yahuwshuwa, which has to do with our spiritual position in him. Passover celebrates the beginning of our salvation through the blood of Yahuwshuwa, (our Passover Lamb), and takes place in the first month on the Sacred Calendar. Consequently, the 1st of Abib (Aviv/Nisan) marks the beginning of Elohiym’s Spiritual New Year in Messiah, that he established at the Exodus:

Shemoth (Exodus)12:1-2 And YHWH spoke unto Mosheh (Moses) and Aharown (Aaron) in the land of Mitzrayim (Egypt) saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

Shemoth (Exodus) 13:

3 And Mosheh (Moses) said unto the people, Remember this day, in which you came out from Mitzrayim (Egypt), out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand YHWH brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten.

This day came you out in the month Abib.

In many businesses today, they have what is called “A Fiscal Year,” where the company does their annual inventory and they report their income to the government. 

This is the same thing that the Jews mean when they refer to this time of year as a “Civil New Year” called “Rosh HaShanah.” 

In the 1st month of the year called Abib (Aviv or Nisan), this commemorates the time when YaHuWaH brought Yisra’el out of Egypt. This is to be celebrated 14 days before Passover.

The idea of calling the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishri “Rosh Ha’Shanah” comes from the fact that on the “Rabbinic Calendar” reckoning, they are using the calendar that was instituted before YaHuWaH brought Yisrael out of Egypt. 

However, we cannot justify referring to the Feast of Trumpets as “Rosh Ha’Shanah,” because Scripture never calls it that. Scripture calls it “Yom Teruah,” which means “The Day of Blowing.” 

Two Scriptures are primarily used to defend the Jewish New Year on the Feast of Trumpets, aka Rosh HaShanah: 

Shemoth (Exodus) 23:16 The feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when you have gathered in your labours out of the field.

Shemoth (Exodus) 34:22 You shall celebrate... the Feast of Ingathering at the turn (revolution) of the year.

The End of a Seven-Month-Long Sacred Year 

The end of the year mentioned in the above passages refers to Yisra’el’s Sacred Calendar, whereby the feasts are measured on a seven-month-long cycle. These feasts begin with Passover and end seven months later with The Feast of Tabernacles. This agricultural year begins with the spring barley harvest during the season of Passover and ends with the fall wheat harvest on the last day of Tabernacles (Sukkoth). 

This agricultural calendar is based on a seven-month-long lunar cycle, which refers to the monthly rotation of the moon around the earth. Thus the Hebrew Concordance describes a revolution of time as “The time of planting and harvests.”

The following words below in Hebrew are used to describe the end of the harvest season:

#8622 tquwphah tek-oo-faw from #5362; a revolution (around the sun) course of time; circuit, come about, end.

#5362 naqaphto strike with more or less violence; beat, knock together; surround or circulate; cut down, destroy, go around.

This word “naqaph” refers to the season of threshing the wheat. The wheat is “beaten” so that the chaff is left behind and nothing but the wheat is left.

Yisra’el’s lunar-based agricultural year ends at the conclusion of Sukkoth, with the winter wheat harvest at the last feast of the agricultural year which represents “The end-time harvest” for New Covenant believers. The “first-fruits” harvest for those who were redeemed when Messiah resurrected happened during the Spring Feasts representing all those saved under the Old Covenant (see Ephesians 4:8-9 & Luke 16:1-31). To find out more about the how to determine a biblical new moon, see the link below:

When is Passover in 2024?

We do not know the exact date of Passover yet, because we are still waiting for the New Moon Watchers in Yisra’el to report to us when the New Moon of Abib is. We are expecting that it will be on April 9th or 10th. Once the New Moon has been sighted, we count 14 days until Passover/Pesach. 

If the moon is sighted on April 9th, we will be keeping Passover on the evening of April 22nd. If the new moon is sighted on April 10th, we will be keeping Passover on the evening of April 23rd. In the meantime, the Spring Equinox is on March 19th, telling us that we are in a New Solar Year. 

