Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Beast’s Deadly Wound Healed?

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2008

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 

Revelation 13:14 And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 

I have been suspecting since March of 2020, that the Global Elites are planning a FAKE ASSASSINATION of Donald Trump, so they can make it appear that he RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD, just like our Messiah! 

The rumor mill has even claimed that the Simpson’s Cartoon predicted a Trump assassination. In August of 2023, Tucker Carlson made a statement on his broadcast: ‘We’re speeding toward’ Trump Assassination: ‘We’re speeding toward’ Trump Assassination:

The Left Behind Series featured a young “Antichrist” named “Nicolae Carpathia,” which looks eerily similar to a YOUNG DONALD TRUMP! 

Also, at, the name “Nicolae Carpathia,” has a numeric value of #33, and also the name “Orange Man” (Trump’s nick-name) has the same numeric value of #33! 

What is even more telling, is that Trump’s family have the secrets of “Time Travel” from Nikola Tesla, because Trump’s Uncle worked for the CIA, and he had access to Tesla’s Technology.

They hinted about this in the “Back to the Future” films. 

Another YouTuber is saying the same thing about A FAKE TRUMP ASSASSINATION! 

On October 1st, 2007, after I had been in prayer and fasting for hours, YaHuWaH gave me a prophetic dream about cloning. From this dream, I understood that the Elites intend to replace many dead people with a CLONED IMAGE, that is possessed by fallen angels, aka Nephilim! 

That’s just one of many reasons why we should refuse to give them our DNA via nose swabs or DNA Testing, or donating our blood.

Also, I think they could have plans for a YOUNGER VERSION OF TRUMP [AS A CLONE] TO RETURN! 

Perhaps they will create a 33-year old younger version of Trump, which is how old our Messiah was when he died on the tree. 

Also, the Twin Towers were 33 years old when they came down on 9/11/2001, which was our Messiah's true date of birth (September 11, in 3 B.C.). 

I believe the elites deliberately chose the date of 9/11 because of Revelation 9:11, which speaks of “Apollyon,” coming up from the bottomless pit. 

Incidentally, the Hebrew name is “A-Bad-Don!” 

They were performing a Black Magick Ritual on 9/11/2001, letting us know that on the 33rd Year Anniversary of the Twin Towers, they came down as a sign that they Old Order was coming down, and being replaced by the New World Order.

And to demonstrate this, they built the One World Trade Center that looks just like a Needle! 

The Left-Behind series showed us the “Antichrist” looking like a young Donald Trump (see the graphic I attached). 

If they come out with an upgraded “Snake Bite” that promises immortality, and youth, lots of people will want to take it. 

Perhaps, they will create clones of celebrities that came back from the dead, as “Lying signs and wonders” (2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10). In my dream about cloning, from 2007, it made me think about many of the celebrities that have been preserved using “CRYOGENICS” (FREEZING THEIR BODIES FOR THE FUTURE). 

People like Pope John Paul II, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Elvis Presley could end up coming back from the dead (supposedly), and ALL THE WORLD WILL WONDER AFTER THE BEAST! 

Revelation 13:11-18 accurately describes America and its leader as “The second beast with two horns,” who exercises all the power of the first beast (Rome). 

It goes on to say that this “second beast” (America) will make an image to the first beast “whose deadly wound to the head was healed.”

Pope John Paul II died of a brain aneurysm in 2005. Additionally, Pope John Paul II survived an attempted assassination in 1978, and he claimed that “Mary healed him from the deadly bullet wound.”

In the year 2000, the United States Congress minted a gold coin with Pope John Paul II’s image on it, because he suffered a deadly wound and lived. 

On October 22, 2016, the United States created a Shrine to Pope John Paul II in Washington D.C. with a graven image to him. These two events (the gold coin minted in his honor, and now the shrine and graven image) is a direct fulfillment of this prophecy about America (the second beast) deceiving the world by making an image to the beast.

Revelation 13:14 And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 

Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 

Thus, the second beast (America) made an image to the first beast (the Pope of Rome) whose deadly wound was healed!

Alberto Rivera in his book entitled “The Alberto Story,” explained that when he was a Jesuit in the Vatican, he was briefed about the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. The entire event was a planned hoax in order to improve relations between the Vatican and Islam. 

The man who shot Pope John Paul II was a radical Muslim, and when he was in jail, Pope John Paul II went to visit in him in prison and administered forgiveness of sins, and absolution (meaning that his sins were supposedly absolved). The entire world watched on Television while Pope John Paul II visited his assassin in prison, and granted him forgiveness. 

It is easy to see how the Vatican cleverly staged this event whereby All the world wondered after the beast.... and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 

Another reason for JPII’s staged assassination was to also stage an attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, for which he would survive.

A staged assassination of both President Reagan & Pope John Paul II gave them an excuse to become very close friends (which they did). The Vatican planned this on purpose to improve relations between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, and thus bring Protestants & Evangelicals under the umbrella of Roman Catholicism. 

