Thursday, July 18, 2024

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*At the bottom of this page, you will see an index, where you can access all my blogs according to category and topic.

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

Maria Merola is the founder of “Double Portion Inheritance,” since August of 2007. This photo was taken in August of 2007, when I was 47 years old. This was the summer when YaHuWaH called me into full-time ministry, and he also gave me the name “Double Portion Inheritance.” 

What does the name of the ministry mean? Why is it called “Double Portion Inheritance?”  To learn more, see the blog entitled: What is The Double Portion Inheritance?

Who is Maria Merola? Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born on August 18, 1960 into an Italian, Roman Catholic family, as both parents were born in Naples Italy, but they both immigrated to America after World War II. My birth name is Maria Domenica Merola. My married name since 2014. is Maria Merola Wold. Pictured below is me, at age 2 1/2 being held by my father, Dominic Merola, and my mother Anna Merola holding my baby brother, John in 1962.

The town where I was born, is New Castle, Pennsylvania, (about 60 miles north of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania). New Castle was, (and still is) heavily populated with Italian immigrants, as well as Greeks, Polish, and African-Americans. Growing up in New Castle, was like growing up in a melting pot of various ethnic influences, with a whopping 30% of the population being Italians. 

Although I am 100% Italian (first-generation), I have had a great love for the nation of Yisra’el, and the Yahuwdiym (Jewish) people since being born-again between 1974-1981. I also discovered in 2007 through a professional genealogist that our ancestors since the 1500’s are Sephardic (Spanish) Yahuwdiym (Jews) on both sides of my family. In 1974, I encountered a friend in my childhood neighborhood who shared the true gospel of Messiah with me, as he explained the need for all people to become “born-again,” according to John 3:3 and 1st Peter 2:3.

This had been a foreign concept to me, because it was never taught to us in Catholic School by the nuns. We were erroneously taught that being sprinkled with water on the forehead (as an infant), insured our salvation. It was in 1974, when I first learned that all people are born into the world with a fallen nature, (which we have inherited from Adam). Scripture confirms this, as it is written, that by Adam, (the first man), sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12-14). 

And because we are born with this fallen nature (inherited from Adam), all people must be “born-again,” or we cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohiym. 

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 

Tehilliym (Psalm) 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

Bereshiyth (Genesis) 6:5 Then YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of Elohiym. 

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.

In the summer of 1974, (at the age of 14), this was the first time I had heard of the concept of being spiritually reborn (as taught by our Messiah in John 3:3-8). For the first time in my life, I realized that I needed a savior, and that’s when I first repeated a “sinners prayer,” with another teenage boy from my neighborhood named “Dominic.” Dominic had a special “glow” about him. 

He beamed with joy and excitement every day, as he walked through our neighborhood like a modern-day “John the Baptist,” I made a verbal acknowledgement that I was born a sinner by nature, and that I needed a savior. I knew that the one who could save me, (by giving me a new nature), was the Messiah I had read about in the Bible. Back then, I knew him as “Jesus Christ.” 

However, I would eventually learn his true name, Yahuwshuwa (Joshua in English). It would be six more years, before I completely surrendered my life to Yahuwshuwa, as my Messiah. On February 10th, 1981, I was called out of a life of sin, and that’s when I announced to my family, that I was leaving Roman Catholicism, much to their “shock and horror.” 

I transitioned from a life of living selfishly, into a surrendered life of faith in Yahuwshuwa. Within that first year, I spent every waking hour reading the Scriptures, (beginning with Genesis), and finishing with the Book of Revelation. It was during that first year, that I had an insatiable hunger to understand the ways of Elohiym our Creator.

That same year, I was immersed (baptized) in water, but also with the Ruwach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and fire. What came along with my being filled with the Spirit of Yah, was the evidence of speaking with “renewed tongues” (Isaiah 6:5-7; 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:2-17; 1st Corinthians 12:1-11 & 14:1-40). 

This gift has been promised to every Messiah-follower as a “sign” of his “Renewed” (New) Covenant (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16). 

To learn more about this gift, see the following blogs:

When we are “Born-again of incorruptible seed” (1st Peter 2:3), we are given the same spiritual nature of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa! It is only by the “The blood of the lamb,” that we are cleansed from the evil nature. a Yahuwshuwa himself told us that if we “Eat his flesh and drink his blood,” we have his life in us (John 6:54-56). 

Eating his flesh, and drinking his blood, is not meant to be literal, as Roman Catholicism teaches. Our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa was sharing with us a “metaphor” when he said the following words:

Yahuwchanon (John) 6:35....I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst.

The word of Elohiym is our sustenance, and the only thing that can satisfy the human heart: 

Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohiym. 

Luqas (Luke) 4:4 And Yahuwshuwa answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Elohiym. 

In other words, when we “come to him,” we are eating his flesh (metaphorically), because our spiritual hunger shall be satisfied. When we “believe on him,” we shall never thirst, because our spiritual thirst shall be satisfied. 

