Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Jubilee Cycles Reveal the Possible Second Coming of Messiah

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, July 2014

In Genesis 6:3, we are told that man’s “days” will be 120 years on the earth. However, the Hebrew word for “years” is #H8141 (shanah), which can also be translated as “Jubilees,” or “an age.” 

The root word for “shanah” is #H8138, meaning “To fold, to duplicate, double, repeat.” 

This repeating pattern also applies to “shemitta” (every seventh year), also called a Sabbatical year.

Seven “shemittas” equal 49 years, and that takes us to the 50th year, which is a Jubilee Year.

A Jubilee Cycle takes place once every 50 years, according to Leviticus 25. 

120 x 50 years = 6,000 years. 

See the links below to learn more:

According to the Yahuwdiym (Jewish) rabbis, the Jubilee year is currently not observed or commemorated in Yisrael. The main reason, is that the Jubilee is only observed when all twelve tribes of Yisrael are living in the Promised Land. 

Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 25:8 And you shall number seven sabbaths of years unto you, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto you forty and nine years. 

Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 25:9 Then shall you cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. 

Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 25:10 And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and you shall return every man unto his possession, and you shall return every man unto his family.

According to prophecy, this will only happen when Messiah returns, landing his feet on the Mount of Olives. In the 47th chapter of Ezekiel, we learn that the land will be allotted to all twelve tribes of Yisrael once again.

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 62:4 You shall no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall your land any more be termed Desolate: but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah: for YHWH delights in you, and your land shall be married.

According to Leviticus 25:10, the Jubilee is only sanctified when all its inhabitants are living in all the land, and when each tribe is living in the specific area of the land which YaHuWaH has divinely allotted to them (see Ezekiel 47:13-23). 

In the 6th century B.C., the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael. The majority of these Yisraelites went into exile, and until now, their descendants have still not yet returned home. They are historically known as “The Ten Lost Tribes of Yisrael.” After this point in time, the Jubilee was not regularly observed, nor commemorated in Yisrael. 

Thus, according to this reasoning, the next Biblical Jubilee year in Yisrael will only be celebrated when Elohiym brings back all the tribes home to Yisrael. It will begin on the most important and holiest day of the Hebraic calendar, on Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. 

Yom Kippur 2027/2028?

According to William Whistons footnotes to Josephus’ book entitled “Antiquities of the Jews,” 24 B.C. was a Sabbatical year, and 23 B.C. was a Jubilee year. If 23 B.C. was a Jubilee year, then its next Jubilee would begin on Yom Kippur in 27/28 A.D. 

As you can see from the graphic below, there is no need to subtract one year for “Year Zero,” because we are not targeting a specific date. We are only needing to determine when the 50th year is from 23 B.C.

This is what the count looks like on a Calculator:

-23 B.C. + 50 = 27 A.D.

The above calculation is takes us to the end of 27 A.D., which then commences the Yom Kippur New Year of 28 A.D.

The best way to conceptualize this is by taking the total amount of the B.C. years (23) and adding them to the total amount of  A.D. years (28), and we come up with 51 years. 

However, since there is no “Year Zero,” we must subtract one year, giving us a total of 50 years “In Between,” 23 B.C. & 28 A.D. We are calculating from 23 B.C. “Up Until,” the year 28 A.D. We are not including the entire year of 28 A.D. 

Thus, we can see that our Messiah emerged from the wilderness on day #39 of his 40-day fast in 27 A.D. As soon as the sun went down (which was the 9th day of the 7th month), it then became the 10th day of the 7th month, which is Yom Kippur. This is when he went to the Synagogue and read the Isaiah 61 scroll, completing day #40 of his fast by the end of that day, which commenced the year 28 A.D.

So now we have a complete 50 years from the previous Jubilee Year of 23 B.C. “Up Until” the start of the Jubilee Year of 28 A.D.

-23 B.C. + 50 Years = the end of 27 A.D., when the date changes on Yom Teruah and then declared on Yom Kippur of 28 A.D.