However, according to Deuteronomy 16:1, we must also reckon the New Moon of the New Year, and that is yet to be determined. Those who are searching for the ripe barley in Yisra’el right now, have not found enough ripe barley to be ready to make the First-Fruits Wave Sheaf Offering in time for The Feast of First-Fruits. 

And, there are conflicting reports right now about the barley, but the fact remains that those who are only using the barley as a witness, are not taking into account the CONSTELLATION OF THE RAM, which is a SIGN OF THE FIRST-BORN! 

Those who are keeping Pesach in March, are keeping it in the month of the FISH, INSTEAD OF THE RAM! 

The sign that we are keeping Passover/Pesach in the correct month, is that the RAM SHOULD BE VISIBLE OVER JERUSALEM on April 23rd 2024, which is the first day of Passover! 

In Deuteronomy 16:1, the command that YaHuWaH gave is to “OBSERVE THE MONTH ABIB.” The Hebrew word for “OBSERVE” is “SHAMAR,” which means “TO WATCH NARROWLY FOR, TO BE A WATCHMAN.” 

There is no need to watch narrowly for a dark moon, nor a full moon. The only thing that requires WATCHING NARROWLY FOR IS THE SLIVER! The Hebrew word for “MONTH” is “CHODESH,” which literally means “RENEWED LUNAR CYCLE!” 

In other words, we are commanded to watch for the NEW MOON! Those who have abandoned the Torah, and are now keeping the Solar Calendar from the Book of Jubilees will argue that the word “MONTH” does not mean “MOON,” which is the word “YAREACH.” 

The Hebrew word “CHODESH,” does not mean the physical object of the moon itself (Yareach), but the word “CHODESH,” is describing A RENEWED LUNAR CYCLE! 

To further corroborate, we have a few other places in Scripture telling us that the yareach (moon) is to be consulted for measuring the time of the festivals: 

Tehilliym (Psalm) 89:37 It shall be established forever as THE MOON [YAREACH], and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah. 

Tehilliym (Psalm) 104:19 He APPOINTED THE MOON [YAREACH] FOR SEASONS [MOWEDIYM; FEASTS]: the sun knows his going down. 

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 31:35 Thus says YHWH, which gives the sun for a light by day, and THE ORDINANCES OF THE MOON [YAREACH] and of the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the waves hereof roar; YHWH of hosts is his name: 

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 31:36 IF THOSE ORDINANCES DEPART FROM BEFORE ME, says YHWH, then the seed of Yisra’el also shall cease from being a nation before me forever. 

The Hebrew word for “ORDINANCES,” in the above passages are as follows: 

#2708 chuqqah khook-kaw' feminine of 2706, and meaning substantially the same:--APPOINTED CUSTOM, manner, ordinance, site, STATUTE. 

#2706 choq khoke from 2710; an enactment; hence, an appointment (of time, space, quantity, labor or usage):--appointed, bound, COMMANDMENT, convenient, custom, decree(-d), due, LAW, MEASURE, NECESSARY, ordinance(- nary), portion, set time, STATUTE, task. 

See this blog to understand how to follow the biblical reckoning of times and seasons:

As you can see from this image on the Stellarium Software, on April 13th, Pisces the Fish will still be near the sun over Jerusalem. But Aries, the Ram will begin to move in closer to the sun. However, by April 23rd, Pisces the Fish will begin to move out of the path of the sun, while Aries the Ram will be in plain view over Jerusalem next to the sun, just in time for the Week of Passover & Unleavened Bread.

When the quibbling over the barley does not solve things, I find that the Mazzaroth (Job 38:32) helps to verify when Passover has arrived! 

Genesis 1:14-16 tells us that YaHuWaH has given us the SUN, THE MOON & THE STARS FOR TIMES & FOR SEASONS! 

The word “SEASONS” in Hebrew is “Mowediym,” which means “FESTIVALS!” 