As a matter of fact, President Reagan was the first president in history to be inaugurated in front of the Washington Monument (an Egyptian Obelisk, which is a powerful occult talisman). 

The reason why, is because the Vatican wanted to send out a message to the Global Elites. That message would be signaled by an event, when a United States President is sworn into office in front of the Washington Monument. It signified to the rest of the occult world that Protestant America had been successfully infiltrated by the Vatican, and the Ecumenical Movement. In other words, the One World Religion of the Papacy, was already in full swing, during the reign of Pope John Paul II. 

President Trump is very similar in his style of leadership to Ronald Reagan, and that this why there is a deliberate attempt to associate Trump with John Paul II. However, there are even deeper reasons, which I am about to explain.

President Trumps family claim to be from Merovingian Royal Bloodline on both sides of his family. His mother (Mary MacCleod),  is a Scottish Jew from the Tribe of Dan; and on his fathers side, they are descended from the Assyrians that are spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. Trumps paternal lineage also claims to be are descended from an alleged union between Jesus Christ & Mary Magdalene.

Pope John Paul II is also from the same Merovingian bloodline, as his mother was Emily Katz, a Polish Jew. On May 18, 2020, Trump tweeted on Twitter, wishing the dead pope a “Happy 100th Birthday,” as if he were still alive! 

Then, on June 3rd, 2020, Trump and his wife Melania, dedicated a giant image to the dead pope. This took place on the day after Trump had signed an executive order:

Why does President Trump seem to be obsessed with JPII? Is it because the Illuminati are pushing this false narrative that Trump & John Paul II are both descendants from the Jewish Merovingian Bloodline? What exactly is that?

Well, do you remember the film entitled “The DaVinci Code,” from 2006 starring Tom Hanks? The film is based on Dan Brown’s books which go into great detail surrounding this pagan mythic cult that worships the womb of Mary Magdalene. You will notice from the movie photo image above, that Tom Hanks has one of his eyes darkened out---a sign that he is involved in the Illuminati. This is very telling, as celebrities, who do this are letting us know that they worship the “All-seeing eye,” of Horus or Lucifer.

By the way, dont you find it just a bit strange that Big Pharma is using Tom Hankss blood for vaccines development? Could it be that he is one of the Merovingians who come from this Reptilian Bloodline? Are they trying to inject us with the DNA of Nephilim? (See Genesis 6:2-4; Jude 1:6)

35 Celebrities You Never Knew Were Royal

Tom Hanks’ Blood Is Being Used to Develop Coronavirus Vaccine

Tom Hanks’s blood might help save us all from coronavirus

Even though many religious historians believe that the Holy Grail is the cup that the Messiah drank from at the “Last Supper,” the Merovingians believe “The Holy Grail,” has a double meaning. They attribute the term to mean the womb of Mary Magdalene, because she supposedly bore the children of the divine “Jesus,” thus, all her descendants are called Merovingians, which supposedly made her womb holy. Of course, we know from the biblical record that all of this is satanic myths and fables. Yet, the Luciferians espouse these notions, and this is where the idea of Secret Societies come from.

President Trump, & Pope John Paul II, and claim to be Merovingian Jews, therefore, they believe they are the rightful heirs to take over the throne of King David in Jerusalem. This is also the reason why Donald Trump’s Father’s full name was Frederick Christ Trump; and his great-grandmother’s name was Elisabeth Christ Trump. Their family has taken on the legacy of being physically related to “Christ,” thus, the reason for using the middle name “Christ.” 

In Genesis 49:10, Jacob spoke a prophecy over his son Judah and said the following words:

Genesis 49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. 

The Merovingians believe that they are the ones who hold the scepter, because they are the unbroken chain of descendants stemming directly from Jesus Christ. Of course, we know that this is pure non-sense, because Scripture makes it clear that the true descendants of our Messiah are those whose hearts are circumcised and have been born again of incorruptible seed (1st Peter 1:23; Romans 2:26-29). 

Our Messiah never married a mortal woman. He will marry redeemed Yisrael (which includes grafted-in Gentiles) when she puts on her incorruptible, resurrected body.

The Connection Between Pope John Paul II & Trump

Joseph Gregory Hallet claims to be a reincarnation of Pope John Paul II, who was also a Merovingian Jew and supposedly possessed by Maitreya, the false Christ for all religions! Additionally, all three of these men are supposedly from the same royal bloodline, making them related. Are all three of these men Nephilim or Reptilians? It is difficult to know for sure. But one thing is for sure. The Illuminati have special plans for these major chess players on the board of the New World Order.

Joseph Gregory Hallett is the New King John III of England?

Don't Be Fooled - King John III - Joseph Gregory Hallett - The White Horseman

Queen Elizabeth STRIPPED of TITLES? John III New king of England? 2020

King John III Pope Vatican

The New King of England

Statement of Claim in support of Joseph Gregory Hallett

Meet the New King of England (Joseph Gregory Hallett - King John III)

On May 14th 2020, (Saint Corona Day), Pope Francis held a world-wide prayer meeting with all the religious leaders of the world, as they prayed to the dead Pope John Paul II for world peace. 