To understand how to calculate years across B.C. to A.D., see this website: BC to AD Calculator

The parable of the fig tree that our Messiah taught in Matthew 24:32 & Mark 13:28 gives us some clues as to how to calculate when he will return back to earth to set up his Millennial Reign.

The Fig Tree Prophecy, indicates that our Messiah will return one full generation after Yisra’el officially becomes a nation again in 1948. Psalms 90:10 tells us that a generation is anywhere from 70-80 years. Adding 80 years to 1948, brings us to Yom Kippur 2028 for a possible return of Messiah to earth. See my other blog: The Fig Tree Prophecy.

Our Messiah began his ministry in the Jubilee Year 28 A.D., which was in the year 4,000 from creation. According to the research of Dr. Ernest L. Martin (who authored the book the Star that Astonished the World), our Messiah was born on the Feast of Trumpets in the year 3 B.C. 

Another thing we must take into account, is that on the Hebrew Calendar, the linear year advances by one year on Yom Kippur, not on the Roman New Year of January 1st.

Therefore, our Messiah would have turned 30 years of age on Yom Teruah in 27 A.D. (ten days before he began his ministry on Yom Kippur). This also aligns with Josephus telling us that 23 B.C. was a Jubilee Year.

If we add 50 years to 23 B.C., we come to the end of 27 A.D. This is when the date changed to 28 A.D. on the Feast of Trumpets. Therefore, we are counting the 50 years IN BETWEEN 23 B.C. & 28 A.D. We are not counting the remainder of the year 28 A.D., only the day that 27 A.D. became 28 A.D.

In Numbers chapter 10, we are shown that a man must be 30 years of age before he is eligible for the priesthood. Therefore, we add 30 years to 3 B.C. = 27 A.D. which is UP UNTIL he began his ministry on Yom Kippur. However, at the end of the Linear/Hebrew year in 27 A.D., the date changed to 28 A.D. on Yom Kippur. Therefore, there are 30 years IN BETWEEN 3 B.C. & 28 A.D.

When calculating the year that our Messiah died, we must use the Hebrew reckoning of how to calculate linear time, which lands on the Feast of Trumpets, but is declared with a trumpet throughout the land on Yom Kippur (see Leviticus 25:9). And since Yahuwshuwa began his ministry on Yom Kippur in 28 A.D., we can accurately determine that his ministry lasted exactly 3.5 years.

I realize that Michael Rood teaches that our Messiahs ministry lasted for one year or 70 weeks, but I can easily debunk that idea from Scripture by citing Luke 4:25. Its obvious that our Messiah was giving us a metaphor of Yisrael as the widow, and her only son (who was resurrected at the end of Elijahs ministry of 3.5 years) was a metaphor of himself!

A Snapshot of Messiahs 3.5 Years of Ministry:

*From Yom Kippur 28 A.D. until Yom Kippur 29 A.D. was Year #1 of his ministry.

*From Yom Kippur 29 A.D. until Yom Kippur 30 A.D. was Year #2 of his ministry.

*From Yom Kippur 30 A.D. until Yom Kippur 31 A.D. was Year #3 of his ministry.

Yom Kippur 31 A.D. was still rendered as the Roman Year of 30 A.D. Going by Rome’s January 1st New Year, the date would have changed from 30 A.D. to 31 A.D. in time for Passover. Therefore, the Roman Calendar would have rendered the year of his death as Passover 31 A.D.

Later that year in the fall, the Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) linear calendar would then change the date from 31 A.D. to 32 A.D.

See my other blogs where I prove from Scripture that Yahuwshuwa’s ministry was 3.5 years, not one year, nor 70 weeks:

Daniel’s 70th Week Divided in Half at the Conclusion of Messiah’s Earthly Ministry:

Messiah’s Seven-Year Ministry Divided in Half:

Did Messiah Have a 70-Week Ministry?

The language of Isaiah 58 tells us that a Jubilee is always declared on Yom Kippur, and it is referred to as “The Acceptable Day of YaHuWaH.

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 58:5 Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? will you call this a fast, and AN ACCEPTABLE DAY TO YHWH? 