One gentleman wrote to me on Facebook, and this is what he said:

“Where, in Scripture, is the command that the sun must be in Aries to begin the new year? I know you referenced Abraham and Isaac with the ram, but it seems to me you are just assuming a connection to determining the new moon of the Aviv.” 

My response:

It’s in Job 38:32 Do you bring out the constellations in its season? Or do you lead the Bear with its sons?” 

YaHuWaH told Job that he brings out the constellations in its season! 

“First of all, I did not say that the sun must be in Aries to begin the New Year. I said that the Ram should be visible in the night sky in Jerusalem during the season of Passover. Where in Scripture does it tell us to go looking for barley? Obviously, we are commanded to wave the first-fruits of the barley on the Feast of First-Fruits. So, even though Scripture does not explicitly tell us to go hunting for barley, it is understood that we should do it.” 

The same thing is true with the constellations, since Genesis 1:14-16 tells us that YaHuWaH has given us the SUN, THE MOON & THE STARS FOR TIMES & FOR SEASONS! 

The word “SEASONS” in Hebrew is “mowediym,” which means “FESTIVALS!”

In Genesis 37, Joseph saw in his dream that the sheaves all bowed down to him. This is a prophetic picture of Messiah, and the 11 tribes bowing down to him. Yahuwshuwa (being from the Tribe of Judah), means that the other 11 tribes will bow down to him in the future when he returns. 

Joseph also had a second dream that the sun, the moon, and the stars bowed down to him, which is yet another prophetic picture of the celestial bodies bowing down to our Messiah. 

That’s why I believe we should go by Genesis 1:14-16 first (the sun, the moon and the stars), and then the sheaves of barley are the fourth witness. That’s not to say that we don’t need the barley, or that the barley is not important. It’s just that the sun, the moon and the stars lead to the time when the barley will be automatically ripe. 

Therefore, if we focus first on the sun, secondly on the moon, and thirdly and the stars, the barley will naturally follow. But by focusing too much on the barley, (before the Spring Equinox), we get ahead of YaHuWaH, and that causes strife and division among believers. I am not saying that we don’t need barley for the First-Fruits wave sheaf offering. 

What I am saying, is that the barley will always be ripe at YaHuWaH’s correct timing. When we try and rationalize when the barley is ready (leaning on our own understanding), without consulting the other time-keeping pieces, we can end up being wrong. 

Therefore, when I say that the barley is the fourth witness, I believe that if we go by the Spring Equinox (to determine the solar year); and then the New Moon after the Equinox, the barley will be ready at the correct time by default. 

It’s like following a recipe to bake a cake, and the recipe says to bake it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. We don’t have to keep on opening the oven to test the cake with a toothpick. If we trust the recipe or the formula, then we can be sure that after 30 minutes the cake will pass the toothpick test. 

It’s the same with the barley. If we follow the pattern of Genesis 1:14-16 with the sun, the moon and the stars, the barley will also be ripe when it is supposed to be.

The Spring Equinox on March 19th 2024

Today is the Tequwphah” (revolution of the earth around the sun). It is the Spring Equinox, which determines the NEW SOLAR YEAR! 

However, the Biblical New Year does not begin until we sight the NEXT NEW MOON on April 9th or 10th.

There are “TWO NEW YEARS” in Scripture: 

1.) The 7-month Agricultural Year: This measures the three harvests and the seven feasts, and it runs it’s course the 1st month through the 7th month (see Exodus 12:2 & 13:4). 

2.) The 12-month Linear Year: This measures linear time from the creation until Messiah returns to gather the harvest of souls at the Feast of Ingathering (Sukkot). This runs it’s course from Yom Kippur through Yom Kippur (see Leviticus 23:16; 25:9 & Exodus 34:22).

Those who are still quibbling over the barley need to know that it is in the MONTH OF THE RAM (ARIES) when the Kingdom of Yahuwdah (Judah) have always kept Passover.

Calling the “Abib” before the month of the Ram is running ahead of YaHuWaH’s time-keeping formula! If we follow his formula, and in his order, the barley will always be ripe on time.