Therefore, “eating his flesh” is a metaphor for reading his words, and allowing them to transform our lives. “Drinking his blood,” is a metaphor for allowing his words to make us clean (John 15:3; Joel 3:21), thereby changing our very DNA! 

Thus, being born-again of “incorruptible seed,” means that we have Messiah’s seed in us. Just like a plant is sown into the ground, it must first “die” (decompose), before it produces life, and springs forth into a green plant! Similarly, those of us that have our Messiah’s “seed” in us, shall one day be given immortal/incorruptible bodies, just like him! (See Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:23; 1st Corinthians 15:35-54). 

If you would like to experience this transformation, pray these words, and mean them from your heart: 

“Heavenly Father, I know that I was born a sinner by nature, and I must be reborn spiritually. I come to you now, asking you to forgive my sins. I repent of my sinful ways, and I ask you to cleanse me with the blood of Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. 

I turn away from all my sinful ways, and I choose to pursue a life of righteousness, by the power of your Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit). I now surrender my life completely to you, Yahuwshuwa, and I invite you to change me, and to transform me into a new creation, after your likeness. 

Let me become ‘born-again’ of your incorruptible seed, and fill me now with your Ruwach ha’Qodesh.” 

If you have recited this prayer, I urge you to continue to pursue a life pleasing to YaHuWaH, by studying the Scriptures, and asking the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) to teach you all things: 

1st Yahuwchanon (John) 2:27 But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.

What our Messiah was telling us, is that the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit), has been given to us when we are “born-again” by the blood of Messiah, and his Spirit will teach us all things. 

It is important not to be turned aside to false teachers, who will lead you into a spiritual ditch. Stay in prayer, constantly, and study the word of Elohiym! Let the Ruwach/Spirit of Yah be your teacher, and if you listen to the teachings of others, weigh it up against Scripture. Now, the question often arises, “Maria, which Bible shall I use?” 

I strongly recommend the “Easy Read King James Bible,” which is the same thing as the 1611 King James Version, without the archaic language. Why do I recommend the King James Version? 

The main reason is because there is a copyright law in America, (and in other nations), requiring Bible Translators to make at least 30% changes to the text, before registering their “version,” as a new copyrightable work, worthy of earning profit. 

These “changes” are required for a new “Bible Version” to be copyrighted. For this reason, I have been using the King James Version since my conversion in 1981, but as I read it, I restore the sacred names of the Father and the Son. 

When I see the name “Jesus Christ,” I read it as “Yahuwshuwa Messiah,” or “Yahuwshua ha’Mashiyach.” 

When I see “God,” I read it as “Elohiym.” 

When I see “LORD” in all capital letters, I say “YaHuWaH,” which is the proper name of our Father. 

When I see “Lord” in lower and uppercase letters in the Tanakh or Old Testament, I read it as “Adonay.” 

In the “New Testament,” it’s a bit more complicated. There are three different definitions in the Greek Textus Receptus for “Lord.” Whenever it’s the word “Kurios,” the word should be the proper name of YaHuWaH. 

The other two definitions mean “master, or a ruler of a household.” I also recommend downloading the “Esword Program” free onto your desktop, and be sure to download KJV & KJV + which enables you to hover over the words, and look up the meaning of each word in the Hebrew Concordance (for the Tanakh/Old Testament) or Greek (for the Briyth Chadashah/New Testament). 

I also recommend the following Bibles: 

The ISR Scriptures Version from 2009.
The Aramaic English New Testament by Andrew Gabriel Roth. 
The HalleluYah Scriptures.

To learn more behind the history of King James, and why there has been a conspiracy to alter the word of Elohiym, see my blog:

Blogs About Both Houses of Israel:

Blogs Explaining the Tabernacle & the Temple: 

Blogs About the End-Time Beast:

Commonly Misunderstood Phrases by Paul:

Blogs Explaining Pauls Epistles & the Law of Moses:

Blogs About the Deity of Messiah:

Blogs About Biblical Time-Keeping:

Sacred Name Blogs:

Blogs About The Feasts of YaHuWaH: 

Blogs About the Great Tribulation & the Second Coming of Messiah: 

Blogs about Pagan Holidays:

Blogs About Donald Trump:

Blogs Debunking Flat Earth:

Blogs About the Cross: Is it a Pagan Symbol?

Blogs About the “Serpent Seed” & Cain:

Blogs About the Bronze Serpent on the Pole:

Blogs about Marriage, Weddings & Divorce:

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Two-Horned Serpent from the Tribe of Dan

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, July 6, 2024

Before we delve into the biblical prophecies concerning the Tribe of Dan, I want to share important discoveries made by Yair Davidiy, a Jewish historian who has dedicated his scholarship to finding the Lost Tribes of Yisra’el in the nations. At his website, he explains that the Tribe of Dan are today the people of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland and Northern England. This discovery places Mary MacLeod (the mother of Donald Trump) as belonging to the Tribe of Dan.

“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall BEFALL YOU IN THE LAST DAYS” (Genesis 49:1)....Note carefully that what Jacob was about to speak had little to do with actually blessing his sons, but rather was to be a prophetic utterance regarding each of them with regard to the latter days, and what their father said was hardly smooth and pleasant in their ears...”

