Maria Merola אריאל
Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, January 2010
Debariym (Deuteronomy) 22:11 You shall not wear a garment of
divers sorts, as of woolen
and linen together.
Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 44:17 And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, while they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within.
Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 44:17 And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, while they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within.
Some have
wondered why the Levites were commanded not to mix linen & wool together in
the same garment. Often-times, those within Christianity (who are looking for
legal loopholes to discredit the Mosaic Law), will quote the above verses as if they have found some kind of “Gotcha!”
They think they have found
proof that the “Old Testament Law” is
too strict and rigid for the modern believer to obey, therefore, it should be
relegated to antiquity and tossed out entirely.
there is a practical, and a scientific reason for these commandments!
there are spiritual reasons for why the priests were commanded not to mix these
two fibers together, as you will soon discover by the end of this teaching.
I have
often observed that YaHuWaH has a practical reason for his commands, and he
also has a spiritual reason as well, (pertaining to his sentiments towards his
beloved bride).
for a moment, a teenager who wants to go out drinking and driving with friends.
The teen asks her father if she can go out on the town with her
friends. Her father replies:
“Sweetheart, there are three reasons why I forbid you
to go out tonight. First of all, it is dangerous to go out drinking and driving.
The risk of you and your friends dying in a car accident are very high. And
secondly, it is against the law. If you get caught drinking and driving, you
will go to jail, and all of your friends with you. You will likely pay a large fine and lose your driver’s license. And finally, the third reason is because
I do not want you to drink alcohol, since you are not legally allowed to drink
at your age. I do not want anyone to take advantage of you being drunk. I want
to protect my precious little girl from being damaged and abused.”
Therefore, our Creator gives us commandments to live by. There are practical reasons to
protect us, and there are also spiritual reasons that are more personal for
him. He is jealous over his beloved bride, Israel, and he does not want to
share her with another false god, nor does he want her defiled. With these
ideas in mind, let us look at the practical reasons why we are forbidden
to mix these two fibers together.
There are
certain instances of electrical science found in the Bible, and yet, several
incidents have been ridiculed by people who do not understand it. The Almighty
(who originated all scientific principles), uses His own handiwork according to
His own laws.
In Exodus
3:1‑12 we read that Moses saw a bush which was covered with fire, but it was
not consumed. YaHuWaH spoke to Moses out of the flames. People, who like to
think they are wise, have ridiculed this idea of fire, which did not burn the
bush. For many centuries, most of the sailors, who served on the old tall, masted sailing ships, saw such fire when thunderstorms were overhead, they
called it “Saint Elmo’s Fire.”
When these
flames flared on the tips of the masts, lightning never struck the ship. It was
an electrical discharge, by which the terrific electrical charge, which the
storm had built up in the ship, was released before it could attract the
terrible thunderbolt. The same great streamers of electrical flame are
sometimes seen at the wing tips of airplanes when they fly near thunderclouds.
We would
naturally expect the presence of YaHuWaH, (who is the creator and source of all
energy), to be manifested in a tremendous charge of electrical energy (the
purest form of energy). Since YaHuWaH was standing in the bush, naturally the
electrical flames streamed out from His presence. YaHuWaH warned Moses not to
come close and told him to take off his shoes.
removing the insulation of his shoes, Moses was thus grounded, so he took on
the same electrical potential as the ground on which he stood. Thus, he was no
longer a target for a lightning bolt from the electrical charge surrounding the
bush. This made it safe for Moses to remain and talk with YaHuWaH. Call it a
miracle if you will, but it was done by natural means.
YaHuWaH stood on the crest of Mount Sinai to give Moses the law, we read in
Exodus chapters 19 & 24:
“There were thunders and lightnings, and a thick
cloud upon the mount. And the sight of the glory of YaHuWaH was like devouring
fire on the top of the mount.”
mountain climbers have often been on some peak when a thundercloud came
overhead. The electrical charge on the mountain became so great that the rocks
would hiss and crackle with the discharge of current.
climbers must hastily go down to lower levels, lest they be hit by lightning.
This, (but on a proportionately greater scale), was what the presence of
YaHuWaH produced on the crest of Mount Sinai with lightning and “Saint Elmo’s Fire” all over the crest.