Those who have eliminated the sighting of the new moon, (and are only watching the sun & stars), are also running ahead of YaHuWaH, because they are keeping Passover 14 days after the Vernal or Spring Equinox. This means that those following the so-called Zadok or Enoch Calendar are keeping Passover on April 1st.

We begin with Genesis 1:14-16, which gives us THREE WITNESSES for time-keeping: THE SUN, THE MOON & THE STARS. 



After we have sighted the new moon from Jerusalem, we then count 14 days until Passover! 

If the new moon is sighted on April 9th, the first night of the 14th Abib will be on April 22nd. If it falls on the 10th of April, the 14th of Abib will be on April 23rd.

The Hebrew word “Abib” means “Green ears of grain.” 

The Hebrew Letters for the word “Abib” are as follows: 

Aleph - The head of the Ox, the strong leader, the head of the household. 

Beyt - The house or tent. 

Yod - The Nail, the connector. 

Beyt - The house or tent. 

AB, the Father, is the LEADER of the Two Houses of Yisra’el, and he is holding us together by the NAIL, which is our Messiah’s sacrifice.

When AB-RAHAM (Father of Nations) offered up his son Yitzchaq (Isaac), there was a RAM with his horns caught in thicket (A THORN BUSH), which is a prophetic picture our Messiah’s CROWN OF THORNS! 

The Ram, therefore, became the SUBSTITUTE FOR THE FIRST-BORN SON! 

In Egypt, YaHuWaH said to Pharaoh “Yisra’el is my FIRST-BORN SON!” (Exodus 4:22). 

*The Sun - Determines the solar year (tequwphah or revolution of the earth around the sun). This is the Spring Equinox, which is today on March 19th. 

*The Moon - The New Moon of Abib, is the next Renewed Moon following the Solar Year (which is on March 19th). 

*The Stars or Constellations, the Mazzaroth - 13 constellations named after the 13 Tribes (Ephrayim being the 13th Tribe). The 13th Month of Adar is for Ephrayim, THE LOST SHEEP IN THE NATIONS! 

When Messiah returns, Ephrayim will be ABSORBED INTO JUDAH, and THE TWO SHALL BE MADE ONE STICK! (Ezekiel 37:16-17).

Once the Abomination of Desolation is seen in the Holy Place in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15-21), the ministry of the Two Witnesses will begin, and it will last for 1,260 days or 42 months. 

This is when “The days shall be shortened(Matthew 24:22), and the solar year will go back to 360 days, instead of 365-25 days. 

See my blog: Except Those Days Should Be Shortened

Once this happens, we will no longer need a 13th month, but only 12 months for the 12 Tribes. This is the reason why Yahuwseph (Joseph) had a dream that his eleven brothers (represented as eleven sheaves of grain) bowed down to him.

What is the Difference Between Sidereal & Tropical Mazzaroth (Zodiac)?

The Sidereal Mazzaroth is historically the original (and therefore used in ancient biblical time-keeping). Sidereal accounts for the Earth’s axial precession, and maintains the alignment between signs and constellations. Whereas, the Tropical Mazzaroth is based upon the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere, and it originated in Babylon around the 6th Century B.C. Therefore, when YaHuWaH spoke in Job 38 about the Mazzaroth, he would have been referring to the Sidereal System. 

In 2024, the Tropical Mazzaroth has Aries the Ram beginning on March 21st - April 19th. Conversely, the Sidereal Mazzaroth has Aries the Ram positioned near the sun from April 14th - May 14th. 

Is There a Precedent for a 13th Month of Adar in Scripture?

Since the Hillel II Jewish calendar has been fixed, leap months have been added according to the Metonic Cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months, and 7 are leap years of 13 months. This 19-year cycle is known in Hebrew as the Machzor Katan, meaning “Little Cycle.” 

I find it interesting that there are seven leap years within a Metonic Cycle, since “sevenis a number that represents “covenant.There are also “The seven assembliesin the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. Conversely, there are 12 non-leap years of 12 months for the Twelve Tribes, and 12 x 12 = 144.

