By Maria Merola אריאל
In 1981, the Father spoke to me and told me that he wanted me to warn his covenant people about the deception of the religion of the Antichrist. Since that time, I have made it my business to understand the prophecies in the book of Daniel & Revelation so that I can live up to the calling that the Father has placed upon my life to be a “Watchman to the House of Yisra’el.”
And so here we are, 28 years later, and this news development is pushing us closer to what scripture calls “The Abomination of Desolation” (Matthew 24:15; Daniel 11:31, 12:11).
This happened back in May of 2009, with Shimon Peres pushing for the Vatican to own Jerusalem. However, this actually began to unfold in 1993 when Shimon Peres handed over Jerusalem to Pope John Paul II to be completely taken over by the Vatican.
*See the article online at this link below: Peres Advocates for Vatican?
This is exactly what the book of Revelation says concerning the MOTHER OF HARLOTS and THAT GREAT CITY which shall be trodden under foot by the Gentiles during the time of tribulation:
In this plan, Jerusalem would be administered by the Vatican. The city would have an Israeli mayor and a Palestinian mayor, both under orders from the Holy See. The Vaticanisation plan was originally submitted (so Halter reported) to the Vatican by Peres two years ago, just before the Oslo talks began. Arafat agreed not to oppose the plan during the Oslo talks. The plan was first published on 10th September 1993 by the Italian newspaper La Stampa, three days before Rabin met Arafat in Washington. At that time Peres ordered the Foreign Ministry to deny that such a programme existed. Now they are privately confirming the existence of the plan.
Jerusalem is now called the “Second Vatican” under Jurisdiction of Pope John Paul II as I showed from the previous article, that Shimon Peres has handed the city of Jerusalem over to the Pope in 1993.
We see that YaHuWaH Elohiym will cause “That great city” to fall:
Chazown (Revelation) 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
So where is “That great city?” It is shown to be Jerusalem because Jerusalem is already well on it’s way to becoming the second Vatican. And we also find out that the “great city” is where our Lord was crucified:
Chazown (Revelation) 11:8 .....And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Master was crucified (Jerusalem).
That “great city” spoken of several places in the book of Revelation is once again shown as Jerusalem since it is where Yahuwshuwa Messiah our Master was crucified. Jerusalem is now called the “Second Vatican” under Jurisdiction of Pope John Paul II as I showed from the previous article, that Shimon Peres has handed the city of Jerusalem over to the Pope in 1993. We see that Elohiym will cause that “great city” to fall.
Notice that the above article from Banner Ministries accurately describes Revelation 16:18-19 since 1993 wherein that “great city” Jerusalem has been divided into “three parts”---- “Christian, Jewish, Muslim.”
“.....Jerusalem to become the second Vatican of the world with all three major religions represented but under the authority of the Vatican....”
Palestinians Proposed Giving Temple Mount to the Pope
The Pope is longing to set up his throne on the Temple Mount, and gains support from Islam. These wicked men are in agreement.
Wikileaks have done it again. Displayed double standards, and the true motives of the “peace makers” in the Middle East.
The battle is not for justice and democracy. The battle is for the control of Mount Zion, the very site of the two Jewish temples in Jerusalem. The man who soon will sit there will be worshiped as “God, the Father.” But the man on the Temple Mount, will be a fake, and a very powerful deceiver. Millions will worship this man of lawlessness.
This is what the Israeli Daily Haaretz write on the latest catch of “secret documents.”
The documents also reveal that the Palestinian negotiators, in an effort to move forward on the hyper-sensitive issue of the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, proposed a joint committee to administer the Temple Mount.
The offers were made in 2008, in the wake of the Annapolis conference, and were privately hailed by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat as giving Yisra’el “The biggest Jerusalem in history.”
*Note: The Upside Down Cross behind the Pope is a symbol for the Antichrist!
The “excuse” that the Vatican uses for this, is they claim that the Apostle Keefa (Peter) “The first pope,” according to Catholic dogma. And since Peter was supposedly crucified upside down (according to Catholic myth), they are using the upside down cross as their symbol!
But this is a SMOKESCREEN! The Seat of the Papacy is the Seat of ANTICHRIST!
A Covenant between Pope John Paul II & PLO Leader Yasser Arafat Against YaHuWaH, the People of Yisra’el & Jerusalem
According to this agreement, Jerusalem will be an international city based on international resolutions and an international guarantee. (The UN decided on more than one occasion that Jerusalem should be an international city.) They also decided that any step or activity taken by Yisra’el to change this position of Jerusalem is against the law.

The prophet Daniel was shown that one of the characteristics of the Antichrist is that he would “Have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.”
We can now see in plain view that this is accurately portraying Pope John Paul II as he has “intelligence” with the “Palestinians,” who are against the covenant of Yisra’el, and such that “do wickedly against the holy covenant” that YaHuWaH Elohiym made with Abraham and his descendants.
He would thus “flatter” those who are in league against the covenant of Yisra’el. Pope John Paul II has indeed flattered the so-called Palestinians by giving them precedence over the land that YaHuWaH Elohiym intended for national Yisra’el:
This “covenant” between the “Palestinians” and the Vatican shows us that we are very close to seeing the 3rd Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem by the Vatican and the next Pope could very well be a false Messiah to the Jewish people as he sets up the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple.
The unholy alliance that the Vatican has made with the Arab world is not to convert them to faith in Messiah Yahuwshuwa. Pope John Paul II has made the statement that “Allah” is the same Mighty One as the Almighty of Christianity and of Judaism, the same Creator YaHuWaH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
But this is completely false! “Allah” is nothing more than a pagan god known as the “moon god.” The Pope will stop at nothing to unite all religions under the Catholic Church.-----Battle Cry Newpaper, December 2002, Chick Publications.