40:34‑35 & 1st Kings 8:10‑11
tells when Moses dedicated the tabernacle in the wilderness during the exodus,
and when Solomon dedicated the first temple in Jerusalem, we read that the
glory of YaHuWaH filled the tabernacle and the temple so that the priests dared
not enter it. This is the field of unimaginably great electrical energy, which
surrounds the presence of YaHuWaH.
is recorded in Revelation 4:2‑5 that when the apostle John was permitted to see
YaHuWaH upon His throne in heaven, he saw that lightning and thunder came out
of the throne. Obviously, this awful electrical field can be terribly
destructive to those who incur YaHuWaH’s
wrath. Psalm 50:3 says:
“There shall go before Him a consuming fire, and a
mighty tempest shall be stirred round about Him.”
A tempest
is not just a wind or rainstorm, but an electrical storm. Leviticus
10:1‑2 tells how Nadab and Abihu, son of Aaron, presumptuously came into the
presence of YaHuWaH in the tabernacle to offer incense, contrary to YaHuWaH’s
there went out fire from YaHuWaH and devoured them, and they died.
In 2nd Samuel chapter 6 we read that when
King David ordered the ark of YaHuWaH brought from the village of Gibeah to
Jerusalem, the ark was put on a cart drawn by oxen. When a rough place in the
road rocked the cart, Uzzah (one of the drivers) put his hand on the ark to
steady it and was struck dead at once. Obviously, this was a clear sign of
electrocution. But how did it happen? The Bible gives us a clear and scientific
Those of
you, who have built your own radio or hi‑fi sets, know it is a device, which
can store up a heavy charge of electricity; it is called a condenser or
capacitor. Basically, it is a three‑layer sandwich; the two outside layers are
sheets of metal foil, which conducts electricity.
The center
layer is an insulating substance such as paper, (which will not conduct
electricity). About 150 years ago, at the University of Layden Germany,
scientists discovered that if you took a glass jar, like the Mason jars your
mother used to can fruit and lined it with tin foil about halfway up the
inside and the outside, a heavy charge of electricity could be stored in it. If
you hooked up a battery to three or four of these Layden jars, they could give
you a shock that would knock you silly.
In both
the tabernacle in the wilderness, and the temple in Jerusalem, there was an
innermost chamber, the “Holy of Holies,” in which the sacred furniture was placed. The priests did not dare go into this
room. Only the high priest could enter, and even then, he was allowed to go
into the “Holy of Holies,” only
once a year, on the Day of Atonement.
The sacred
furniture consisted of:
(1) The
Ark of the Covenant. This was a chest about three feet nine inches long, two
feet three inches wide, and two feet three inches deep. On top of this was the
golden mercy seat.
(2) A low
table, three feet long by 18 inches wide.
(3) The
altar for incense.
(4) The
golden candlestick.
(5) The
two statues of cherubim angels standing so that their outstretched wings formed
a canopy over the mercy seat. All of these, except the golden candlestick, were
made of wood; all of them were covered with a layer of pure gold, inside and
The Ark of
the Covenant, the table, and the altar for incense were each a huge condenser,
a layer of dry wood insulation between two layers of gold. The details are
given in Exodus chapters 25‑30.
When even
a little Layden jar can be charged by a small and weak generator, with enough
electricity to give a nasty shock, consider how powerful a charge would be
accumulated in these huge condensers in the tabernacle or temple.
When charged
by the terrific electrical field, which surrounds the presence of Almighty
YaHuWaH, it would be deadly for the priests to be clothed in mixed fibers
together such as linen & wool!
They could
discharge a deadly lightning flash at one who intruded against YaHuWaH’s
express commands. The tabernacle had walls made of gold covered wooden boards.
These were mounted in silver sockets, which grounded them and constantly
drained off any electrical charge, which might accumulate in them. Thus, it was
made safe for the priest to work in the tabernacle, so long as they kept out of
the “Holy of Holies.”
priests were forbidden to wear garments of any material except linen, (no wool
or silk). As nomadic shepherds, the Israelites had plenty of wool. However,
they weren’t in any place long enough, during the forty years of the Exodus, to
raise flax for linen, so they had to buy linen from other nations.
fibers, such as wool and silk, generate static electricity. Have you ever
walked around on a wool carpet on a cold, dry morning, then reached out to
grasp a metal doorknob and received a shock?