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 61:1 The Ruwach of Adonay YHWH is upon me; because YHWH has anointed me to preach the Besorah (good news) unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;  

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 61:2  To proclaim THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR of YHWH, and the day of vengeance of our Elohiym; to comfort all that mourn.

Luqas (Luke) 4:17-19 And He was handed the book of the prophet Yeshayahuw (Isaiah). And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: 

“The Spirit of YHWH is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF YHWH.” 

By adding 2000 years or 40 Jubilees to the year 28 A.D., the next Biblical Jubilee in Yisrael will be on Friday, September 29th in 2028.

There are varying theories as to when the final Jubilee Year will arrive, and I have looked at many teachings on this subject over the years. Back in 2006, I listened to a video teaching that Michael Rood recorded, and he claimed that Messiah would return in the year 2017, but I never did agree with this date.

The timeline pictured above, is what Yah has been revealing to me since the year 2001, following the events of 9/11. This theory is based on the writings of the Jewish historian, Josephus, who wrote that 23 B.C. was the 79th Jubilee Year in history, since the creation account in Genesis. 

Our Messiah was baptized in the Jordan River 40 days before he began his ministry, and he was not quite 30 years old yet. However, on the Feast of Trumpets, his 30th birthday arrived, making him eligible for priesthood according to Numbers chapter 4.

According to Luke 4:17-19, it was called “The Acceptable Year of YaHuWaH.” According to the timing given to us by Josephus, this was the 80th Jubilee Year since creation. 

Yahuwshuwa was born on the Feast of Trumpets, (which happened to land on the Julian Calendar on September 11th in 4/3 B.C.). He had to be 30 years old by the time he began his ministry. This is because according to Numbers (chapter 4), a man must be 30 years of age before he can enter the office of a priest.

Daniels 70th Week

Yahuwshuwa began his ministry on Yom Kippur (in a Jubilee Year)
, at the age of 30 in 27/28 A.D. In 457 B.C., the original decree of King Cyrus (given in 538/537 B.C.) was enforced by Artaxerxes, allowing the Yahuwdiym (Jews) in the Babylonian Captivity to return to their land, to rebuild their city and temple. 

The seventh year of Artaxerxes, (as recorded in Ezra 7:8-9) tells us  that Ezra left Babylon on the first day, of the first month, of the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes. Ezra, and his group arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month of the same year.

Furthermore, this decree provided for the restoration of local government (Ezra 7:21-28). It empowered the judiciary to punish wrongdoers, even granting the authority to impose the death sentence. And as a result of this decree, Ezra began to build the city of Jerusalem. See the letter to Artaxerxes in Ezra 4. 

Artaxerxes’ seventh year began in 458 B.C. and extended into 457 B.C. Scripture records Ezra’s departure for Jerusalem (and for his arrival there) all well within 457 B.C.

At his baptism, our Messiah was close to his 30th birthday (Luke 3:23), and therefore, he turned 30 during his 40-day fast in the wilderness on the Feast of Trumpets.

This means that when he emerged from his fast on Yom Kippur, he began his ministry at the age of 30. In Luke 4:25, our Messiah compared his ministry to that of Eliyahuws (Elijahs), citing that his ministry lasted for 3 years, plus six months (3.5 years).

Therefore, we can calculate how many years are remaining of Daniels 70th Week (Daniel 9:24-27).

“year zero,” does not exist in the Anno Domini (AD) calendar year system, commonly used to number years in the Gregorian calendar (nor in its predecessor, the Julian calendar); in this system, the year 1 B.C. is followed directly by 1 A.D. 

The total amount of years for Daniels prophecy is 490 years (70 x 7).

490 years - 483 years = 7 years, minus 3.5 years for the duration of our Messiahs ministry.

In other words, 486.5 years of the 490-years have been completed, leaving 3.5 years remaining of Daniels prophecy. These remaining 3.5 years will be when the Corporate Two Witnesses preach a message of repentance (like John the Baptist did) for 1,260 days, aka 3.5 years.

Therefore, our Messiah began his ministry when there were seven years remaining to Daniels 70th Week, on Yom Kippur in 27/28 A.D. Our Messiah was born in 4/3 B.C. on Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets). See these other two blogs:

By adding 2,000 years or 40 Jubilees from when our Messiah began his ministry, we come to the year 2027/2028 on Yom Kippur.

