© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, September 2002-2022
Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel’s 70th Week?
In this blog, I want to bust wide open the myth that Daniel 9:27 is describing an antichrist leader in the future. Following the events of 9/11/2001, I asked Abba YaHuWaH to help me understand Daniel’s 70th Week. When I asked him who is the “HE” in Daniel 9:27 his answer stunned me!
He answered me with another question: “Why did King Solomon almost divide that baby boy in half with a sword?” This is when the eyes of my understanding were opened!
I realized in that moment, that because both Houses of Yisra’el had been divided after King Solomon died, our Messiah allowed his ministry to divided in half, so that he could “Stand in the Gap” (Ezekiel 22:30), and ultimately “Repairing the Breach!” (Isaiah 58:12).
To learn more, see these two blogs:
Many believers are confused about when the Great Tribulation will begin. This is because Dispensationalist Theologians have wrongly interpreted Daniel 9:27 to be describing a FUTURE ANTICHRIST LEADER.
However, Daniel 9:27 is describing the REAL MESSIAH, who CONFIRMED (strengthened) the Abrahamic Covenant “IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK,” leaving only 3.5 years (1,260 days or 42 months) for the CORPORATE TWO WITNESSES to complete!
It is this event that will kick-off “THE LAST HALF OF DANIEL’S 70TH WEEK,” as our Messiah told us plainly when it would begin:
Matthew 24:15-21 “When you therefore shall SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE........FOR THEN SHALL BE GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
The first thing that I want to reveal is that in the Hebrew Old Testament, the word “HE” does not appear in Daniel 9:27, as the English translators added the word “HE” into the text. This confuses the readers into believing that the verse is describing an antichrist in the future.
A more accurate way to read Daniel 9:27 (as is seen in the Hebrew) is as follows:
Daniel 9:27 And the covenant shall be strengthened for one week: and in the middle of the week, the sacrifice and the oblation shall cease, and at the pinnacle of the abominations, destruction shall be completed and poured upon the ruins.
Additionally, English grammar necessitates that the “HE” in Daniel 9:27 would be describing the previous subject in Daniel 9:26, which is “Messiah the Prince.”
The “HE” cannot be describing “The people of the prince that shall come,” because the pronoun “THEY” would be the obvious pronoun to describe the Roman Armies that came to destroy Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
The only one who qualifies to STRENGTHEN/CONFIRM THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT WITH MANY is our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa!
Matthew 26:28 For THIS IS MY BLOOD of the RENEWED COVENANT, which is SHED FOR MANY for the remission of sins.
Mark 14:24 And he said unto them, THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE RENEWED COVENANT, which is SHED FOR MANY.
The Abrahamic Covenant can only be CONFIRMED by the one who is the ORIGINATOR of the Covenant!
It was our Messiah who visited Abraham as Melchizedek with BREAD & WINE! (see the 7th chapter of Hebrews).
Not only that, but Abraham received the bread & wine AFTER he slaughtered the kings. But our Messiah gave us the Bread & Wine, BEFORE he was slaughtered as the KING OF KINGS!
In Egypt, YaHuWaH commanded Yisra’el
to slaughter a lamb BEFORE he slaughtered the Egyptians & Pharaoh.
If Daniel 9:27 is about an ANTICHRIST LEADER, that would then disqualify our Messiah as the one who came to CONFIRM/STRENGTHEN HIS OWN COVENANT with his bride!
The False Messiah is now PRETENDING TO CONFIRM the original Abrahamic Covenant with the Abraham Accords, but it’s a counterfeit!
The Abraham Accords are not a fulfillment of Daniel 9:27, but rather, they are a fulfillment of Isaiah 28:15-18 and Daniel 7:24 & 8:25.
President Trump SUBDUED THREE KINGS with the Abraham Accords, but he also DESTROYED MANY BY A PEACE AGREEMENT.
President Trump added a clause to the Abraham Accords that mandated cooperation with the development & distribution of the Poisonous Snake Bites!
Who is the one that caused the SACRIFICES & OBLATIONS to CEASE?
It was our Messiah who prophesied to Jerusalem that their Temple would be destroyed, and thus their SACRIFICES & OBLATIONS CEASED in 70 A.D.!
And who was the one that determined DESOLATIONS upon Jerusalem right up until his SECOND COMING?
Luke 13:35 Behold, YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE: and verily I say unto you, You shall not see me, until the time come when you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of YHWH.
When President Trump builds a replica of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, he will at first allow the morning and evening sacrifices to be performed.
However, at some point, he will TAKE AWAY the daily sacrifices, and he will instead set up an A.I. IMAGE of himself to be worshiped!
To learn more, see my other blog:
That will be the event that kicks-off the 42 months or the 1,260 days of Great Tribulation!
There is no such thing as a SEVEN-YEAR TRIBULATION!
Our Messiah already fulfilled the FIRST HALF of Daniel’s 70th Week (3.5 years), leaving the LATTER HALF (3.5 years) for the Two Witnesses to complete!
Those ministries claiming that our Messiah’s ministry only lasted for 70 weeks, Luke 4:25 proves them wrong.
Our Messiah gave us a hint in Luke 4:25 that his ministry would be the same length as that of the prophet Eliyahuw (Elijah), which is three years and six months.
He was also giving us a hint about the widow (symbolic of Jerusalem in Isaiah 54 & 66) whose only son (symbolic of himself) died at the end of 3.5 years (see 1st Kings 17:17-24).
Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel’s 70th Week?
Except Those Days Should Be Shortened:
Jacob’s Time of Trouble & Daniel’s 70th Week:
Daniel’s 70th Week Divided in Half at the Conclusion of Messiah’s Earthly Ministry:
Did Messiah Have a 70-Week Ministry?