Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Landing Page of Double Portion Inheritance Ministries

Welcome to Double Portion Inheritance Ministries! 

*At the bottom of this page, you will see an index, where you can access all my blogs according to category and topic.

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

Maria Merola is the founder of “Double Portion Inheritance,” since August of 2007. This photo was taken in August of 2007, when I was 47 years old. This was the summer when YaHuWaH called me into full-time ministry, and he also gave me the name “Double Portion Inheritance.” 

What does the name of the ministry mean? Why is it called “Double Portion Inheritance?”  To learn more, see the blog entitled: What is The Double Portion Inheritance?

Who is Maria Merola? Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born on August 18, 1960 into an Italian, Roman Catholic family, as both parents were born in Naples Italy, but they both immigrated to America after World War II. My birth name is Maria Domenica Merola. My married name since 2014. is Maria Merola Wold. Pictured below is me, at age 2 1/2 being held by my father, Dominic Merola, and my mother Anna Merola holding my baby brother, John in 1962.

The town where I was born, is New Castle, Pennsylvania, (about 60 miles north of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania). New Castle was, (and still is) heavily populated with Italian immigrants, as well as Greeks, Polish, and African-Americans. Growing up in New Castle, was like growing up in a melting pot of various ethnic influences, with a whopping 30% of the population being Italians. 

Although I am 100% Italian (first-generation), I have had a great love for the nation of Yisra’el, and the Yahuwdiym (Jewish) people since being born-again between 1974-1981. In 1974, I encountered a friend in my childhood neighborhood who shared the true gospel of Messiah with me, as he explained the need for all people to become “born-again,” according to John 3:3 and 1st Peter 2:3.

This had been a foreign concept to me, because it was never taught to us in Catholic School by the nuns. We were erroneously taught that being sprinkled with water on the forehead (as an infant), insured our salvation. It was in 1974, when I first learned that all people are born into the world with a fallen nature, (which we have inherited from Adam). Scripture confirms this, as it is written, that by Adam, (the first man), sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12-14). 

And because we are born with this fallen nature (inherited from Adam), all people must be “born-again,” or we cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohiym. 

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 

Tehilliym (Psalm) 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

Bereshiyth (Genesis) 6:5 Then YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of Elohiym. 

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.

In the summer of 1974, (at the age of 14), this was the first time I had heard of the concept of being spiritually reborn (as taught by our Messiah in John 3:3-8). For the first time in my life, I realized that I needed a savior, and that’s when I first repeated a “sinners prayer,” with another teenage boy from my neighborhood named “Dominic.” Dominic had a special “glow” about him. 

He beamed with joy and excitement every day, as he walked through our neighborhood like a modern-day “John the Baptist,” I made a verbal acknowledgement that I was born a sinner by nature, and that I needed a savior. I knew that the one who could save me, (by giving me a new nature), was the Messiah I had read about in the Bible. Back then, I knew him as “Jesus Christ.” 

However, I would eventually learn his true name, Yahuwshuwa (Joshua in English). It would be six more years, before I completely surrendered my life to Yahuwshuwa, as my Messiah. On February 10th, 1981, I was called out of a life of sin, and that’s when I announced to my family, that I was leaving Roman Catholicism, much to their “shock and horror.” 

I transitioned from a life of living selfishly, into a surrendered life of faith in Yahuwshuwa. Within that first year, I spent every waking hour reading the Scriptures, (beginning with Genesis), and finishing with the Book of Revelation. It was during that first year, that I had an insatiable hunger to understand the ways of Elohiym our Creator.

That same year, I was immersed (baptized) in water, but also with the Ruwach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and fire. What came along with my being filled with the Spirit of Yah, was the evidence of speaking with “renewed tongues” (Isaiah 6:5-7; 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:2-17; 1st Corinthians 12:1-11 & 14:1-40). 

This gift has been promised to every Messiah-follower as a “sign” of his “Renewed” (New) Covenant (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16). 