...The words of Jacob are very telling. Even though a number of his sons receive a negative prediction, none quite match the nature of what was spoken concerning the tribe of Dan. Beginning in verse 16, we read: 

“Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Yisrael. Dan shall be a SERPENT by the way, an ADDER in the path, that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward” (Genesis 49:16-17). 

No other Tribe of Yisra’el received a word of prophecy like the one uttered by Jacob to his son Dan. A number of the other children had their weaknesses pointed out, or were given predictions regarding dire consequences that would eventually befall them, but only Dan is singled out for his inherent evil. 

Note carefully that Jacob prophesies Dan is to be a SERPENT. This can hardly be viewed as inconsequential, particularly in light of the Biblical symbolism associated with these and other related reptilian creatures. The serpent is representative of Satan, the great Adversary and the personification of wickedness, and is so portrayed throughout the Scriptures, from his conspicuous appearance in the Garden of Eden in Genesis to the concluding chapters of the book of Revelation. 

Furthermore, note carefully that this prophecy regarding Dan pertains to his attitude and action toward his own family–his fellow brother tribes. Is Jacob stating or implying here that Dan will be as the Adversary in the affairs of Yisra’el in the end-time? 

Was Dan’s father given a revelation of future betrayal within his own clan? If so, this is disturbing news for latter-day Yisra’el, and could well provide enquiring minds today with an invaluable key as to what part the tribe of Dan is destined to play in world affairs. Rest assured that we will be seeking specific answers to these very questions throughout the remainder of this discussion. 

Dan is called a serpent by his father in Genesis 49:17. Jacob, however, is more specific in the next sentence, for he states: “Dan shall ADDER in the path.” 

The Hebrew word for adder is shphiyphon, and is derived from the root term shuwph, which means “To gape, to snap at, to overwhelm, and is rendered to break, bruise, and cover.

Thus, it is quite apparent that Jacob’s perception of his son in this instance is far from positive. He tells us that Dan the serpent will be in the path–the path of the rider and his horse; and that he will bite at the horse’s heels, causing him to fall backward. Thus Dan is prophesied to be an impediment, an opponent, and negative force in the latter days. 

It is well known, of course, that the serpent is representative of evil, of conniving, of worldly wisdom. It is first associated with the great deceiver, Satan the devil, who appeared in the Garden of Eden in the form of a serpent, and with subtlety beguiled Eve. Whether this creature was originally the precise description of what we know as a snake today is perhaps debatable, for the derivation of the Hebrew word “nachash” means “To hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; to prognosticate; an enchantment or enchanter,” and, as such, may be subject to more than one interpretation. 

This fact, however, is beside the point with respect to our discussion. The serpent encountered in Genesis 3 was cursed by the Almighty to crawl upon its belly in the dust of the ground, and thus the word nachash became the general term for a snake in the Hebrew language. With respect to the latter days, of which Jacob’s prophetic words speak, the serpent, of course, plays the signal role, for it is the sign of the Adversary, Satan the devil, and thus the spirit of the Anti-Christ that will arise in the end-time. 

This is so stated in many Biblical prophecies, but surely none more emphatically than the book of Revelation, where we read: 

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a GREAT RED DRAGON, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth...And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels...And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world...And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child...And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohiym, and have the testimony of Yahuwshuwa Mashiyach” (Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9, 13, 17). 

The Greek word for dragon in verse 3 actually is defined as a fabulous kind of SERPENT, so called because of its keen power of sight (from the root ‘derke,’ signifying ‘to see’). 

It is used precisely 13 times in the Apocalypse to designate Satan the devil. Satan, of course, is the real power behind the throne, as it were, of these horrific end-time events predicted in the book of Revelation. His chief servants, however, are also identified with the image of a serpent. Indeed we read in Revelation 9:15-19, that the power of the dreaded latter-day army that devastates one-third of the earth’s population is likened unto that of a serpent. How interesting then that the first human being ever to be Scripturally identified with the serpent is none other than the fifth son of Yisra’el and the subject of our discussion–Dan himself, and this serpent connection to the tribe of Dan cannot be summarily dismissed as a casual use of this symbol.

It is the sign of the Adversary, Satan the devil, and its image crops up in prophecy after prophecy in the Scriptures. In fact, the snake became the identifying sign of the Danites, both with respect to the figure that appeared on their standard as a part of the camp of Israel, as well as to numerous heraldic and other uses throughout the later history of this tribe during its many migrations to key areas of the world. In fact, no other individual human beings are compared to the serpent in all the Scriptures save Dan and his descendants!

I would submit to you that this is quite remarkable and most significant! It is also noteworthy that the biting of the horse’s heels is language eerily similar to what we read in the first great Messianic prophecy in Genesis 3:15, where YaHuWaH says to, of all creatures, the serpent:

 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it (Messiah - the ultimate seed of the woman) shall bruise your head, and you (the serpent) shall bruise his HEEL.” 