I am not prophesying, nor am I setting firm dates. I am only projecting, based on the data that has been presented by Josephus. If Yom Kippur in 2027/2028 arrives, and our Messiah has not returned, I will chalk it up to the wrong data. I am writing this blog on August 2nd 2021. Therefore, we may only have 6-7 years left, if these calculations are correct.

As a “type and shadow” of the Red Heifer, (Numbers 19), our Messiah had to be at least 3 years old, in order to cleanse the Temple and the altar. 

This means that his ministry lasted for 3.5 years. The High Priest Caiaphas (although he was an Edomite impostor) prophesied in John 11:51 that Yahuwshuwa would be sacrificed for the people exactly one year earlier on Passover 30 C.E, thus fulfilling the requirement of a one-year old male lamb:

Shemoth (Exodus) 12:5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, A MALE OF THE FIRST YEAR: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats.

If these calculations are correct, his death took place on the 4th day of the week, (what we would today call Wednesday) on April 25th, (Abib 14) in 31 A.D. on the Roman/Julian Calendar. However, on the biblical calendar, dates change on Yom Teruah. Therefore, using the Hebrew Calendar reckoning, it remained 31 A.D that year until Yom Kippur, when the date would have changed to 32 A.D. Therefore, on the Hebrew linear calendar, it was still the year 31 A.D. at the time of our Messiahs Passover crucifixion. 

Understanding the Two Calendars in Scripture 

There seems to be some confusion about the fact that on the 1st day of the 7th month of Ethaniym (Tishri), the Jewish people refer to “Yom Teruah” as their New Year or “Rosh Ha’Shanah.” This is referred to as the Civil New Year. However, Scripture calls it “A memorial of blowing trumpets” or “Yom Teruah” (Day of Blowing). To clear up this confusion, it is important to understand that there are two calendars in Scripture. 

The first is the “Civil Calendar” which begins on the 1st of Ethaniym/Tishri (the seventh month), and the second is the “Sacred Calendar” which begins on the 1st of Abib (Aviv or Nisan), in the first month. From Genesis 1 to Exodus 12, Scripture uses the Civil Calendar when referring to dates. However, in Exodus 12:2 & Exodus 13:4, Elohiym instituted a second calendar which begins on Abib/Aviv (Nisan). This is the “Sacred Calendar,” which the Bible uses when referring to dates from Exodus 12 through Revelation 22. (see Exodus 12:2 & 13:4). 

See this website showing Wednesday, April 25th in 31 A.D. as the Passover for his crucifixion:

Two Cows Born with the Number Seven on their Faces

I have always liked Jonathan Cahn, and thought that he presented a lot of intriguing prophetic things. Admittedly, I became suspicious of him when I heard him teach that we can celebrate Christmas & Chanukkah together (mixing the paganism of Rome with the Dedication of the Temple of YHWH). 

However, since 2020, I became even more suspicious of Rabbi Jonathan, when I heard him refer to President Donald Trump as “Messiah Ben Joseph.” Since that time, I began to smell a rat, and started seeing some serious issues with his teaching on the Jubilee Cycles & President Trump. The title “Messiah Ben Joseph” is a prophetic title that is reserved for the real Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (at his first coming), for he portrayed the role of the “suffering servant.” 

At his second coming, Yahuwshuwa will portray the role of “Messiah Ben David,” the conquering reigning king. Therefore, to refer to President Trump as “Messiah Ben Joseph,” is to place him in the same position of our Savior, and King, which is blasphemy!

Jonathan Cahn presents some interesting concepts concerning the Shemitta years (7-year sabbaticals), and some of the harbinger events that have lined up with these cycles. However, he is wrong about the year 2017 being a Jubilee Year.

To learn more about the Gnosticism & Mysticism interwoven into Jonathan Cahns writings, please see this website: Jonathan Cahn: Kabbalah & Mysticism

Based on the data I have gathered, I believe that the next Jubilee Year could very well take place on Yom Kippur in 2027/2028. This will more than likely be when our Messiah returns.