To learn more about this gift, see the following blogs:

When we are “Born-again of incorruptible seed” (1st Peter 2:3), we are given the same spiritual nature of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa! It is only by the “The blood of the lamb,” that we are cleansed from the evil nature. a Yahuwshuwa himself told us that if we “Eat his flesh and drink his blood,” we have his life in us (John 6:54-56). 

Eating his flesh, and drinking his blood, is not meant to be literal, as Roman Catholicism teaches. Our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa was sharing with us a “metaphor” when he said the following words:

Yahuwchanon (John) 6:35....I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst.

The word of Elohiym is our sustenance, and the only thing that can satisfy the human heart: 

Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohiym. 

Luqas (Luke) 4:4 And Yahuwshuwa answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Elohiym. 

In other words, when we “come to him,” we are eating his flesh (metaphorically), because our spiritual hunger shall be satisfied. When we “believe on him,” we shall never thirst, because our spiritual thirst shall be satisfied. 

Therefore, “eating his flesh” is a metaphor for reading his words, and allowing them to transform our lives. “Drinking his blood,” is a metaphor for allowing his words to make us clean (John 15:3; Joel 3:21), thereby changing our very DNA! 

Thus, being born-again of “incorruptible seed,” means that we have Messiah’s seed in us. Just like a plant is sown into the ground, it must first “die” (decompose), before it produces life, and springs forth into a green plant! Similarly, those of us that have our Messiah’s “seed” in us, shall one day be given immortal/incorruptible bodies, just like him! (See Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:23; 1st Corinthians 15:35-54). 

If you would like to experience this transformation, pray these words, and mean them from your heart: 

“Heavenly Father, I know that I was born a sinner by nature, and I must be reborn spiritually. I come to you now, asking you to forgive my sins. I repent of my sinful ways, and I ask you to cleanse me with the blood of Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. 

I turn away from all my sinful ways, and I choose to pursue a life of righteousness, by the power of your Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit). I now surrender my life completely to you, Yahuwshuwa, and I invite you to change me, and to transform me into a new creation, after your likeness. 

Let me become ‘born-again’ of your incorruptible seed, and fill me now with your Ruwach ha’Qodesh.” 

If you have recited this prayer, I urge you to continue to pursue a life pleasing to YaHuWaH, by studying the Scriptures, and asking the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) to teach you all things: 

1st Yahuwchanon (John) 2:27 But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.

What our Messiah was telling us, is that the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit), has been given to us when we are “born-again” by the blood of Messiah, and his Spirit will teach us all things. 

It is important not to be turned aside to false teachers, who will lead you into a spiritual ditch. Stay in prayer, constantly, and study the word of Elohiym! Let the Ruwach/Spirit of Yah be your teacher, and if you listen to the teachings of others, weigh it up against Scripture. Now, the question often arises, “Maria, which Bible shall I use?” 

I strongly recommend the “Easy Read King James Bible,” which is the same thing as the 1611 King James Version, without the archaic language. Why do I recommend the King James Version? 

The main reason is because there is a copyright law in America, (and in other nations), requiring Bible Translators to make at least 30% changes to the text, before registering their “version,” as a new copyrightable work, worthy of earning profit. 

These “changes” are required for a new “Bible Version” to be copyrighted. For this reason, I have been using the King James Version since my conversion in 1981, but as I read it, I restore the sacred names of the Father and the Son. 

When I see the name “Jesus Christ,” I read it as “Yahuwshuwa Messiah,” or “Yahuwshua ha’Mashiyach.” 

When I see “God,” I read it as “Elohiym.” 

When I see “LORD” in all capital letters, I say “YaHuWaH,” which is the proper name of our Father. 

When I see “Lord” in lower and uppercase letters in the Tanakh or Old Testament, I read it as “Adonay.” 

In the “New Testament,” it’s a bit more complicated. There are three different definitions in the Greek Textus Receptus for “Lord.” Whenever it’s the word “Kurios,” the word should be the proper name of YaHuWaH. 

The other two definitions mean “master, or a ruler of a household.” I also recommend downloading the “Esword Program” free onto your desktop, and be sure to download KJV & KJV + which enables you to hover over the words, and look up the meaning of each word in the Hebrew Concordance (for the Tanakh/Old Testament) or Greek (for the Briyth Chadashah/New Testament). 