If the
priests wore wool, they were soon charged with static electricity. They would
become natural targets for the lightning from the furniture of the Tabernacle
or Temple. However, linen does not generate electricity, thus, the priests were
safe, if they wore linen. Exodus chapter 28 gives the rules for the garments
the priests wore.
YaHuWaH (who created all things, and made the laws which govern them),
can use everything He created to carry out all His purposes. Yes, He did many
miracles. These miracles we cannot duplicate with our modern science because we
don’t have control over the most powerful forces of nature as He does. There
are things we cannot even understand, because our most modern science still
doesn’t know enough about how these forces operate.
Many have
scoffed at these miracles, because they were too ignorant to understand how
YaHuWaH can work within His own laws. We are just coming to realize that nobody
is as scientific as YaHuWaH, our Elohiym, who is the Creator of all things.
article was taken in part, from a study entitled “The Glory of YaHuWaH,” by Bertrand L. Comparet.
explains why the Bride of Messiah will be clothed in white linen at his return
(Revelation 19:6-9). The bride, (although she will be in a renewed, resurrected
body), will be serving with our Messiah in the New Millennium as “Kings & Priests” (Revelation 1:6
& 5:10).
As members of a “Royal
Priesthood” under the King of Righteousness, (aka Melchizedek), it
stands to reason that the bride must take on the same tasks as did the Levites
in the tabernacle, with Messiah as the reigning king and high priest.
Scientific Details of the Linen Frequency Study
In 2003, a
study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric.
According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and
organic cotton is the same – 100.
The study
showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body. A
diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where
polyester, rayon, and silk register.
cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70.
if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body. This is
where linen comes in as a super-fabric.
frequency is +5,000 on a Tachyon Meter. Wool also registers -5,000, on the meter, but when mixed together with linen, the
frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero. Even wearing a wool sweater
on top of a linen outfit in a study collapsed the electrical field. The reason
for this could be that the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while
that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left.
In an email dated 2/10/12, Dr. Yellen explained the
process of this study:
“Frequency was determined by a technician [named]
Ivanne Farr who used a digital instrument designed by a retired Texas A&M
professor called the Ag-Environ machine. We had a public demonstration with an
audience at internationally known artist Bob Summers home.
Bob Graham, the inventor, told us that his machine
was created to analyze the signature frequencies of agricultural commodities to
aid the farmer in determining the right time of harvest growth. The gentleman
identified signature frequencies that identified illness also and had turned to
helping people get well. Bob Graham stated that it was a ‘signature frequency
of that plant’s species identity.’ The MHz is different, we were suggested that
it would be the same as Rose essential oil.
There could be better devices, so we have been
looking around for more options. There’s a device that a brilliant American
agriculture scientist developed that does measure the frequency of linen and he
calls that energy Tachyon Energy. We have not yet acquired one but hope to
“Dr. Philip Callahan, a noted physician and
researcher, was able to prove the existence of this energy using plant leaves
attached to an oscilloscope. About six months ago, he visited me in California
and showed me a new development. He had discovered that flax cloth, as
suggested in the Books of Moses, acts as an antenna for the Tachyon Energy. He
found that when the pure flax cloth was put over a wound or local pain, it
greatly accelerated the healing process. He was also using the flax seed cloth
as a sophisticated antenna for his oscilloscope. This is the instrument that he
uses to determine energy of flax.”
interesting study done by Rich
Oka of Messianic Revolution is
about the Hebrew word for “mixture,” which has to do with prostitution.
See the
blog at this link:
follows is Rich Oka’s explanation.
Let me
start off today’s post by introducing the Hebrew word used to describe cloth
woven out of the forbidden mixture of linen and wool.
That word
it means “mixed material.”
actually a very accurate translation.
However, (and brace yourself), because contextually speaking, that’s NOT really what the
word means.
is actually a Hebrew idiom, and it means something totally different than what
the words on the surface say.
Before I
tell you what SHA’ATNEZ really means in its proper context in Deuteronomy
22, I want to do something really quick that will help me make my point better.
Let’s take
a look at some common American idioms.
Have a
look at the following three examples.
“That cost an arm and a leg!”
“When pigs fly!”
“Hit the books!”