On the very same day, (May 14th, Saint Corona Day), President Trump also announced that he would deploy military forces to distribute a Vaccine to Americans (even though he campaigned on the promise that he would fight against abortions and vaccines). The very next day, on May 15th, President Trump also appointed a Vaccine Czar who is directly tied to Bill & Melinda Gates!

Tucker Carlson has recently made a statement on his broadcast: ‘We’re speeding toward’ Trump assassination:

President Roosevelt once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it does, you can bet it was planned that way.” 

According to the testimony of former Jesuit Priest, Alberto Rivera, (Chick Publications), the assassination attempts of both President Reagan & Pope John Paul II were deliberately staged, which gave them an excuse to become very close friends (which they did). The other reason for the fake assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II, was to improve relations between Islam & Roman Catholicism, (since the shooter who supposedly tried to kill JPII was a Muslim). 

After his recovery, JPII visited the Muslim Assassin in jail, and granted him “absolution of sins” (as if he has the power to take away sins). 

The entire thing was a Psychological Operation (Psyop) to meant to deify Pope John Paul II: 

President Reagan’s assassination was attempted on March 30, 1981 & Pope John Paul II’s attempted assassination was on May 13, 1981. 

Following these events, both Reagan & Pope JPII did Television & Radio interviews together, both giving the glory to “The Virgin Mary” for protecting them from assassination!

The date of Pope John Paul II, was deliberately meant to take place on the 64th anniversary of “The Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima,” dating back to the alleged Marian apparition in Fatima on May 13, 1917. 

Pope John Paul II immediately was struck by the irony of those two dates. “Two thirteenths of May!” is what he said. The Vatican planned these events on purpose to improve relations between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, and thus bring Protestants & Evangelicals under the umbrella of Roman Catholicism. As a matter of fact, President Reagan was the first president in history to be inaugurated in front of the Washington Monument (an Egyptian Obelisk, which is a powerful occult talisman). 

The reason why, is because the Vatican wanted to send out a message to those in the occult world. That message would be signaled an event when a United States President is sworn into office in front of the Washington Monument. It signified to the rest of the occult world that Protestant America had been successfully infiltrated by the Vatican, and the Ecumenical Movement (The One World Religion of Antichrist) was in full swing, and ready to be taken to the next step in their plan. President Trump is very similar in his style of leadership to Ronald Reagan, and that this why there is a deliberate attempt to associate Trump with Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan & John F. Kennedy. 

Even though President Trump professes to be a Presbyterian, he attended a Jesuit Bible College (Fordham University). Additionally, at the Bilderberg Dinner in 2016, President Trump made a vow to obliterate “Roman Catholic Persecution.” 

It seemed odd to most people that Trump would champions the Roman Catholic religion, and vows to fight against those who oppose it. He also has vowed to fight against persecution of the Jewish people, claiming that “Nobody loves Israel more than me.” What is behind Trump’s deliberate pandering to Roman Catholicism & Judaism? It’s all part of the “One World Religion” of Antichrist, which will soon move its headquarters to Jerusalem, “Where our Master was crucified” (Revelation 11:8). 

However, there are even deeper reasons, but you will have to see the links below: 

On March 21, 2020, YaHuWaH showed me that President Trump is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2. When I looked up the meaning of the words in Revelation 6:2, I discovered some interesting things. 

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a WHITE [LEUKOS]: and he that sat on him had a BOW [TOXON]; and a CROWN [CORONA] was given: and he went forth CONQUERING [SUBDUE] and to CONQUER [SUBDUE]

The Greek word for “white” is “leukos,” which means “light.” In Isaiah 14:12, the fallen angel “Heylel” is named “Lucifer” in Latin, and this name means “light bringer.” This shows us that Trump is portraying the bringer of a “false light,” just like Satan (Lucifer) who transforms himself as “An angel of light.” 

The word “bow” is “toxon,” which means “Poisonous bow & arrows.” This shows us that Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” was the first seal, the rider on the white horse going forth conquering (subduing, and enslaving). 

Genesis 49:16 Dan shall JUDGE his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 

Genesis 49:17 Dan shall be A SERPENT by the way, AN ADDER [TWO-HORNED SERPENT] in the path, that BITES the HORSE HEELS, so that his RIDER SHALL FALL BACKWARD. 

The name “Dan” means “judge,” and YaHuWaH is using Donald Trump to judge the world of idolatry, because many people are worshiping him as the Savior, instead of looking for the real Messiah to return. 

This prophecy tells us that Dan shall be a “serpent” by the way (derek). The Hebrew word “derek” means “A course of life, a mode of action.” 

This means that Donald Trump’s character is that of a serpent in the way that he lives his life. The Hebrew word “adder” is “shephiyphon,” which means “A cerastes, or two-horned serpent.” It is also referred to as a “DEVIL-HORNED SNAKE!” 

The cerastes can have either two large ram-like horns or two pair of smaller horns. The cerastes hides its head in the sand with only the horns protruding out of the surface; this is meant to DECEIVE other animals into thinking it is food. 