I also recommend the following Bibles: 

The ISR Scriptures Version from 2009.
The Aramaic English New Testament by Andrew Gabriel Roth. 
The HalleluYah Scriptures.

To learn more behind the history of King James, and why there has been a conspiracy to alter the word of Elohiym, see my blog:

Blogs About Both Houses of Israel:

Blogs Explaining the Tabernacle & the Temple: 

Blogs About the End-Time Beast:

Commonly Misunderstood Phrases by Paul:

Blogs Explaining Pauls Epistles & the Law of Moses:

Blogs About the Deity of Messiah:

Blogs About Biblical Time-Keeping:

Sacred Name Blogs:

Blogs About The Feasts of YaHuWaH: 

Blogs About the Great Tribulation & the Second Coming of Messiah: 

Blogs about Pagan Holidays:

Blogs About Donald Trump:

Blogs Debunking Flat Earth:

Blogs About the Cross: Is it a Pagan Symbol?

Blogs About the “Serpent Seed” & Cain:

Blogs About the Bronze Serpent on the Pole:

Blogs about Marriage, Weddings & Divorce:

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Sunday, April 21, 2024

How Did Messiah Fulfill Yom Kippur & Passover at the Same Time?

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2008

Tovia Singer is a Jewish Anti-Missionary, who has turned many people away from believing that Yahuwshuwa is our Messiah and our Passover Lamb for salvation.

He argues in one of his YouTube videos, that Yahuwchanon (John the Baptist) was wrong in calling our Messiah “The Lamb of Elohiym, who takes away the sins of the world.” 

This is because the Passover Lamb was technically NOT A SIN OFFERING; it was to REDEEM THE FIRST-BORN SONS OF YISRA’EL. 

However, what Tovia Singer fails to understand (either because of ignorance or willful deception), is that our Messiah was fulfilling BOTH: PASSOVER & YOM KIPPUR AT THE SAME TIME! 

How do we know this? 

First, we know that when Yahuwchanon (John) baptized Yahuwshuwa in the Jordan River, this was 40 days before he completed his FAST IN THE WILDERNESS, which concluded on Yom Kippur. 

This means that his 40-day fast began on the 1st of Elul on the Hebrew Calendar. This begins which is called “The Forty Days of Teshuva or Repentance.” These were the same 40-days that Moses went up to the Mount to receive the second set of stone tablets. 

On the last day of his 40-day fast, our Messiah read the Isaiah 61 scroll in the synagogue, and he preached “THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR” of YaHuWaH, which means it was a Jubilee Year, and it was on Yom Kippur! (See Isaiah 49:8; 58:5; 61:2 & Luke 4:19). 

He also told us in Luke 4:25-26, that he was going to have the same kind of ministry as the Prophet Eliyahuw (Elijah) which would last for 3.5 years. 

At the end of his 3.5 years of ministry, he would become like the ONLY SON OF THE WIDOW (SYMBOLIC OF JERUSALEM), and AFTER THREE DAYS & THREE NIGHTS, HE WOULD BE RESURRECTED, just like the ONLY SON OF THE WIDOW, whom Eliyahuw (Elijah) raised from the dead, when he stretched himself over the boy THREE TIMES! (1st Kings 17:21-22).

At his baptism, Yahuwshuwa was fulfilling the role of the YOM KIPPUR TWIN GOATS for BOTH HOUSES OF YISRA’EL! 

When he was IMMERSED, that was a prophetic picture of the SACRIFICIAL GOAT, who is SELECTED BY THE HIGH PRIEST (his cousin, John) to be killed on Yom Kippur! 

Baptism is a SYMBOL OF DEATH in Romans 6:3-6. 

When Yahuwchanon (John) said “BEHOLD THE LAMB OF ELOHIYM,” (John 1:29 & 1:36), he was speaking of the YOM KIPPUR GOAT THAT WAS TO BE KILLED (SYMBOLICALLY) AT HIS BAPTISM! 

Yahuwchanon (John) was also foreshadowing the future PASSOVER LAMB sacrifice, which would REDEEM THE FIRST-BORN SONS OF YISRA’EL! 