In addition to the prophecy of the dying Jacob, Moses also spoke specific words with regard to each of the twelve tribes of Yisra’el just prior to his own death. They are recorded in Deuteronomy 33. Moses’ sayings in this chapter are usually regarded as blessings pronounced upon the various clans, and indeed, for most part, they are. 

....Every single one of these 11 tribes received positive comments and blessings from Yah through His servant Moses, even though most of the people were never really all that faithful. Still, YaHuWaH had a special place in His heart for Yisra’el, and He foresaw good things that would eventually befall the people of course, the obvious omission at this point is the tribe of Dan. He receives just a single short sentence from the mouth of Moses, and what a contrast it is from all the rest of the tribes. In verse 22, we read: 

“And of Dan he said, Dan is a LION’S WHELP: he shall leap from BASHAN.” 

Not another word is spoken with respect to the Danites. No blessing is given, nothing positive is stated. Dan is the only tribe in all of Yisra’el that failed to be accommodated under the Mosaic blessing. Instead, we are told that Dan is compared to a young lion, and that he will leap from Bashan, neither statement of which seems to make all that much sense to most readers of the Bible. 

There is, however, meaning to the words of Moses that we need to consider in our study. The reference to Dan being a lion’s whelp should have a familiar ring to it, for in the previously referenced passage in Genesis 49, Jacob used the identical expression to describe the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:9). 

The root word for whelp” in the Hebrew means to turn aside, to gather for hostile purposes. If the promised Messiah was predicted to come through the line of Judah, and He is the true Lion (Revelation 5:5), then what are we to make of Dan in this regard? 

If the true lion does not descend through Dan, then what lion does? The answer may be found in the simple, well-known passage that reads: 

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the DEVIL, as a roaring LION, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1st Peter 5:8). 

It appears that the tribe of Dan was particularly despised and highly criticized by the tribe of Judah, and that enmity between these two people began early on in their history. As we have previously noted, Dan came to be considered the lowliest of the clans of Yisra’el, and none thought of the Danites in this light more than those of Judah. Indeed, Moses’ words concerning Dan may contain in them a veiled hint that something dreadful would be associated with this tribe in the future. Could this be the reason why the Tribe of Dan is not listed in Revelation, the 7th chapter?

In the days of King Jeroboam, the Northern Ten Tribes rebelled against the House of David and separated themselves from the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The almost immediate result of this division is succinctly recorded for us in 1st Kings 12, where we read: 

“So Yisrael rebelled against the house of David unto this day...And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David: If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of YHWH at Jerusalem ...Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold your gods, O Yisra’el, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt. And he set one in Bethel, and the other he put in DAN. And this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one, even unto DAN. And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like unto the feast that is in Judah (Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles), and he offered upon the altar” (1st Kings 12:19-20, 26-32). 

Note carefully the strategic part, the area of Dan plays in this rebellion against Elohiym. The golden calf placed in Dan was situated at Mount Hermon, the historic site of pagan Canaanite worship, and the even more ancient locale of unspeakably evil pre-Flood activity that resulted in the destruction of the human race! 

Dan, in fact, became the center of Phoenician/Edomite Baal-worship among the nations of the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael. I strongly suspect that Mount Hermon, given its very early history, whether in the form of legend, myth, or factual reportage, actually forms the basis and is the original model of the fabled mountain of the gods. Virtually all ancient pagan civilizations had a sacred mountain, almost always located in the north, that was deemed to be the home of the gods. 

By far the most famous of these is Mount Olympus in Greece, but there are numerous others in different locales and historical eras. Mount Hermon is undoubtedly the oldest of these very hallowed places, and perhaps the most significant as well. The concept of the sacred mountain is that it constitutes the center of the world, the gateway to revelation, and the stairway to heaven. Where there was no mountain, the people constructed one. The Babylonian ziggurat, such as the infamous Tower of Babel, or the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza Plateau are prime examples of such human efforts. In fact, after the Tower of Babel debacle, the area of Mount Hermon once again assumed its sacred pre-Flood significance. 

Indeed, the Amorite word for this mountain was Senir (Deuteronomy 3:8-9), a variant of the name Shinar, thus evoking the location of Nimrod and the notorious incident at Babel. Based upon the Paris Zero Meridian, which was universally used prior to the Greenwich International Zero Meridian established in 1884, Mount Hermon, interestingly enough, is located at precisely 33 degrees latitude and 33 degrees longitude! 

It is no accident or coincidence that Scottish Rite Freemasonry has precisely 33 degrees, the 33rd being a conferred status, rather than earned. Could some of the original foundational ideas and tenets of Freemasonry actually go back to the pre-Flood world associated with Mount Hermon, the initial mountain of the gods at the 33rd parallel? 

I believe the answer is an unqualified YES, and that is also precisely why Canaan and his descendants were drawn to this area of the world, and made it a great post-Flood center of false worship and strong demonic activity. The Promised Land that Elohiym had reserved for His people Yisrael was, of course, the very part of the world chosen by the descendants of the evil Ham through his most perverted son Canaan. 