While the Vatican has remained seemingly innocent and uninvolved regarding all the Middle East strife, it has actually been the main culprit behind the scenes making agreements with the PLO against YaHuWaH’s covenant with the physical children of Yisra’el.
In Revelation 2:9, Yahuwshuwa Messiah warns the church of Pergamos about those who would call themselves “Jews” but they are indeed of “The synagogue of Satan.”
Since the days of the Roman Emperor, Constantine in the 4th Century, the main perpetrators of this “Replacement Theology” has been the Papacy. This is evidenced in the following article by Lambert Dolphin entitled Preparations for a Third Jewish Temple at:
May 4, 2008 Peres Advocates for Vatican?
by Hillel Fendel Peres
President Shimon Peres is pressuring Interior Minister Eli Yishai to sign away six properties demanded by the Vatican, including Mt. Tabor and a church in Nazareth, according to IDF Army Radio.
Minister Yishai, of the Sephardic hareidi-religious Shas party, has thus far refused to give his approval – and staffers in the President’s office say they’ll seek a legal way to give away the areas without Yishai’s approval, IDF Army Radio reports. An official denial of the report has been issued by the President’s office.
Yisra’el and the Vatican have been negotiating for more than ten years on various fiscal issues, including taxation of Church properties, the removal of certain areas from the pool of areas that Yisra’el might confiscate, and the transfer of specific places to Vatican control.
The six places that Peres believes Yisra’el should give the Vatican are: Mt. Tabor, Capernaum and Mt. of Beatitudes on the north Kinneret shore, and three churches: Gethsemane (Gat Shmanim) Church in the Kidron (Jehoshaphat) Valley between the Old City and Mt. of Olives, the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, and one in Tamra.
In addition, the Vatican demands control over the Last Supper Room in the Mt. Zion building that houses King David’s Tomb. The building was granted to the Diaspora Yeshiva over 40 years ago, and yeshiva heads fear that the Catholic Church wishes to turn it into a pilgrimage site for hundreds of thousands of Catholics and hold religious services there. Peres did not include this site on the list of those he feels Yisra’el should give the Vatican.
Tourism Minister: No
Tourism Minister Stas Mesezhnikov, of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, told IDF Army Radio that he objects to giving gifts of this nature to the Church. He explained that his objections are not necessarily religious or ideological: “If we would be sure that this would bring millions of Christian pilgrims, then we would have cause to think about it. But since we can’t be sure that this will happen, why should we give them gifts?”
Giving the properties away means that Yisra’el will not be able to pave roads or lay electricity and other infrastructures without Vatican approval.
Knesset Initiative
An initiative is underway to garner Knesset Members’ signatures on a petition calling on Yishai not to give in to the President’s pressure, and averring that no one has the right to give away Yisra’el’s sovereign territory to a foreign entity.
“Every concession of this nature is a blow to Yisra’el’s ability to act as a sovereign state in these areas,” Minister Yishai told IDF Army Radio in response. “I am sure that the Pope’s visit will not be harmed even if we do not give away our sovereignty.”
IDF Army Radio then sought out a reaction from Yossi Beilin, a Peres protégé and former head of the ultra-left Meretz party. “We have dragged our feet long enough in the negotiations with the Vatican,” Beilin said, “and it’s time for us to go towards the Church in this and other matters.”
Expert: Forbidden to Give In
Prof. Yitzchak Minerbi, an author and expert on Yisra’el-Vatican relations, told Yisra’el National News, “Even if some Vatican sources threaten to call off the visit if we do not give in – and there are definitely some elements there who don’t want the visit to happen – this is no reason to give in... In my opinion, it is clear that this pope is more friendly to the Arabs, and particularly to the Palestinians, than he is to Yisra’el.”
Minerbi said that Yisra’el is wrong for not giving in on the matter of tax exemptions for churches:
Regarding Mt. Zion, Prof. Minerbi is equally adamant:
“The arrangement there is one that has worked for over 150 years - namely, the status quo set in place all the way back in 1852. There are many competing claims there between various churches, etc., and if any small change is made, it can rock the whole structure.”
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready?
Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!.....
We also learn that the occult side is also awaiting the so-called “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” of believers, and gives the approximate timing of it. We also learn that the New World Order Plan gives the top leadership of the New Religion of the Christ to the Roman Catholic Pope!
On June 26, 2000 the Vatican officially became the MOTHER OF THE ONE WORLD CHURCH
NEWS BRIEF: “Interfaith Meeting Gives Birth to United Religions,” by Richard Scheinin, Mercury News Religion and Ethics Writer, Mercury Center, San Jose Mercury News
“ ‘You are deputized!’, the Rev. William E. Swing, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California, told delegates as they prepared to go home. ‘Tell the people that there is a United Religions, and that somewhere in the world, it is beginning to happen: that the religions are going to have an oasis where they can talk about peace.’[This conference was held June 23-27, 1997].”
We have been predicting for a full decade now, that the current Ecumenical Movement was a precursor to the global religion of Antichrist, which, according to Scriptural Prophecy, is to be initially headed by the False Prophet. Before we go any further in our current story, we need to first quickly review some basic information.
The name of this seminar, “POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE,” was held at the Boston office of the House of Theosophy on 8/18/91.
During this seminar lecture, Lambert gave many important and revealing aspects of the New World Order Plan to produce Antichrist and his False Prophet. Lambert revealed that the person had been selected to fulfill this religious leadership position, and it was none other than the Roman Catholic Pope!! Listen to Lambert’s explanation:
“At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one.”
Thus, the Roman Catholic Pope has been selected to be the top global religious leader of the New World Order Religion!
See my other article entitled: “Who is ‘That Woman Jezebel?’ & Who is ‘The Beast?’”
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