Even though Scripture does not specifically mention a 13th month of Adar, we do know that the Tribe of Ephrayim is the 13th Tribe, who was added to the House of Yisra’el in Genesis 48:19. Jacob prophesied over his youngest grandson, calling him “A multitude of nations,” or in Hebrew “Melo haGoyim,” which literally means “Fullness of the Gentiles” (Romans 11:25).

The Apostle Shaul (Paul) was also the 13th Apostle, who was sent to preach to these lost sheep of Yisra’el in the nations. Additionally, Shaul (Paul) wrote 13 Epistles to these 13 Tribes. 

Another important thing to understand, is that there are actually 13 constellations in the Mazzaroth!

Scripture teaches that Elohiym arranged the stars into recognizable groups that we call constellations. The Bible mentions three of these: Orion, the Bear (Ursa Major), and “The crooked serpent” (most likely Draco) in Job 9:9; 26:13; 38:31-32; and Amos 5:8. 

The same passages also reference the star group called Pleiades, aka “The Seven Stars,which symbolize “The Seven Angels of the Seven Assemblies, in Revelation 1:20.

Elohiym is the one who “fastens the bands” of these constellations; He is the one who brings them forth, “each in its season.” In Job 38:32, Elohiym also points us to the “Mazzaroth,” usually translated “constellations.” In a normal solar year of 12 months, each of these is named after the 12 Tribes of Yisra’el.

However, lo, and behold, we discover that there are actually 13 constellations! This is because Jacob added Ephrayim as the 13th tribe, and Manasseh as the 14th tribe! 

The 13th constellation is called “The serpent-bearer,” or in Greek, “Ophiuchus.” It is a large constellation straddling the celestial equator, and it is commonly represented as a man grasping a snake. 

Yowb (Job) 26:12 He divides the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smites through the proud.  

Yowb (Job) 26:13 By his spirit he has garnished the heavens; HIS HAND HAS FORMED THE CROOKED SERPENT.  

Looking up this word for “crooked,in Hebrew, shows us a prophetic picture of the fleeing serpent, who is being defeated by our Messiah. Yahuwshuwa has given us the power to chase away the serpent from our midst:

#1281 bariyach baw-ree'-akh or (shortened) bariach {baw-ree'-akh}; from 1272; a fugitive, i.e. the fleeing serpent, and the constellation by that name:--crooked, noble, piercing.

#1272 barach baw-rakh' a primitive root; to bolt, i.e. figuratively, to flee suddenly:--chase away; drive away, fain, flee (away), put to flight, make haste, reach, run away, shoot

The “crooked serpent” is mentioned again by the prophet Isaiah, and he calls him “Leviathan, that crooked serpent.The prophecy goes on say that YaHuWaH will punish this serpent, and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. 

In Revelation 13:1, we read about “The beast that rises up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns... This is obviously referencing the same serpent from the Garden of Eden who beguiled Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit. 

But this serpent has now grown up into a huge dragon in these last days. His influence is no longer over just two people in the garden. Revelation 12:9 says that he deceives the entire world.

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 27:1 In that day YHWH with his sore and great and strong sword SHALL PUNISH LEVIATHAN THE PIERCING SERPENT, even LEVIATHAN THAT CROOKED SERPENT; and HE SHALL SLAY THE DRAGON THAT IS IN THE SEA.

The Hebrew Concordance shows the definition of Leviathan as follows:

לִוְיָתָן livyâthân, liv-yaw-thawn'; from H3867; a wreathed animal, i.e. a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster); figuratively, the constellation of the dragon; also as a symbol of Babylon.

Chazown (Revelation) 12:9 And THE GREAT DRAGON was cast out, THAT OLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, and SATAN, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 

Chazown (Revelation) 20:1 And I saw a messenger (malak) come down from heaven, HAVING THE KEY OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT and a great chain in his hand. 