These peoples were divided up into numerous tribes, and their names fill the pages of the books of Joshua and Judges. How appropriate that the Canaanites established a council of 33 KINGS who ruled over Palestine. How did they arrive at such a number? It appears to have been the avowed intent of Canaan to re-institute the pre-Flood pagan religious rites. Could the number 33 have a connection with the world prior to the Great Deluge? 

Certainly such a possibility exists, particularly when the fact that the area of Babylon is also situated on the 33rd degree north parallel. If this same general area had pre-Flood significance, as it did immediately after the Flood with the enterprising efforts of Nimrod, then the pagan significance of the number 33 could well have very ancient origins indeed. 

The most ancient texts, in fact, reveal that the spiritual hierarchy of Satan is comprised of 33 gods or demons, and is itself the ultimate basis for the esoteric significance of this specific number. In addition, Masonic lore claims that since Jesus, who is considered as one of the Master Initiates, apparently died at the age of 33, this exact number represents the highest spiritual level which one can attain. It is likely that Mount Hermon was originally associated with the name of Ham, who was also venerated and worshiped as Thoth-Hermes. 

The son of Hermes was Pan, and as mentioned earlier, Mount Hermon became the center of Pan-worship. The tribe of Dan also became devotees of the god Pan, and some of them transferred his cult to Greece, at which point he entered the pantheon of deities where he is best known to readers of Greek mythology. Remember also the name Paneas, which is the ancient term for the area around the base of Mount Hermon. 

You won’t see Paneas on any modern map. This area has gone through a few name changes over time. Today it is called by the Arab word Baniyas. In the days of the Messiah, it was known as Caesarea Philippi, and as such is mentioned on several occasions in the New Testament. At that time, it was part of an area called the Decapolis. 

This was not primarily a Jewish settlement, and even first-century Jews considered it far too pagan to even visit very often. This was then and had for centuries been a center for the worship of the god Pan. There was an impressive temple built in his honor at the base of Mount Hermon. Pan was the god of nature, noted for his voracious sexual appetite. 

He was the lusty god, known also as Pallas. He was characterized as half-goat, and thus was a satyr, indeed the chief satyr, of which there were many in the ancient mythologies The constellation Capricorn the goat-man was associated with him, even as it had been long before with Ham (Hermes) and his son Canaan (Pan), the post-Flood progenitors of the pre-Flood system of false worship, which they successfully re-established. 

The unicorn also became connected with Pan and his cult at Mount Hermon. In fact, there is even a brief reference to this fact recorded in the 29th Psalm, which reads: 

“The voice of YHWH is powerful...The voice of YHWH breaks the cedars; yea, YHWH breaks the cedars of Lebanon. He makes them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and SIRION like a young UNICORN” (Psalms 29:4-6). 

Sirion, we are told in Deuteronomy 3:9, was the Sidonian name for Mount Hermon. With respect to the alternative name Pallas, you might be interested to know that the root words comprising the term Palestine are Pallas and Heth. Pallas we already know was another name for the god Pan, whereas Heth was the son of Canaan, and the father of the Hittites. The original word was Palesheth. 

According to the Encyclopedia of Religion, the worship of Hermes and his son Pan at Mt. Cyllene in Arcadia was done under the name of Phales, which is derived from the word phallos, which gives us the term phallus or phallic. The name Hermon itself has a reference to a heap of stones, a landmark, a pyramid. Interestingly, stones were often utilized in the worship of the gods. We not only see this throughout the Middle East, but indeed around the world. Stone pyramids were erected anciently in numerous civilizations, from Egypt, which is also known for its obelisks as well, to Central and South America to India. 

The Babylonians and Sumerians were famous for their brick and stone towers or ziggurats. 

Then there are other structures, the mysterious stone circles that we find in various locales from Yisrael itself to the most well known of all, those found in England, the most famous of all being Stonehenge. The European stone circles were part of the Druid religion, which sprang from the Danites who earlier had migrated to Arcadia and other parts of Greece. 

Many, if not most, of the stone monuments, served not only as centers of pagan worship, but were particularly aligned with the stars and planets, allowing the ancients to accurately calculate the movement of the astral bodies, virtually all the major ones of which figured prominently in their religious beliefs and practices. Mount Hermon became popularly known as The Forbidden Place. It marked the northern limit of Israelite conquest in the days of Moses and Joshua. In other words, it was the sign designating the place where Moses was to stop and go no farther. 

Hermon and beyond were considered outside the influence and protection of the true Elohiym. The stone heaps so often utilized in the worship system of the mystery religions were actually phallic symbols. In reality, the renaming of the Promised Land by the term Palestine constitutes a brash, outright statement that this was the land of phallic-worship, part of the very ancient pre-Flood system instigated by the Nephilim, and reinstated through the descendants of Ham and Canaan after the Flood. 

You might want to think about these historical facts when you hear this area of the world termed as Palestine. Pan is also closely associated with music, and the pipe and flute most especially. Although a rather obscure reference, we find in II Samuel 24:6 a possible reference to Pan-worship being connected to the tribe of Dan. 

Note the following: 

“Then they came to Gilead, and to the land of Tahtim-hodshi; and they came to DAN-JAAN, and about to Sidon, and come to the stronghold of Tyre” (2nd Samuel 24:6-7). The place-name Dan-jaan is obviously named after Dan, and is clearly shown by the text to be in the extreme northern area of Yisrael to which the tribe of Dan migrated. 

The meaning of this term, however, is intriguing. Most sources render it in one of two ways, either Dan of the woodland or forest, or Dan played a pipe (Merrill C. Tenney, Zondervan Pictorial Dictionary of the Bible, p. 199). 

Both of these definitions can be viewed as having a relationship to Pan, since he was the god of nature, and thus of the forest and woodlands, and he has always been very closely associated with the musical instrument called a pipe or flute. In fact, the pan-flute is quite well known. Pan-worship was transported from Mount Hermon by a segment of Danites to Arcadia in Greece. 

Arcadia is a very important area which will form a part of our study later in this series. Although we are getting ahead of our story, suffice it to say that not only was this the region to which the Danite/Edomite sailors eventually migrated, but Arcadia also became the home of the Sicambrian Franks, the ethnic group from which the Merovingians emerged.

In fact, the likelihood is great that the descendants of Merovee, who became the first kings of the Holy Roman Empire, and were granted such title in perpetuity by the Papacy, were at least partly of Danite/Edomite extraction. The mythological origin of the Merovingian race is traced back to a water-beast known as the Quinotaur, which took the form of a sea-goat. This ancient story is derived from lore associated with the god Pan, who was, in fact, a sea-goat. 

The source of this mystical beginning to the Merovingians can be traced directly to the influence of the Danites who took Pan-worship to Arcadia and throughout Greece. Capricorn, the astrological sign connected to Pan, eventually became Baphomet and the Goat of Mendes, both of which are symbols of Satan, and were worshiped by the Knights Templar, the military wing of the Priory of Sion, established at the time of the First Crusade for the express purpose of aiding the re-establishment of the deposed Merovingian royal line over Europe

With respect to the subject of Freemasonry, the term Sion is strongly associated with the symbolism attached to this ancient evil craft. Note that this word is Sion, not Zion. There is a difference, for in Deuteronomy 4, we read: 

“And this is the law which Moses set before the children of the land of Sihon (one of the giants) king of the Amorites, who dwelled at Heshbon...and the land of Og (another giant) king of Bashan...From Aroer, which is by the banks of the river Arnon, even unto MOUNT ZION, which is HERMON” (Deuteronomy 4:44-48). 

Notice that the King James Version of the Scriptures renders the name of Mount Hermon as Mount Zion. A check of the Hebrew used in this instance, however, reveals a mistranslation. 

Zion in Hebrew is Tsiyown, and is the name of the famous mountain of Jerusalem. It is used often throughout the Old Testament, both in a heavenly, as well as an earthly, sense. The key word in Deuteronomy 4:48, however, is not Tsiyown at all, but an entirely different term, Siyon, and indeed is the correct alternate name of Mount Hermon. The term Sion is connected directly to the pagan idolatry centered around Mount Hermon, and its inclusion in Freemasonry is not coincidental, since this assumed fraternal organization has been for centuries the promulgator of the ancient mystery religion, and at its upper echelons is integrally involved in the age-old, on-going attempt to control the world. 

In this regard, Mount Hermon, Sion, Esau, Dan, Baal, Freemasonry, etc. in the north, stand in total opposition to Jerusalem, Zion, Judah, Yahweh, Messiah, and Torah in the south. As an aside to this aspect of our study, it is instructive to know that in Celtic the word Sion means Mount of Stones or a Fortress. 

The Druids would build huge fires in the midst of their great stone circles or Sions, and the high priest would conduct worship services standing in the midst of the fiery stones. The central stone was called the Stone of the Covenant, and in Ireland, where there was much Danite migration and influence, it was known as Bethel - The House of Elohiym! 

Just as an interjection, The Priory of Sion, a highly secret society connected with the Knights Templar which we will discuss in another installment of this study, has been, since at least the time of the first Crusade (1099 A.D.), totally dedicated to the restoration of a particular royal house, the Merovingians, installing on the throne of a United Europe the very man who may well be revealed as the end-time Biblical Antichrist! 

How interesting it is that the Old Testament contains precisely 33 separate terms denoting the latter-day Antichrist! And it is by no means a mere coincidence that in the Hindu sacred book, the Vishnu-Purana, we read: “These thirty-three (33) divinities exist age after age, and their appearance and disappearance is in the same number as the sun sets and rises again” (p. 160). 

Or that the Buddhist Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks of the 33 heavens ruled over by Indra and the 33 ruled over by Mara? The obvious answer to these questions is HARDLY!

Even in our own day, the current European Council of Princes, ostensibly the advisory body to the European Union, consists of exactly 33 participating members, divided into the Council of Nine, and the Council of Twenty-Four. Every distinguished member of this assembly is of Merovingian lineage. 

The Merovingian dynasty is the royal bloodline that preceded Charlemagne and the Carolingian usurpers to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, a bloodline that claims divine descent, but as we shall soon come to see, derives instead from the apostate Israelite tribe of Dan! 

This conclave is destined to become the occult hierarchy of Europe. The present head of the European Council of Princes is HRM Prince Michael James Alexander Stewart, 7th Count of Albany (Scotland), succeeding the Hapsburgs of Austria who had held the seat since 1946. 

Rest assured, therefore, that this organization, The Priory of Sion, and the evil ruler to come, all have or will have direct ties to Freemasonry, the 33rd parallel, Mount Hermon, Esau, Dan, and Baal-worship! 

It should also be of interest that the headwaters of the Jordan River emanate from Mount Hermon. The name Jordan, as you can easily see, contains the word dan. It is derived from the Hebrew root word meaning to descend, and can be defined as the descent or the going down of Dan, and has always been associated with death. The Jordan River marks the eastern boundary of Yisrael, and winds its way like the serpent of Dan down from the Cave of Pan on Mount Hermon.

As it moves along, silt and debris, the earthy wastes, are picked up by the flowing waters. Down, down, down, the river of Dan descends until it reaches the lowest land region on the face of the earth, the appropriately named Dead Sea, where forward motion finally ceases as it spills its filthy contents into that lifeless body of water. Remember that Naaman the Syrian at first refused to bathe seven times in the Jordan, exclaiming that there were far better rivers in his own land. 

Perhaps this is why the Messiah agreed for John to baptize Him in the Jordan River, since it has such a connotation as the place of death! Of course, we could not leave off a discussion of this particular area of the world without mentioning the fact that this region is today known as the Golan Heights, over which so much controversy and bloodshed has arisen in the land of Yisrael. 

One of the chief purposes of the Six-Day War in 1967 was to gain control of the Golan from Syria. It has remained ever since perhaps the most hotly disputed territory on earth, and will almost certainly figure prominently in the end-time prophetic scenario that will unfold! 

So, when you hear news about the Golan Heights in Yisrael, think about Dan and Mount Hermon, and remember the prophecy that we read earlier in Jeremiah 8:15-17: 

“We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, but behold trouble! The snorting of his horses was heard from DAN: the whole land trembles at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land...For, behold, I will send serpents...among you...and they shall surely BITE YOU.”

Can the Tribe of Dan be Redeemed?

These comments in response to the above by myself, Maria Merola:

I submit to you, that those descended from the Tribe of Dan may still be redeemed, but they will have to repent, and be grafted into the Tribe of Yahuwdah (Judah), the tribe into which our Messiah was born. According to Ezekiel 47-22-23, any “stranger” may be grafted back into the House of Yisrael, simply by sojourning (walking with) one of the tribes of Yisrael. In the case of the Danites who were disinherited for their idolatry (Hosea 1:9), the only way back into the covenant, is through the Lion of the Tribe of Yahuwdah (Judah).

There is a place in Yisrael that has been dedicated to President Trump. Back in 2020, a friend of mine who currently lives in Yisrael pointed this place out to me. 

She sent me a photo of this place called Trump Heights 24/7 House of Prayer.” According to Wikipedia, this is an Israeli-occupied settlement in the Golan Heights:

Trump Heights is a planned Israeli settlement in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights named after, and in honour of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights are widely regarded as illegal under international law. However, the Israeli government disputes this. It will be under the jurisdiction of Golan Regional Council.

The Golan Heights rise from 400 to 1700 feet in the northeastern section of the country. Israels highest mountain, Mount Hermon, is located here. Mount Hermons highest peak is more than 9,000 feet high, the top elevation under Israeli control is Mizpe Shelagim, the Snow Observatory, at about 7,300 feet (2,224 m.).

There are a few interesting things about this place that are very telling. The first thing that comes to mind when I see this photo, is the prophecy in Isaiah.

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 14:12 How are you fallen from heaven, O Heylel (Lucifer), son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! 

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 14:13 For you have said in your heart, I will ASCEND into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohiym: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north


Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 14:15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol (hell), to the sides of the pit. 

The Hebrew word for “height” in Isaiah 14:14 is as follows:

#H1116 bamah bam-maw' from an unused root (meaning to be high); an elevation:--height, high place, wave; heights of Baal

What is also interesting, is the meaning of the word “Hermon,” as in Mount Hermon in Hebrew: 

#H2763 charam khaw-ram' a primitive root; to seclude; specifically (by a ban) TO DEVOTE TO RELIGIOUS USES (ESPECIALLY DESTRUCTION); physical and reflexive, TO BE BLUNT as to the nose:--MAKE ACCURSED consecrate, (utterly) DESTROY, devote, forfeit, have a flat nose, utterly (slay, make away). The root word is as follows: 

#H2764 cherem khay'-rem or (Zecheriah 14:11) cherem {kheh'-rem}; from 2763; physical (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively); usually A DOOMED OBJECT; abstr. EXTERMINATION:--A CURSED THING, dedicated thing, THINGS WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN UTTERLY DESTROYED; UTTER DESTRUCTION DEVOTED THING.

Mount Hermon is that place where Yahuwshuwa (Joshua) conquered and defeated the Giants (Nephilim)! See the book of Yahuwshuwa (Joshua), chapter 12:1-5!

Trump Worships Himself As Apollo

The real reason why the global elite bankers chose 9/11 to take down the Twin Towers, is because of what it says in Revelation 9:11.

Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 

Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy Is Donald Trump Jewish? 

Donald Trumps mother (Mary MacLeod) was a Scottish Jew from the Tribe of Dan. The Tribe of Dan has been prophesied to be a “TWO-HORNED SERPENT THAT BITES, DECEIVES & KILLS HIS VICTIMS!” 

On March 21, 2020, YaHuWaH showed me that President Trump is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2. 

When I looked up the meaning of the words in Revelation 6:2, I discovered some interesting things. 

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a WHITE [LEUKOS]: and he that sat on him had a BOW [TOXON]; and a CROWN [STEPHANOS/CORONA] was given: and he went forth CONQUERING [SUBDUE] and to CONQUER [SUBDUE]. 

The Greek word for “white” is “leukos,” which means “light.” In Isaiah 14:12, the fallen angel “Heylel” is named “Lucifer” in Latin, and this name means “light bringer.” 

This shows us that Trump is portraying the bringer of a “false light,” just like Satan (Lucifer) who transforms himself as “An angel of light.” 

The word “bow” is “toxon,” which means “Poisonous bow & arrows.” 

Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” was the first seal, the rider on the white horse going forth conquering (subduing, and enslaving).

Genesis 49:16 Dan shall JUDGE his people, as one of the tribes of Yisrael. 

Genesis 49:17 Dan shall be A SERPENT by the way, AN ADDER [TWO-HORNED SERPENT] in the path, that BITES the HORSE HEELS, so that his RIDER SHALL FALL BACKWARD. 

The name “Dan” means “judge,” and YaHuWaH is using Donald Trump to judge the world of idolatry, because many people are worshiping him as the Savior, instead of looking for the real Messiah to return. 

This prophecy tells us that Dan shall be a “serpent” by the way (derek). The Hebrew word “derek” means “A course of life, a mode of action.” 

This means that Donald Trump’s character is that of a serpent in the way that he lives his life. 

The Hebrew word “adder” is “shephiyphon,” which means “A cerastes, or two-horned serpent.” 

It is also referred to as a “DEVIL-HORNED SNAKE!” The cerastes can have either two large ram-like horns or two pair of smaller horns. 

The cerastes hides its head in the sand with only the horns protruding out of the surface; this is meant to DECEIVE other animals into thinking it is food. 

The cerastes also uses it’s horns to strike and to gore people or animals to death! 

The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine, has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. 

It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, sweating, exhaustion, kidney failure and heart irregularities. 

The toxins could also inflict mental disorders, severe headaches, paralyzed facial muscles, and other “peculiar sensations.”

Continuing to decipher Genesis 49:17, we learn that the Hebrew words “in the path” is “orach,” which means “A road well-travelled, a caravan, an army or a troop, a race.” 

This word speaks to the fact that Trump has a “War-like” demeanor, and he means to harm anyone who stands in his way. The word “bites” in Hebrew is “nashak,” and it means “To strike, to sting, to oppress.” 

The word “heels” means “To lie in wait at the rear of an army.” 

The Hebrew word “backward” is “achor,” and it means “To turn one’s back toward the East (Jerusalem), and to turn toward the North-West.” 

This tells us that Trump will “TURN HIS BACK” on Israel, and he will send Troops to attack her from the North-West (America and her ten-nation confederacy). 

This is shown to us in the prophecies concerning the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). 

In the film entitled “Left Behind: The World at War,” we can see the Antichrist Leader named Nicolae Carpathia in his high-rise building in Manhattan New York. 

They show the building from the outside, and it’s obvious they are trying to show us the “One World Trade Center.” 

As Nicolae stands in front of the Manhattan Skyline in his office, he shows President Gerald Fitzhugh a vial of his new Green Serum that will be used to kill millions of people. 

President Fitzhugh is played by Louise Gossett Jr., and he is a black man. At the beginning of the film, President Fitzhugh (speaking into a tape recorder) tells us that he is the one who helped propel Nicolae Carpathia to power. 

I believe they were showing us that President Fitzhugh is Obama, because it was 8 years of an Obama Presidency that made Americans disgusted enough to want to vote for Trump. 

They were telling us that the Antichrist leader is a man who is from Manhattan, New York (Trump). Nicolae Carpathia even looks very similar to a young Donald Trump. 

It reminds me of Donald Trump’s Snake Bite Poem, which he read out loud, pretending that it was about Illegal Immigration. It wasn’t until March of 2020, that I realized that Trump’s Snake Bite Poem was a cryptic message he was sending out to the Elites! 

He was telling us that he is the “SNAKE,” who bit the woman (humanity) with a DEADLY BITE! 

See my blog explaining the hidden meaning behind Trump’s Snake Poem: President Trump’s Poem About the Snake & the Woman