The Hebrew word for “GOAT” that is used in the Yom Kippur Ordinance (Leviticus 16:20-21) is A HE-GOAT! 

#8163 sa`iyr saw-eer' or sabir {saw-eer'}; from 8175; shaggy; as noun, A HE-GOAT. 

Additionally, our Messiah was fulfilling the role of the role of “THE TWIN GOATS,” when he became the SUBSTITUTE for BAR ABBA (Barabbas), whose name means “SON OF THE FATHER!” 

In Exodus 4:22, YaHuWaH said to Pharaoh “Yisra’el is my FIRST-BORN SON.” 

Bar Abba (Barabbas) was a picture of the NATION OF YISRA’EL (the first-born son). 

Bar Abba was guilty of murder and insurrection, but he was “LET GO” (LIKE THE SCAPEGOAT, AZAZEL), while our Messiah was “SENT AWAY TO BE KILLED” (LIKE BOTH THE SACRIFICIAL GOAT & THE SCAPEGOAT). 



The Red Heifer cleanses the Temple altar, when the nation became guilty of shedding innocent blood (Deuteronomy 21:1-19). This is why he was escorted “OUTSIDE THE CAMP,” to portray the role of the RED HEIFER who cleanses the altar! (Numbers 19:3).

The Red Heifer had to be at the most, 3.5 years old, which explains why our Messiahs ministry lasted for 3.5 years (Genesis 15:9). Our Messiah was also CONFIRMING ABRAHAMS COVENANT when he died on the tree, according to Daniel 9:27. 

You will notice that the heifer, the goat and the ram were all three years old, because our Messiahs ministry would last for three years, plus 6 months.

Genesis 15:9 And he said unto him, Take me A HEIFER THREE YEARS OLD, and A SHE GOAT THREE YEARS OLD, and A RAM OF THREE YEARS OLD, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.

If our Messiah had not portrayed the role of the RED HEIFER, even their PASSOVER LAMB would not have been ACCEPTED!

The entire Kingdom of Yahuwdah (Judah) became guilty of shedding innocent blood, that Passover morning, when they shouted “CRUCIFY HIM!” (Matthew 20:19; 27:31; Mark 15:13; 14, 20 & 27; Luke 23:21; John 19:6, 10 & 15). 

The Passover sacrifice may be A MALE GOAT, A MALE LAMB, OR A RAM! Why?


Exodus 12:3 Speak you unto all the congregation of Yisra’el, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, A LAMB [OR A GOAT] for a house:

The Hebrew word for “LAMB” in Exodus 12:3, is as follows:

#7716 seh seh or sey {say}; probably from 7582 through the idea of pushing out to graze; a member of a flock, i.e. a sheep or goat:--(lesser, small) cattle, ewe, goat, lamb, sheep. Compare 2089. 

*Explanation: You will notice that the English translators used the word “LAMB,” but the Hebrew word (seh) has a broader meaning, which can also mean A GOAT. 

Exodus 12:5 Your LAMB shall be without blemish, A MALE OF THE FIRST YEAR: you shall take it out from THE SHEEP [RAM] or from THE GOATS:

#Explanation: You will also notice that the same Hebrew word for “LAMB” used in Exodus 12:5, is the same word used in Exodus 12:3, which is “seh.” 

It goes on to say that the “LAMB” must be without blemish, and a one-year old male. You may take it out from the “SHEEP” or the goats. 

The Hebrew word for “SHEEP” in Exodus 12:5 is as follows: 

#3532 kebes keh-bes' from an unused root meaning to dominate; A RAM (just old enough to butt):--LAMB, SHEEP. 

The Hebrew word for “GOATS” in Exodus 12:5 is as follows: 

#5795 `ez aze from 5810; a she-goat (as strong), but masculine in plural (which also is used ellipt. for goat's hair):--(she) GOAT, KID. 

What we learn from these definitions is that it is lawful to sacrifice A LAMB, A GOAT OR A RAM FOR PASSOVER! 

How did our Messiah fulfill the role of a ONE-YEAR MALE LAMB?