The reason why I do not believe that 2017 was a Jubilee Year, is because it does not match the record of Scripture, and neither does it match the historical data we have gathered from the Jewish Historian, Josephus. So then, why does Jonathan say that 2017 was a Jubilee Year?

Ever since the Jewish people have been estranged from the land of Yisrael (after the Roman Siege in 70 A.D.), they lost track of the Jubilee Years, and their count is not accurate. 

There are certain Political Zionist/Jesuit Global Elites, and bankers (i.e. Rockefellers, and Rothschild family) that began calling the year 1917 a Jubilee Year, based on “The Balfour Declaration.” They add fifty more years to that date, and came to the year 1967, (when Israel recaptured Jerusalem in the 6-day war). They add 50 more years to that date, and they came to the year 2017, when President Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital City of Israel.

I believe that these Political Zionists, and the Jesuits in Rome have purposely planned “false flag events” to make it appear that they are lining up with the Shemitta years, and the Jubilee Cycles. 

What is a Political Zionist? Zionism is a term that was coined by the Jesuits in the 1500’s with a Vatican/Illuminati agenda to help the European Jews return to Jerusalem, so that they can be controlled by the papacy in the end of days. 

The Vatican currently owns 60% of Jerusalem since Shimon Peres handed over the Old City to Pope John Paul II under the Oslo Accords in 1993. 

The Vatican’s goal is to seat the False Messiah in the 3rd Temple, and to trick the Jewish people into worshiping the beast. Political Zionists are not waiting for the Messiah to come from heaven. Many Orthodox Jews do not agree with Zionism, therefore, I am very careful not to call all Jews “The Synagogue of Satan.” 

It is not for us to decide who are the real Yahuwdiym (Jews), and who are not. That is for the Father to decide. 

See my other blogs explaining Biblical Zionism versus Political Zionism: 

The Illuminati/Political Zionists have already selected their own political Messiah who has Jewish heritage. Pope John Paul II & President Trump are two individuals that are said to be from the Jewish Merovingian Bloodline (supposedly descendants of Mary Magdalene & Jesus).

This is (of course), a satanic lie that has been circulated to the masses by the Mystery School Religions and Secret Societies, such as “The Knights of Templar and “The Rosicrucians. 

Jonathan Cahn regurgitates many of his ideas from the Zohar (Kabbalah Magic), as he comes to his false conclusions about President Trump. I believe he is secretly following the Zionist Agenda of Anti-Messiah, because he praises President Trump, calling him a “Messiah figure.” I heard him say this on the Jim Baker show, as well as on Sid Roths show. He claims that Trump ushered in a Jubilee Year in 2017. This was the year when Trump declared Jerusalem the Capital City of Yisra’el. 

See my other blogs revealing Trump’s training in Kabbalah Magic since the 1980s:

Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Trump declaring that Jerusalem is the Capital City of Yisra’el. This had to come to pass, (and I believe YaHuWaH wanted it to come to pass), but not for the same reasons that Jonathan Cahn is purporting. 

If what Jonathan is saying is true, (that 2017 was a Jubilee Year), this means that our Messiah will not return until the year 2067! 
It means we will have to wait yet another 50 years from 2017 for him to return on another Jubilee. Therefore, I do not believe his calculations for the Jubilee Cycles are accurate.

In the year 2014, two baby cows were born with the number seven, on their faces, and they just happened to be born on September 20th, which was five days before the Jewish Rosh HaShanah, aka “The Feast of Trumpets,according to the Rabbinical calendar. My husband I have been following the biblical sighted moon calendar, since 2006, which would have caused “The Feast of Trumpets,” to fall on September 26th or 27th that year.

Even though I disagree with Jonathan Cahn’s rendering of the Jubilee Cycles, he does have some intriguing things to say regarding these two cows that were born with the number seven on their faces. Listen to this video (with a grain of salt) making sure to “chew the meat, and spit out the bones. 

I believe that these two cows are telling us that we may only have fourteen years left (after 2014). Therefore, the second coming of Messiah could be in 2027/2028 on Yom Kippur!