Now just
imagine for a second if some folks 1000 years from now stumbled upon those
idioms and tried to understand them literally.
They would
really be scratching their heads, wouldn’t they?
They would
be thinking…
Were people actually making purchases using the limbs from animals or Yah forbid human bodies?!”
“Wow! Did pigs actually fly in the 21st century? Did pigs have wings back
“Why in
the world were college students hitting their books back then? Was it to
toughen up their knuckles for some kind of martial art they were practicing?!”
Do you see
what I mean?
completely divorced from our current language and culture by generations of
time would have no idea what the above idioms meant. They would
not be able to “make heads or tails” out of them (to use another idiom).
Well, here
is the thing.
This is
precisely the same problem we moderns have when we read the Scriptures.
When we
read our Bibles, we are literally time-traveling thousands of years back to an
ancient culture and time with a completely different language and mindset than
our own.
minus a concerted effort to understand what the words in our Bible really meant
in their proper Hebrew cultural context, we’re going to be lost.
Okay, with
that point in mind, let me explain what SHA’ATNEZ or “mixed materials” really
meant in the Biblical era.
that the Lord’s commands about forbidden mixtures or unions are all about the
7th Commandment which says…
“Thou shall not commit adultery.”
Here is
the deal.
SHA’ATNEZ literally means “mixed material,” the common usage and sense of the
term is that it is referring to prostitution.
That is
is a Hebrew idiom for prostitution.
Because in
the Biblical era, it was customary for a prostitute to wear SHA’ATNEZ or
garments made from the forbidden mixture of linen and wool.
meaning was well understood among the ancient Hebrews of the time.
prostitute in those days wore attractive clothes and put on high-priced perfume
to attract male customers.
The finest
cloth in that era was often woven out of the Biblically forbidden mixture of
wool and linen.
I am
The rich
heathens also routinely wore this kind of material.
So, there
you have it!
If you
want to really understand how the ancient Hebrews understood Deuteronomy 22:11,
you must understand that in those days mixing wool and linen for use as a
garment symbolized prostitution…
that is what prostitutes in the Biblical era generally wore.
But not
only that, (biblically
speaking), prostitution symbolizes something much deeper and its something we’ve
been studying.
symbolizes an “unauthorized” or “forbidden union.”
In other
words, it refers to an illicit mixture.
Hence, in
this sense, prostitution (or to be more accurate), “cultic prostitution,” (which is
using sex as a form of worship to a heathen god), is a form of adultery.
cultic prostitution is BOTH adultery and idolatry!
It is the
worst of all illicit mixtures or unions.
So, there
you have it folks.
In our
English Bibles, Deuteronomy 22:11 says…
“You are
not to wear clothing woven with two
kinds of thread, wool and
linen together.”
But what
it REALLY means is…
“You shall NOT wear the garments of a prostitute…which are wool and linen together.”
*Further Explanation by Maria Merola:
It is acceptable to blend cotton (or hemp), and linen together, because they are both plant-based fibers. Therefore, the electrical force-field remains intact when wearing these organic fibers together. The prohibition is specifically against mixing linen and wool together. This is because (as previously mentioned), the frequency of linen registers a positive +5,000 on the Tachyon Meter. Wool registers a negative -5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero.
Additionally, it is not healthy to blend synthetic fibers together with linen or cotton. Fibers such as Polyester, Acrylic, Modal, Rayon, etc. will cause the frequencies in linen, cotton or hemp fabrics to collapse, making them null and void.
Although Rayon is made from Bamboo, the chemical process for making Rayon is highly toxic, and therefore, cannot be deemed as a natural (organic) fiber that is suitable or healthy to wear.
Even Silk (although it comes from silkworms), undergoes a process that involves too many chemicals for it to be counted as a healthy fabric.
The bottom-line is, our Elohiym has given us every seed-bearing plant upon the earth for sustenance. This means not only food, but that which touches the body or the skin.
The Hebrew word for “meat” in Genesis 1:29 is “oklah,” which means “consume, eat, devour.” It may never have occurred to us before, but our skin cells consume oxygen, moisture, and nutrients. Thus, wearing linen, organic cotton, or hemp, may actually nourish the cells in our body.
Bereshiyth (Genesis) 1:29 And Elohiym said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
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