On the previous Passover before he died, our Caiaphas the High Priest prophesied that Yahuwshuwa was going to die for the entire nation. As the High Priest, he was “SELECTING THE LAMB,” that would be killed one year later on Passover!  

John 11:

49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, You know nothing at all, 

50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. 

51 And this spoke he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Yahuwshuwa should die for that nation; 

52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of Elohiym that were scattered abroad. 

53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.

On First Fruits, the priest is commanded to offer up a HE-LAMB with the FIRST-FRUITS OF BARLEY as the Wave Sheaf Offering: 

Leviticus 23:12 And you shall offer that day when you wave the sheaf A HE LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH OF THE FIRST YEAR for a burnt offering unto YHWH. 

The Hebrew word for “HE-LAMB” in Leviticus 23:12 is as follows:

#3532 “kebes,” which means A RAM, LAMB OR SHEEP.

Thus, when Tovia Singer tries to disqualify our Messiah as the Passover Lamb, he is showing that he is not the expert in the Torah that he thinks he is. 

Mr. Singer does not recognize that Yahuwshuwa was also fulfilling the YOM KIPPUR TWIN GOATS, as well as the RED HEIFER, IN ONE FELL SWOOP!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Are Passover & Unleavened Bread Celebrated on the Same Night?

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, April 13th 2024

The English translators have caused great confusion, which is why so many of you seem to think that Passover & Unleavened Bread are the same feast on the same night.

As an example, Matthew 26:17 italicizes words in the King James Version, which changes the entire meaning of the text. Additionally, the Greek word for “FIRST” is “PROTOS,” which means “BEFORE.”

Matthew 26:17 Now the FIRST (PROTOS, BEFORE) [day of the feast] UNLEAVENED BREAD the disciples came to Yahuwshuwa, saying unto him, Where will you that we prepare for you to eat the Passover? 

In addition to the Greek word “FIRST” being defined as “BEFORE,” the context of the sentence tells us that Passover comes BEFORE Unleavened Bread (see Leviticus 23:4-7).

In Exodus 12:6, the phrase “Between the two evenings” had a different meaning in Egypt (before the Temple was established). It meant “Between the two sunsets” on the 14th of Abib.

If you dont believe me, just look up the meaning of the Hebrew word for “evening” (ereb), and you will see that it also means “to grow dusky at sundown.” 

In other words, there were TWO SUNSETS sandwiched in between the 13th & 15th of Abib (which was the 14th of Abib). 

Exodus 12:6 And you shall keep it [the lamb] UP UNTIL the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Yisra’el shall kill it BETWEEN THE TWO EVENINGS [Beyn ha’abariym].

The phrase “UP UNTIL” in Hebrew means “AS FAR AS.” This means that Yisra’el was instructed to keep the lamb right up until the sun went down on the 13th of Abib, and that’s when the date changed to the 14th of Abib! 

After the Temple in Jerusalem was established, the phrase “Between the two evenings” meant “Between 12 noon and sundown.” Our Messiah died at 3:00 p.m. which was “Between the two evenings” according to Temple protocol.

Thus, our Messiah fulfilled both meanings of “Between the two evenings!” 

At the beginning of the 14th of Abib, he ATE THE PASSOVER with his disciples, which was the same time that Ancient Yisra’el ATE THE PASSOVER in Egypt! 

At the end of the 14th of Abib, his spirit DEPARTED, and his body was BURIED before sundown, (before the 15th of Abib), which was the Feast of Unleavened Bread (John 19:31). 

At the end of the 14th of Abib (going into the 15th of Abib), Yisra’el DEPARTED from Egypt “BY NIGHT,” as the Egyptians BURIED their dead (Exodus 12:42; Numbers 33:3; Deuteronomy 16:1). 

All four Gospels also corroborate this. 

Mark 14:1 After (Meta, in the midst of or in between) two days was [THE FEAST OF] PASSOVER AND [OFUNLEAVENED BREAD: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. 

*Explanation: In Mark 14:1, the Greek word for AFTER” is is “META,” which means the following: “Amid, intermediate position in between; in the middle of.” 