Chazown (Revelation) 20:2 And HE LAID HOLD ON THE DRAGON, THAT OLD SERPENT, WHICH IS THE DEVIL, and SATAN, and BOUND HIM a thousand years,

*Hint: Who has the keys to death and Sheol (Hell)? The Hebrew & Greek definition for “angel” means “A messenger, a king, a prophet, ambassador, priest, etc.” 

Therefore, I believe it is our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa who will cast the devil into the bottomless pit. This constellation of Ophiochus shows a man laying hold on the dragon, that old serpent called the devil!


Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 26:8 And FIVE OF YOU SHALL CHASE A HUNDRED, and A HUNDRED of you SHALL PUT TEN THOUSAND TO FLIGHT: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. 

Debariym (Deuteronomy) 32:30 How should ONE CHASE A THOUSAND, and TWO PUT TEN THOUSAND TO FLIGHT, except their Rock had sold them, and YHWH had shut them up?

Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 4:10 Then said Yahuwshuwa unto him, GET YOU HENCE, SATAN: for it is written, You shall worship YHWH your Elohiym, and him only shall you serve.

This serpent-bearer,represents our Messiah who was prophesied to “crush the head of the serpent,(Genesis 3:15). Our Messiah is also represented as the “The bronze serpent on the pole,(John 3:14), because Scripture tells us “He has made us to be sin for us, who knew no sin(2nd Corinthians 5:21).

You will also notice that Ophiuchus is treading on a Scorpion! That should remind us of the promise that our Messiah gave us in Luke:

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to TREAD ON SERPENTS and SCORPIONS, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Mark 16:18 They shall 
TAKE UP SERPENTS; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

In Romans 11:13, Shaul (Paul) called himself “The Apostle of the Gentiles,which are the lost sheep of Yisra’el in the nations. In Acts 28, the Shaul (Paul) was sent to preach to the l3th Tribe (Ephrayim) in the nations. 

In Acts 28:3-6, Paul was on the Island of Melita (Malta), when he was bitten by a serpent on his hand! When he placed a bundle of fire-wood on the fire, out came a serpent, which fastened itself on his hand. 

But as we continue to read the account, Paul came away unscathed by the snakes bite, and it was a miraculous sign that lead to souls believing in Yahuwshuwa as the Messiah.

Therefore, we can see that Paul was the 13th apostle who wrote 13 epistles to 13 tribes. There are also 13 constellations, therefore, we must conclude that there is a precedent for there a 13th month of Adar.  

During the Great Tribulation, we are going back to a 360-day calendar, just like in the days of Noah. Every month will evenly be 30 days long.

Once the Two Witnesses (The Two Olive Trees & Two Candlestick) come back together, and are made ONE NEW MAN & ONE STICK, Ephrayim will be joined to Judah, and we will no longer need a 13th month for the 13th Tribe of Ephrayim! 

The Two Witnesses will have a ministry of 42 months or 1,260 days during the tribulation. 

12 x 30 = 360. 
1,260 days divided by 3.5 = 30 

There is no such thing such thing as a 364-day calendar in Scripture. There are 360 degrees to a perfect circle in Geometry, therefore, it stands to reason that we are going back to a 360-day year, once the Great Tribulation arrives!

I would like to summarize this teaching, by sharing the following graphic I made. You will see that there is a clear pattern in Scripture for a 13th month.

This is because Jacob added his two grandsons to the original 12 tribes, thus causing there to be 14 named tribes. However, Ephrayim is together with Joseph, therefore, there are only 13 tribes in all.

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 37:16 Moreover, You son of man, take you one stick, and write upon it, For Yahuwdah (Judah), and for the children of Yisra’el his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, FOR JOSEPH, THE STICK OF EPHRAIM, and for all the house of Yisra’el his companions: 

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 37:19 Say unto them, Thus says YHWH Elohiym; Behold, I WILL TAKE THE STICK OF JOSEPH, WHICH IS IN THE HAND OF EPRHAIM, and the tribes of Yisra’el his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Yahuwdah (Judah), and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.