The cerastes also uses it’s horns to strike and to gore people or animals to death! The Bite, the Venom & the Consequences: The Desert Horned Viper can deliver a bite that – while not usually fatal – can have serious consequences. The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine, has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. 

It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, sweating, exhaustion, kidney failure and heart irregularities. (Reportedly, the snake took a toll on French Foreign Legionnaires when those troopers occupied Algeria.) Writer Peter David Fraser claimed that the toxins could also inflict mental disorders, severe headaches, paralyzed facial muscles, imagined evil smells and other “peculiar sensations.” 

The Hebrew words “in the path” is “orach,” which means “A road well-travelled, a caravan, an army or a troop, a race.” This word speaks to the fact that Trump has a “War-like” demeanor, and he means to harm anyone who stands in his way. 

The word “bites” in Hebrew is “nashak,” and it means “To strike, to sting, to oppress.” The word “heels” means “To lie in wait at the rear of an army.” 

The Hebrew word “backward” is “achor,” and it means “To turn one’s back toward the East (Jerusalem), and to turn toward the North-West.” 

This tells us that Trump will “TURN HIS BACK” on Israel, and he will send Troops to attack her from the North-West (America and her ten-nation confederacy). This is shown to us in the prophecies concerning the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). 

In the film entitled “Left Behind: The World at War,” we can see the Antichrist Leader named Nicolae Carpathia in his high-rise building in Manhattan New York. They show the building from the outside, and it’s obvious they are trying to show us the “One World Trade Center.” 

As Nicolae stands in front of the Manhattan Skyline in his office, he shows President Gerald Fitzhugh a vial of his new Green Serum that will be used to kill millions of people. President Fitzhugh is played by Louise Gossett Jr., and he is a black man. At the beginning of the film, President Fitzhugh (speaking into a tape recorder) tells us that he is the one who helped propel Nicolae Carpathia to power. I believe they were showing us that President Fitzhugh is Obama, because it was 8 years of an Obama Presidency that made Americans disgusted enough to want to vote for Trump. 

They were telling us that the Antichrist leader is a man who is from Manhattan, New York (Trump). Nicolae Carpathia even looks very similar to a young Donald Trump. It reminds me of Donald Trump’s Snake Bite Poem, which he read out loud, pretending that it was about Illegal Immigration. It wasn’t until March of 2020, that I realized that Trump’s Snake Bite Poem was a cryptic message he was sending out to the Elites! 

He was telling us that he is the “SNAKE,” who bit the woman (humanity) with a DEADLY BITE! 

See my blog explaining the hidden meaning behind: Trump’s Snake Poem: 

The United States of America has not had a real Presidential Election since 1871, when our United States Congress sold our nation off to foreign bankers. America became a CORPORATION in 1871, and we have not had a legitimate election since that time. It’s all been a grand illusion to keep us placated into thinking we have a choice, but we don’t. 

Since that time, all Presidents are SELECTED (not elected by “We the People”). The Rothschilds (Bank of London) & the Vatican City Bank (the Jesuits, the Black Popes) run the entire world. All United States Presidents are genetically related to Pope Charlemagne who became the Pope of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 800 A.D. According to Revelation 13:11, all United States Presidents (who preside over the two-horned beast) are standing in proxy (in the sight of) the first beast, of Revelation 13:1, which is the Holy Roman Empire. 

Both parties (Republicans & Democrats) are owned by the Illuminati, and they all must bow to the beast, in order to get into the oval office. None of them are good! 100% of them are evil actors, including Trump. Trump is working with the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. 

He is ONE OF THEM. He is not an “outsider” as people have been duped to believe. Trump’s duplicity showed when he campaigned in 2016 against the deadly shots, but he did a 180-degree turn in 2020, when he suddenly became “The Father of the Vaccine.” He owns stock in all these big Pharmaceutical Companies, and he is getting richer from the deaths of billions of people. Don't buy into the nonsense that Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine are safe, because Trump pushes them, because he owns stock in those as well! The Greek word for “Sorceries” is “Pharmakeia!” 

All Pharmaceutical Drugs are designed to trick your body into giving up symptoms! They don't get to the root of the illness, nor do they heal you! 

Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for YOUR MERCHANTS WERE THE GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH; for by your SORCERIES [PHARMAKEIA] WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. 

In Computer ASCII Code (the language of the beast), we can see Trump’s name adding up to 666 on many things. 

Revelation 13:16-18 tells us that the beast has a NAME, NUMBER & MARK adding up to 666. President Donald Trump = 666. Vaccination = 666. Trump is Antichrist = 666. Hydroxychloroquine = 666. 

See these calculations at Our only King & Savior is the Messiah, of Yisra’el, named Yahuwshuwa (Jesus). 

Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says Yahuwah; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from Yahuwah. 

Abraham Lincoln was the only true born-again believer we have had in the Oval Office, and the Jesuits of Rome had him assassinated, because he knew that the entire reason why they wanted the Civil War in our nation is to weaken us, and to cause us to go into debt. 