In other words, the chief priests and scribes were expecting to arrest our Messiah IN THE MIDDLE OF THESE TWO DAYS OF PASSOVER & UNLEAVENED BREAD! 

You will also notice that the words The feast ofare italicized in the KJV,  which means the English translators added them into the text. Therefore, Mark 14:1 should read as follows:

Mark 14:1 In the midst of two days was Passover and Unleavened Bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.

 *Explanation: At some point during those two days of Passover & Unleavened Bread, the chief priests and scribes had planned on arresting him. However, in Mark 14:2, they decided not to do it on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, since this was a High Sabbath.

Mark 14:2 But they said, Not on the feast [day], lest there be an uproar of the people. 

Mark also makes a point of separating Passover & Unleavened Bread, by using the word “AND” in between the words “Passover & Unleavened Bread,” indicating that these were two different days.

Additionally, Mark 14:2 says they decided not to arrest him on “the feast,” which means they did not want to arrest him on the Feast of Unleavened Bread (on the 15th of Abib). Therefore, they arrested him on Passover, which was the Preparation day (the 14th of Abib). 
Luke 22:1 Now THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD drew near, which is called THE PASSOVER. 

*Explanation: Luke tells us that “The Feast of Unleavened Bread” is also called “Passover,” because there is “The Day of Passover” (on the 14th of Abib), and there is also “The Week of Passover,” which lasts for seven days, from the 15th – 21st day of the first month of Abib (Leviticus 23:4-8). 

John 13:1 Now BEFORE THE FEAST OF PASSOVER, when Yahuwshuwa knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. 

*Explanation: The Apostle John uses the phrase “The Feast of Passover” rather than “The Day of Passover.” He was telling us that Messiah and his disciples ATE THE PASSOVER MEAL BEFORE the SEVEN-DAY FEAST of Unleavened Bread (also called the Feast of Passover). 

Thus, John 13:1 was describing “THE NIGHT OF PASSOVER” (on the 14th of Abib), rather than the “THE WEEK OF PASSOVER” aka “THE WEEK OF UNLEAVENED BREAD.”

Two Passovers?

The gospels appear to say that the Messiah ate a Passover meal with the twelve on the evening beginning Nisan 14, and John appears to say Jews were having their Passover meal one day later. There are different theories to explain this. The Sadducees and Pharisees disagreed on the day of Passover. The Sadducees (the more conservative group) believed the Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread were separate feast days. They held Passover on the fourteenth as Elohiym decreed in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. 

Those of the majority opinion, including the Pharisees, held Passover on the fifteenth…Thousands of people would come to Jerusalem to have their lambs ritually slain in the Temple. If they only had one day in which to prepare for the Passover, it would have been extremely difficult to have slaughtered all the lambs brought in to be sacrificed. Therefore, they worked on two different time scales. 

The northern part of the kingdom slaughtered the Passover lambs at the beginning of the 14th of Abib. The southern part of the kingdom slaughtered the Passover lambs between 12 noon and 6:00 p.m., (late in the afternoon of the 14th of Abib). 

Thus, there were two times when lambs were being killed in the Temple for sacrifice----Sampson R & Pierce L. A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays. Heart of Wisdom Publishing June 2001, p. 112. 

“The feast of Passover consists of two parts: The Passover ceremony and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Originally, both parts existed separately; but at the beginning of the [Babylonian] exile they were combined” (vol. 13, p. 169).

In 1st Century Jerusalem, there were TWO EVENINGS for slaughtering lambs. But why? Some of you might think this is a violation of the Torah. However, consider this:

I believe YaHuWaH purposely designed Passover to be “Between the two evenings,” because he knew that in 1st Century Jerusalem, the two kingdoms would be divided, and thus, would've needed two evenings for slaughtering lambs. 

Also, YaHuWaH knew that our Messiah had to eat the Passover out of obedience to the Torah, so as not be “cut off from his people” (Exodus 12:15). He had to obey the Torah in every way, in order to be the spotless lamb without blemish (Exodus 12:5 & 1st Peter 1:19).

Please see these other blogs for a more in-depth understanding of the Two Evenings of Passover & Unleavened Bread: