The Trinitarian Doctrine claims that Father, Son & Holy Spirit are “God,” but they are all SEPARATE PERSONS!
What this means, is that they worship THREE SEPARATE DEITIES!
The diagram on the right, is what the Scriptures teach.
Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Yisra’el: YaHuWaH our Elohiym is ONE YaHuWaH.
*Note: the word “echad” (one) in Hebrew means “alone!”
The name “YaHuWaH” means “The Self-Existent One!”
Only those who have the Ruwach ha'Qodesh (Holy Spirit) can understand this:
1st Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of Elohiym calls Yahuwshuwa accursed: and that no man can say that Yahuwshuwa is YaHuWaH, but by the Ruwach ha’Qodesh.
The Trinity Doctrine originated with Tertullian, an early “Church Father,” not the first century Yahuwdiym (Jewish) Apostles, and neither did the prophets of old teach any such thing known as “The Trinity.” The Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century made it Roman Law at the Council of Nicaea to believe in a Trinity, under penalty of death.
The biggest issue is “terminology confusion.”
There are three main definitions for the word “person.”
In Hebrew, the word for “person” is “nephesh,” which means “a rational soul, or a living, breathing creature.”
The English Dictionary says that “A person is a human being or a rational being.”
In Hebrews 1:3, the Greek word for “person” (singular) is “hupostasis,” which means “An essence or a substance.”
Going by the Hebrew definition, (as well as the dictionary definition of the word “person,” we cannot claim that the Father & the Son are two separate “rational souls,” because our Messiah already told us that he is “In the bosom of the Father.”
He also told us that “The Son is in the Father, and the Father is in Son!”
Therefore, if they are “INSIDE OF EACH OTHER,” it means that they are perfectly “INTERTWINED AND CANNOT BE SEPARATED!”
YaHuWaH is a Ruwach/Spirit, who exists ALONE, and he exists OUTSIDE OF LINEAR TIME!
We can accurately say that our Creator is like H20 (water), which is only ONE SUBSTANCE, aka ONE PERSON, but can take on different forms, without changing its molecular structure!
Job 38:28-29 bears this out, by telling us that H20 (water) takes on different forms, but does not change its nature!
Judging by all these definitions, our Creator is only one substance, that can be likened to H20 (water), but can take on different forms.
H20 does not change when it is frozen as ice, or heated up as steam or vapor.
The Trinitarian Doctrine claims that Elohiym is “One being,” and “One God,” but then they contradict themselves by saying that he is “Three separate, and distinct persons.”
This is what I call “double speak,” which is what the serpent does, with his forked tongue.
Using all of the above definitions, we know that our Creator is not three separate beings, or three separate bodily images. He is also not three separate spirits.
Scripture tells us that “In Messiah” dwells all the fullness of Elohiym bodily (Colossians 2:9).
The term “godhead” is a made-up word, and a construct of the “Mystery Babylon” paganism adopted in the fourth century by the Roman Emperor Constantine.
There is no such word as “godhead” in the Hebrew Tanakh (Old Testament). The term “godhead,” is a three-headed deity found in ancient mystery religions.
The “Shield of the Trinity,” or what is formally called “Scutum Fidei,” is a traditional Christian symbol which expresses many aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity.
It summarizes the first part of the Athanasian Creed, in a compact diagram.
In late medieval England and France, this emblem was considered to be the heraldic arms of the Trinity.
The Athanasian Creed is seen below:
1.) The Father is God
2.) The Son is God
3.) The Holy Spirit is God
4.) God is the Father
5.) God is the Son
6.) God is the Holy Spirit
7.) The Father is not the Son
8.) The Son is not the Father
9.) The Father is not the Holy Spirit
10.) The Holy Spirit is not the Father
11.) The Son is not the Holy Spirit
12.) The Holy Spirit is not the Son.
What is wrong with this creed? Well, it is full of contradictions. The first six of these statements are true, but the latter six of these statements are false!
What About Genesis 1:26?
Looking it up in Hebrew, the terms “LET US,” & “IN OUR” & “AFTER OUR” do not appear in the Hebrew Text in Genesis 1:26. These terms were added by the English translators:
[Let us] make = #H6213 - asah - to make.
[in our] image = #H6754 - tselem - resemblance, image.
[after our] likeness = #H1823 dmuwth - resemblance, shape, similitude.
In the very next verse, (Genesis 1:27), it speaks of Elohiym in the singular again:
Genesis 1:27 So Elohiym created man IN HIS OWN IMAGE [NOT IMAGES], IN THE IMAGE OF ELOHIYM created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27 proves that Genesis 1:26 is speaking of Elohiym as a SINGULAR ELOHIYM, NOT A PLURAL ONE.
In Genesis 11:7, the phrase “LET US GO DOWN,” is only one Hebrew word “yarad,” (#H3381), which means “to descend.”
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