After America amassed so much debt from the Civil War, (and we lost the lives of many young males who couldn’t defend our nation), we were greatly weakened, and that’s when they made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. 

That’s when America became a CORPORATION OF THE BEAST. Abe Lincoln saw this coming, and they killed him to shut him up. 

Hungary's Viktor Orbán said in an interview with Tucker Carlson, that “TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE THE WESTERN WORLD!”

Soon, we shall see the dictators of the world in support of Trump, and this will give rise to the “Ten Horns that rule for one hour with the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13). 

See six dictators that Trump keeps praising:

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 

Hungary's Viktor Orbán (#33) is wearing an “Orange Tie,” (#33) in honor of “Orange Man,” (#33) which all three have the numeric value of 33, a Freemasonic number: 

Viktor Orban = 33 
Orange Tie = 33 
Orange Man = 33 

33 + 33 + 33 = 99. 
99 is the product of 9 x 11. 

The Twin Towers were 33 years old when they came down on 9/11. In the occult world, the concept of a necktie predates to early occult ceremonies in which someone being initiated into the Brotherhood, would have a noose placed around his neck, symbolizing his willingness to give his life for the higher purpose–in this instance, Satan. 

The fact that Viktor Orban is wearing an Orange Necktie, I believe is signaling that Trump (Orange Man) is the one who will be “Giving up his life as a sacrifice,” for the higher purpose, which is the One 

World Order of Antichrist. On March 30, 1981, the Illuminati staged a Fake Assassination of Ronald Reagan, and that caused his approval rating to jump dramatically. Two months later, (May 13th 1981), they staged a Fake Assassination of Pope John Paul II. According to the testimony of former Jesuit Alberto Rivera, these staged Assassinations were meant to bring about an Ecumenical Movement between Evangelical Protestants & Catholics. 

On August 31st, 2023, Tucker Carlson made a cryptic statement about a possible Trump Assassination. This will likely be used to cause the entire world to WONDER [ADMIRE] THE BEAST, ONCE HIS DEADLY WOUND IS HEALED!

See calculations via Computer ASCII Code at this link:

Beloved of YaHuWaH, I have been suspecting for a few years now, that the Global Elites are planning a FAKE ASSASSINATION of Donald Trump, so they can make it appear that he RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD, just like our Messiah! 

The rumor mill has even claimed that the Simpson’s Cartoon predicted a Trump assassination. Another YouTuber is saying the same thing about A FAKE ASSASSINATION OF TRUMP! 

On August 31st 2023, Tucker Carlson made a cryptic statement on his broadcast: “We’re speeding toward’ Trump assassination.” 

The Left Behind Series featured a young “Antichrist” named “Nicolae Carpathia,” who looks eerily similar to a YOUNG DONALD TRUMP! 

Also, at, the name “Nicolae Carpathia,” has a numeric value of #33. 

Donald Trump's moniker “Orange Man” also has the same numeric value of #33. 

Trump’s family have purchased Nikola Tesla’s “Time Travel” secrets, because Trump’s uncle worked for the CIA, and he had access to Tesla’s technology. 

The writer of the “Back to the Future” films (Bob Gale) admitted in an interview that Biff Tannen was meant to be Donald Trump. In the film, Biff time-travels back to 1955, where he is 30 years younger than he is in 1985. 

Biff Tannen = 33. 
Nicolae Carpathia = 33. 
Orange Man = 33.

On October 1st, 2007, (after I had been in prayer and fasting for hours), YaHuWaH gave me a prophetic dream about cloning. From this dream, I understood that the Elites intend to replace many dead people with a CLONED IMAGE, that is possessed by fallen angels, aka Nephilim!

That’s why we should refuse to give them our DNA via nose swabs or DNA Testing, or donating our blood! 

It is entirely possible that they could have plans for a YOUNGER VERSION OF DONALD TRUMP TO RETURN AS A CLONE, POSSESSED BY SATAN! 

Perhaps there will be a 33-year old younger version of Trump, which is how old our Messiah was when he died on the tree. Also, the Twin Towers were 33 years old when they came down on 9/11/2001, which was our Messiah's true date of birth (September 11, in 3 B.C.). 

I believe the elites chose the date of 9/11, because of Revelation 9:11 which is “Apollyon,” coming up from the bottomless pit. Incidentally, the Hebrew name is “A-Bad-Don!” 

They were performing a Black Magick Ritual on 9/11/2001, letting us know that on the 33rd Year Anniversary of the Twin Towers, they came down, as a sign that the Old Order was coming down, and being replaced by the One World Trade Center, that looks just like a Needle! 

The Left-Behind series showed us the “Antichrist” looking like a young Donald Trump (see the graphic I attached). If they come out with an upgraded “Snake Bite” that promises immortality, and youth, lots of people will want to take it. Perhaps, they will create clones of celebrities that come back from the dead, as “Lying signs and wonders” (2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10). 

In my dream about cloning, from 2007, it made me think about many of the celebrities that have been preserved using “CRYOGENICS” (FREEZING THEIR BODIES FOR THE FUTURE). 

People like Pope John Paul II, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Elvis Presley could end up coming back from the dead (supposedly), but they will be empty clones possessed by demons. The beast will perform these so-called resurrections, and ALL THE WORLD WILL WONDER AFTER THE BEAST! 

See more blogs and videos in the comments section. Donald Trump's mother (Mary MacLeod) was a Scottish Jew from the Tribe of Dan! The Tribe of Dan has been prophesied to be a “TWO-HORNED SERPENT THAT BITES, DECEIVES & KILLS HIS VICTIMS!” 

On March 21, 2020, YaHuWaH showed me that President Trump is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2. When I looked up the meaning of the words in Revelation 6:2, I discovered some interesting things. 

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a WHITE [LEUKOS]: and he that sat on him had a BOW [TOXON]; and a CROWN [STEPHANOS/CORONA] was given: and he went forth CONQUERING [SUBDUE] and to CONQUER [SUBDUE]. 

The Greek word for “white” is “leukos,” which means “light.” In Isaiah 14:12, the fallen angel “Heylel” is named “Lucifer” in Latin, and this name means “light bringer.” 

This shows us that Trump is portraying the bringer of a “false light,” just like Satan (Lucifer) who transforms himself as “An angel of light” (2nd Corinthians 11:14). 

The word “bow” is “toxon,” which means “Poisonous bow & arrows.” 

This shows us that Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” was the first seal, the rider on the white horse going forth conquering (subduing, and enslaving). 

Genesis 49:16 Dan shall JUDGE his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 

Genesis 49:17 Dan shall be A SERPENT by the way, AN ADDER [TWO-HORNED SERPENT] in the path, that BITES the HORSE HEELS, so that his RIDER SHALL FALL BACKWARD. 

The name “Dan” means “judge,” and YaHuWaH is using Donald Trump to judge the world of idolatry, because many people are worshiping him as the Savior, instead of looking for the real Messiah to return. 

This prophecy tells us that Dan shall be a “serpent” by the way (derek). The Hebrew word “derek” means “A course of life, a mode of action.” 

This means that Donald Trump’s character is that of a serpent in the way that he lives his life. The Hebrew word “adder” is “shephiyphon,” which means “A cerastes, or two-horned serpent.” 

It is also referred to as a “DEVIL-HORNED SNAKE!” The cerastes can have either two large ram-like horns or two pair of smaller horns. The cerastes hides its head in the sand with only the horns protruding out of the surface; this is meant to DECEIVE other animals into thinking it is food. 

The cerastes also uses it’s horns to strike and to gore people or animals to death! 

The Bite, the Venom & the Consequences: The Desert Horned Viper can deliver a bite that can have serious consequences. The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine, has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. 

It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, sweating, exhaustion, kidney failure and heart irregularities. 

The toxins could also inflict mental disorders, severe headaches, paralyzed facial muscles, and other “peculiar sensations.” 

Continuing to decipher Genesis 49:17, we learn that the Hebrew words “in the path” is “orach,” which means “A road well-travelled, a caravan, an army or a troop, a race.” 

This word speaks to the fact that Trump has a “War-like” demeanor, and he means to harm anyone who stands in his way. The word “bites” in Hebrew is “nashak,” and it means “To strike, to sting, to oppress.” 

The word “heels” means “To lie in wait at the rear of an army.” 

The Hebrew word “backward” is “achor,” and it means “To turn one’s back toward the East (Jerusalem), and to turn toward the North-West.” 

This tells us that Trump will “TURN HIS BACK” on Israel, and he will send Troops to attack her from the North-West (America and her ten-nation confederacy). 

This is shown to us in the prophecies concerning the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). In the film entitled “Left Behind: The World at War,” we can see the Antichrist Leader named Nicolae Carpathia in his high-rise building in Manhattan New York. 

They show the building from the outside, and it’s obvious they are trying to show us the “One World Trade Center.” As Nicolae stands in front of the Manhattan Skyline in his office, he shows President Gerald Fitzhugh a vial of his new Green Serum that will be used to kill millions of people. 

President Fitzhugh is played by Louise Gossett Jr., and he is a black man. At the beginning of the film, President Fitzhugh (speaking into a tape recorder) tells us that he is the one who helped propel Nicolae Carpathia to power. I believe they were showing us that President Fitzhugh is Obama, because it was 8 years of an Obama Presidency that made Americans disgusted enough to want to vote for Trump. 

They were telling us that the Antichrist leader is a man who is from Manhattan, New York (Trump). Nicolae Carpathia even looks very similar to a young Donald Trump. The vial of green serum reminds me of Donald Trump’s Snake Bite Poem, which he read out loud, pretending that it was about Illegal Immigration. It wasn’t until March of 2020, that I realized that Trump’s Snake Bite Poem was a cryptic message he was sending out to the world! 

He was telling us that he is the “SNAKE,” who bit the woman (humanity) with a DEADLY BITE! 

Daniel 11:39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and SHALL DIVIDE THE LAND FOR GAIN.

My August 31st 2023 Facebook Post

I have been suspecting for a few years now, that the Global Elites are planning a FAKE ASSASSINATION of Donald Trump, so they can make it appear that he RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD, just like our Messiah! 

Another YouTuber weighs in on what a Trump Assassination would mean:

On August 31st 2023, Tucker Carlson made a cryptic statement on his broadcast: “We’re speeding toward’ Trump assassination.”

The Left Behind Series featured a young “Antichrist” named “Nicolae Carpathia,” who looks eerily similar to a YOUNG DONALD TRUMP! 

At, the name “Nicolae Carpathia,” has a numeric value of #33. 

Donald Trumps moniker “Orange Man” also has the same numeric value of #33. 

The name “Biff Tannen” also has the numeric value of #33 in Computer ASCII Code. 

Biff Tannen = 33. 
Nicolae Carpathia = 33. 
Orange Man = 33. 

33 + 33 + 33 = 99. 

9 X 11 = 99. 

Trump’s family have purchased Nikola Tesla’s “Time Travel” secrets, because Trump’s uncle worked for the CIA, and he had access to Tesla’s technology. 

The writer of the “Back to the Future” films (Bob Gale) admitted in an interview that Biff Tannen was meant to be Donald Trump. 

In the film, Biff time-travels back to 1955, where he is 30 years younger than he is in 1985. 

On October 1st, 2007, (after I had been in prayer and fasting for hours), YaHuWaH gave me a prophetic dream about cloning. 

From this dream, I understood that the Elites intend to replace many dead people with a CLONED IMAGE, that is possessed by fallen angels, aka Nephilim! 

It is entirely possible that they could have plans for a YOUNGER VERSION OF DONALD TRUMP TO RETURN AS A CLONE, POSSESSED BY SATAN! 

At, the following produces the number 666: 

Clone Donald Trump = 666. 

Perhaps there will be a 33-year old younger version of Trump, which is how old our Messiah was when he died on the tree. 

Also, the Twin Towers were 33-years old when they came down on 9/11/2001, which was our Messiah's true date of birth (September 11, in 3 B.C.). 

I believe the elites chose the date of 9/11, because of Revelation 9:11 where we are shown “Apollyon,” coming up from the bottomless pit. 

Incidentally, the Hebrew name for Apollyon is “A-Bad-Don!” 

They were performing a Black Magick Ritual on 9/11/2001, letting us know that on the 33rd Year Anniversary of the Twin Towers, they came down, as a sign that the Old Order was coming down, and being replaced by the One World Trade Center, that looks just like a Needle! 

The Left-Behind series showed us the “Antichrist” looking like a young Donald Trump. Tesla's latest Bio Healing technology promises to completely heal the human body, and even raise people from the dead, via something called “A Med-Bed,” which also has the numeric value of #33. 

Med Bed = 33. 

Perhaps, they will create clones of celebrities that came back from the dead, as “Lying signs and wonders” (2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10). 

In my dream about cloning, from 2007, it made me think about many of the celebrities that have been preserved using “CRYOGENICS” (FREEZING THEIR BODIES FOR THE FUTURE). 

Celebrities like Pope John Paul II, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Elvis Presley could end up coming back from the dead (supposedly), and ALL THE WORLD WILL WONDER AFTER THE BEAST! 

In a deleted scene from Back to the Future, and old Biff Tannen is killed by Lorrain, in 2015 and then his image disappears. 

The name “Lorraine” is meant to be an allusion to the Jesuits of Rome, because they use the “Lorraine Cross” as one of their symbols. 

The “Lorraine” cross is also called “A Double Cross.” 

Donald Trumps mother (Mary MacLeod) was a Scottish Jew from the Tribe of Dan! 

The Tribe of Dan has been prophesied to be a “TWO-HORNED SERPENT THAT BITES, DECEIVES & KILLS HIS VICTIMS!” 

On March 21, 2020, YaHuWaH showed me that President Trump is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2. When I looked up the meaning of the words in Revelation 6:2, I discovered some interesting things. 

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a WHITE [LEUKOS]: and he that sat on him had a BOW [TOXON]; and a CROWN [STEPHANOS/CORONA] was given: and he went forth CONQUERING [SUBDUE] and to CONQUER [SUBDUE]. 

The Greek word for “white” is “leukos,” which means “light.” In Isaiah 14:12, the fallen angel “Heylel” is named “Lucifer” in Latin, and this name means “light bringer.” 

This shows us that Trump is portraying the bringer of a “false light,” just like Satan (Lucifer) who transforms himself as “An angel of light.” The word “bow” is “toxon,” which means “Poisonous bow & arrows.” 

This shows us that Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” was the first seal, the rider on the white horse going forth conquering (subduing, and enslaving). 

Genesis 49:16 Dan shall JUDGE his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 

Genesis 49:17 Dan shall be A SERPENT by the way, AN ADDER [TWO-HORNED SERPENT] in the path, that BITES the HORSE HEELS, so that his RIDER SHALL FALL BACKWARD.

