Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Four Beasts & The Four Roman Empires

By Maria Merola אריאל © Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

What is meant by the prophecy in Revelation 17:10-11 of “THE BEAST THAT WAS, AND IS NOT & YET IS?” 

We have often heard it said that “history repeats itself.In the case of biblical prophecy, there can be at least two or three repeated fulfilments of the same prophecy.

I have observed, that often-times prophecy has more than one layer of fulfillment. As an example, the prophecies concerning the Beast, apply to the empire itself, but also to the individual leader who rules over the empire. 

In the contemporary understanding of this prophecy, we can interpret this to mean that President Trump WAS the United States President in 2017, but then he WAS NOT the United States President in 2021. And now, he YET IS the United States President in 2025. 

President Trump has famously used both the Lion & the Eagle to symbolize himself on his NFT Cards.

We can see that Trump has arisen from the ashes of what seemed to be death to his political career following three Impeachment attempts, as well as many Indictments that threatened to place him in prison.

Papal Rome ruled over Europe from 313 A.D. (under Roman Emperor Constantine) until 1798 when Napoleon ended the Papal Rule over Europe. 

However, in 1929, Mussolini restored the Papal Rule over Europe. In 1933, Pope Pius XII signed the Reichskonkdordat Act with Hitler, and that gave Hitler permission to invade TEN EUROPEAN NATIONS, which are described in prophecy as TEN HORNS ON THE BEAST. 

Thus, Papal Rome WAS from 313 A.D. Then it WAS NOT in 1798 A.D. And then it YET IS since 1929. 

But this prophecy in Revelation 17:11 & Daniel 7-8 also applies to the FOUR ROMAN EMPIRES OF HISTORY as follows:

Here are the FOUR ROMAN EMPIRE BEASTS of Daniel 7-8: 

*1st Reich - Imperial Rome ruled by the Caesars (31 B.C. - 476 A.D.). 

*Explanation: The Roman Empire used the Eagle as it’s symbol, just as the United States does today.

*2nd Reich - Papal Rome ruled by Constantine in the 4th Century, and successive Popes as the Holy Roman Empire (313 A.D. - 1806 A.D.). 

*Explanation: Nazi Germany also used the Eagle as it’s symbol, just as Imperial Rome, and the United States does today. Nazi Germany also had a war tank named “the leopard.The leopard was also the symbol for Alexander the Great during his conquest for the Grecian Empire.

*3rd Reich - Nazi Germany commissioned by Pope Pius VII in 1933 under the Reichskonkordat Act (1933 A.D. - 1945 A.D.). 

*4th Reich - The United States of America taking over the entire world under President Trump. 

There are also FOUR ANCIENT EMPIRES OF HISTORY found in Daniel chapter 2:31-43: 

1.) Babylon. 
2.) Medo-Persia. 
3.) Greece. 
4.) Rome. 

But there are also FOUR MODERN EMPIRES OF HISTORY found in Daniel 7:2-8: 

1.) The British Empire & America as the lion with two eagles wings plucked. 

2.) The Bear as the USSR with the three ribs as Soviet Satellite States. 

3.) The Leopard with four heads & four wings, as Nazi Germany's Ten European Nations, which were divided to four nations after WW2 (England, Russia, France & USA). 

4.) The Diverse Beast is the United States of America, which will soon become the 4th Reich of the Roman Empire. 

To learn more, see my other blogs: 

Revelation 17:8 THE BEAST [EMPIRE] that you saw WAS, AND IS NOT, AND SHALL ACSEND out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold THE BEAST [EMPIRE] THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS. 

Revelation 17:11 And THE BEAST [EMPIRE] THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, EVEN HE IS THE EIGHTH, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and goes into perdition. 

The term “Beast” in Daniel chapter 7 refers to “Empires,” not merely individual nations. The Ancient Roman Empire (ruled by the Caesars) was not limited to the geographic location of Rome. 

It encompassed 25 conquered nations, which are as follows: 

Austria, Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Greece, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Hungary, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Serbia, Egypt, Gaul. 

Therefore, when people make the claim that Daniel 7:24-25 is speaking of Rome, that is not entirely accurate. The Imperial Roman Empire consisted of 25 nations! 

After Imperial Rome fell, there was “Papal Rome,” ruled by the Roman Emperor Constantine, who was the first official Pope, giving himself the title “Summus Pontifex Maximus,” which means “The Supreme & Ultimate Bridge.” 

Papal Rome encompassed these 13 nations: 

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, much of Italy, and parts of France, Denmark, and Poland. 

After Papal Rome fell in 1798 under Napoleon, Papal Rome was revived again in 1929 with Mussolini’s Lateran Treaty. Soon after that, Pope Pius XII signed the Reichskonkordat Act with Hitler in 1933. 

The ten nations (including Germany) that were conquered by Pope Pius XII & Hitler are as follows: 

Germany defeated and occupied Poland (attacked in September 1939), Denmark (April 1940), Norway (April 1940), Belgium (May 1940), the Netherlands (May 1940), Luxembourg (May 1940), France (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941), and Greece (April 1941). 

THE LITTLE HORN of Daniel 7 & 8 is the leader of the 4th Reich of the Holy Roman Empire, which is the United States of America! 

This is the FINAL END-TIME BEAST aka “THE EIGHTH KING” of Revelation 17:11: 

The Eight Kings/Empires of Revelation 17:10-11 are as follows: 

1.) Egypt (2,768 years). 
2.) Assyria (756 years). 
3.) Babylon (299 years). 
4.) Medo-Persia (66 years). 
5.) Greece (290 years). 
6.) Imperial & Papal Rome - (1,842 years). 
7.) British Empire - Continues a short space (108 years). 
8.) United States of America - 1945- to present under Yalta Agreement. 

And finally, the prophecy of Revelation 17:10-11 can also apply to the Popes since Mussolini restored the deadly wound of the Papal Power in Europe in 1929. Since 1929, Pope Francis is the 8th Pope/King of history. 

However, I have a hunch that Pope Francis could end up being disqualified as the 8th Pope since 1929 because of his crimes against children will be discovered. As you can see from the illustration below, Pope Francis often displays the official Pedophile Symbol on his garments, showing us exactly what he is.

Some have postulated that Pope John Paul II will be cloned or supposedly resurrected or brought back from his cryogenically frozen state and will rule again as the 8th Pope. This would seem to fulfill the prophecy that he is “the eighth, who is from one of the former seven.” In other words, although he was previously the sixth pope, but he could rule again as the eighth pope.

Although it was Pope John Paul II, who gave Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislain Maxwell a special blessing, it has been rumored that Pope Francis was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein, and he was often seen coming from Epstein's mansion in Manhattan, New York.

Now, let us examine the prophecy:

Revelation 17:11 And THE BEAST [EMPIRE] THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, EVEN HE IS THE EIGHTH, and IS OF THE SEVEN, and goes into perdition. 

Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, THE FOURTH BEAST [EMPIRE] shall be THE FOURTH KINGDOM [EMPIRE] upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and SHALL DEVOUR THE WHOLE EARTH, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 

As a side note, did you know that the United States of America became a WORLD SUPERPOWER IN 1945 UNDER THE YALTA AGREEMENT? 

Did you also know that the United States has around 750 military bases in more than 80 countries? This makes the U.S. the country with the most overseas military bases in the world! 

The term BRIC was first used by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill to describe the four economies that could dominate the global economy by 2050. 

South Africa joined the BRICS group in December 2010. In 2024, the BRICS group expanded to include Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Ethiopia have now joined the BRICS group. 

The TEN BRICS Nations stand for the acronym: Brazil, Russia, Iran, China & South Africa. However, there are now 5 more nations that have been added to the original 5. 

I expect that the TEN BRICS NATIONS will soon expand to the ENTIRE WORLD under Trump!

See the following article:

The seven heads on the beast are seven mountains upon which the woman sits (Revelation 17:9). While this prophecy pertains to the seven hills surrounding the Vatican, it also has a secondary interpretation pertaining to the G-7 Nations, not to be confused with the Ten Horns on the Beast. 

The Greek word for mountains in Revelation 17:9 is oros, which means elevation. There are seven continents in the world, which are also elevations. 

To learn more, see my blog: Who is Mystery Babylon?

In summary, we can see that prophecy has many layers of fulfillment, because our Creator, YaHuWaH, is THE ONE WHO WAS, and WHO IS, and WHO IS TO COME!

If YaHuWaH exists in all dimensions of time (past, present and future), we cannot limit prophecy to only one fulfillment in history.

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Illusion of Clouds Appearing ‘Behind’ the Sun or the Moon

By Maria Merola אריאל © Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

The Illusion of Clouds Appearing ‘Behind’ the Sun or the Moon

Sometimes, we can see clouds appearing as if they are behind the Sun or the Moon. Obviously, this is merely an illusion. But some flat-Earthers regard this as ‘evidence’ that the Sun and the Moon are close and apparently closer than some clouds. They are wrong. 

The phenomenon occurs because thinner clouds are transparent, and the light from the Sun or the Moon is relatively very bright. Our eyes and camera sensors are unable to distinguish the part of the Sun/Moon which is obscured by the thin clouds from the part which is unobstructed by clouds. 

Parts of the clouds outside the Sun/Moon disc are still visible, making it appear as if they are behind the Sun/Moon. We can simulate this using a light source and a few sheets of semi-transparent material, like old camera films. 

If the light source is bright enough, then the transparent material would appear as if it is not there, giving the illusion it is behind the light source. 

Explained: Why Clouds Appear Behind the Sun and Moon

Sometimes clouds appear to be behind the sun or the moon in photos and videos, like the example above (source). This confuses people, as the sun is 93 million miles away, so its impossible for clouds to be behind it. Some people take this as evidence that reality is an illusion, or the Earth is flat. 

But whats really going on here? Basically, the sun is extremely bright. So bright, that in most photos and videos it just appears as something at the maximum brightness the camera can handle, so just appears as flat white. If theres something in front of it thats transparent enough to let though a lot of the sunlight, then that bit will be less bright, but still higher than the maximum brightness the camera can handle. 

So, the camera will still see it as the same as the rest of the sun, bright white. This creates the illusion that partially transparent objects go behind the sun. The upper cloud that goes “behind” the sun is transparent, so the sun shines through it. The middle and lower clouds are less transparent, so they partially block the sunlight enough to fall below the maximum brightness the camera can handle, hence they are visible, and seem to go in front (which is what all the clouds are really doing) In the above image, the power lines are not transparent. 

But because they are out of focus, that has the same effect (thin out of focus objects are effectively transparent blurs) Here is a simulation of this I just did, a work light behind a sheet of cardboard, and a hole covered in paper representing the sun. The old negatives represent clouds, and the antenna represents power lines, etc. Firstly, with the “sun” off.

Now, with the “sun” on. The exact same exposure is used in both shots.

The “clouds” (partially transparent film strips) look like they are behind the “sun.”

Zoomed in, the cloud still goes “behind the sun.” The antenna also seems to go behind (although less so, almost like it's piercing the sun.

Next, with thicker clouds, they are now 
“in front of the sun.”

The antenna will appear in front of the 
“the sun” if its in focus. This is because, unlike the clouds, it is totally opaque - light cannot go through it---only around it, which happens when it's out of focus.

Heres a really simple version of the experiment that anyone can do, you need: 

*A darkish room.
*A single sheet of white paper.
*Three inches or so of Scotch “magic finish” tape, (or similar thin semi-transparent non-shiny material).
*A bright light.
*Some dark background.
*Put the tape on the side of the paper, so it's half on, and half off. 
*View it against the dark background. 
*Notice the tape is highly visible against the dark background. 

Put the tape in the side of the paper, so its half on and half off. View it against the dark background. You will notice that the tape is highly visible against the dark background.

Put the light behind the paper. Notice the tape over the paper vanishes but is still highly visible over the dark background. It appears like it is going behind the paper.

This is not a camera effect. This is exactly how it is seen by the naked eye.

s an interesting topic, as there are a number of things going on. Theres the transparency and the blur that I discussed to an extent, but theres also flaring of the light in the atmosphere, and flaring at the CCD level, and at the optical limits of the lens.

The topic also has some practical application, in that I“scanning” in some 16mm negatives by photographing them with the work light behind them. So its like Im photographing these partially transparent in front of a bright light. This is analogous to photographing clouds.

I need to adjust the exposure, so that “the whites” in the negative are as bright as possible without going over the maximum that the camera can handle. If the light were too bright, then we would see areas of flat black, and too dim areas of flat white (its negative so reversed). Careful adjustment leads to the best dynamic range.