The name “Dan” means “judge,” and YaHuWaH is using Donald Trump to judge the world of idolatry, because many people are worshiping him as the Savior, instead of looking for the real Messiah to return. 

This prophecy tells us that Dan shall be a “serpent” by the way (derek). The Hebrew word “derek” means “A course of life, a mode of action.” This means that Donald Trump’s character is that of a serpent in the way that he lives his life. The Hebrew word “adder” is “shephiyphon,” which means “A cerastes, or two-horned serpent.” 

It is also referred to as a “DEVIL-HORNED SNAKE!” The Cerastes can have either two large ram-like horns or two pair of smaller horns. The Cerastes hides its head in the sand with only the horns protruding out of the surface; this is meant to DECEIVE other animals into thinking it is food. 

The Cerastes also uses it’s horns to strike and to gore people or animals to death! 

The Bite, the Venom & the Consequences: 

The Desert Horned Viper can deliver a bite that can have serious consequences. The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine, has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. 

It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, sweating, exhaustion, kidney failure and heart irregularities. 

The toxins could also inflict mental disorders, severe headaches, paralyzed facial muscles, and other “peculiar sensations.”

Continuing to decipher Genesis 49:17, we learn that the Hebrew words “in the path” is “orach,” which means “A road well-travelled, a caravan, an army or a troop, a race.” 

This word speaks to the fact that Trump has a “War-like” demeanor, and he means to harm anyone who stands in his way. The word “bites” in Hebrew is “nashak,” and it means “To strike, to sting, to oppress.” 

The word “heels” means “To lie in wait at the rear of an army.” The Hebrew word “backward” is “achor,” and it means “To turn one’s back toward the East (Jerusalem), and to turn toward the North-West.” 

This tells us that Trump will “TURN HIS BACK” on Israel, and he will send Troops to attack her from the North-West (America and her ten-nation confederacy). 

This is shown to us in the prophecies concerning the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). In the film entitled “Left Behind: The World at War,” we can see the Antichrist Leader named Nicolae Carpathia in his high-rise building in Manhattan New York.

They show the building from the outside, and it’s obvious they are trying to show us the “One World Trade Center.” 

As Nicolae stands in front of the Manhattan Skyline in his office, he shows President Gerald Fitzhugh a vial of his new Green Serum that will be used to kill millions of people. 

President Fitzhugh is played by Louise Gossett Jr., and he is a black man. At the beginning of the film, President Fitzhugh (speaking into a tape recorder) tells us that he is the one who helped propel Nicolae Carpathia to power. 

I believe they were showing us that President Fitzhugh is Obama, because it was 8 years of an Obama Presidency that made Americans disgusted enough to want to vote for Trump. 

They were telling us that the Antichrist leader is a man who is from Manhattan, New York (Trump). Nicolae Carpathia even looks very similar to a young Donald Trump. 

It reminds me of Donald Trump’s Snake Bite Poem, which he read out loud, pretending that it was about Illegal Immigration. 

It wasn’t until March of 2020, that I realized that Trump’s Snake Bite Poem was a cryptic message he was sending out to the Elites! 

He was telling us that he is the “SNAKE,” who bit the woman (humanity) with a DEADLY BITE! 

See my blog explaining the hidden meaning behind Trump’s Snake Poem: 

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán said in an interview with Tucker Carlson, that “TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE THE WESTERN WORLD!”

Soon, we shall see the dictators of the world in support of Trump, and this will give rise to the “Ten Horns that rule for one hour with the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13). 

See six dictators that Trump keeps praising:

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 

Hungary's Viktor Orbán (#33) is wearing an “Orange Tie,” (#33) in honor of “Orange Man,” (#33) which all three have the numeric value of 33, a Freemasonic number: 

Viktor Orban = 33 
Orange Tie = 33 
Orange Man = 33 

33 + 33 + 33 = 99. 

99 is the product of 9 x 11. 

The Twin Towers were 33 years old when they came down on 9/11.

In the occult world, the concept of a necktie predates to early occult ceremonies in which someone being initiated into the Brotherhood, would have a noose placed around his neck, symbolizing his willingness to give his life for the higher purpose–in this instance, Satan. 

The fact that Viktor Orban is wearing an Orange Necktie, I believe is signaling that Trump (Orange Man) is the one who will be 

“Giving up his life as a sacrifice,” for the higher purpose, which is the One World Order of Antichrist. 

On March 30, 1981, the Illuminati staged a Fake Assassination of Ronald Reagan, and that caused his approval rating to jump dramatically. 

Two months later, (May 13th 1981), they staged a Fake Assassination of Pope John Paul II. 

According to the testimony of former Jesuit Alberto Rivera, these staged Assassinations were meant to bring about an Ecumenical Movement between Evangelical Protestants & Catholics. 

On August 31st, 2023, Tucker Carlson made a cryptic statement about a possible Trump Assassination. 

This will likely be used to cause the entire world to WONDER [ADMIRE] THE BEAST, ONCE HIS DEADLY WOUND IS HEALED! 

See calculations via Computer ASCII Code at this link:

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