What many of you are failing to see about the FOURTH BEAST in Daniel 7:25, is that although it is ROME, there are FOUR ITERATIONS OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE!
See the YouTube Video: The Little Horn Arises Out of America:
See the blog: The Little Horn Arises out of America:
This is why in Revelation 17:8, the ROMAN EMPIRE is described as follows:
Revelation 17:9-10 gives us a hint that this BEAST IS ROME:
Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which has wisdom. THE SEVEN HEADS ARE SEVEN MOUNTAINS ON WHICH THE WOMAN SITS.
*Explanation: The “woman” is an ancient religion called “Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.”
The headquarters for this abominable religion was at one time in the ancient land of Shinar, where Nimrod built the Tower of Babel.
The Greek word for “mountains” (oros), which means “elevation.”
Therefore, Mystery Babylon has influenced ALL SEVEN CONTINENTS of the world, which are seven elevations!
Before the flood in the days of Noah, there earth had only one super-continent. After the flood, the super-continent split up into seven continents, and Mystery Babylon religion migrated to the entire world under different names.
The Roman Empire later adopted this famous religion as it's state religion, which is why it is famously known as “THE SEVEN HILLS OF ROME,” on which the Vatican City sits!
Even though there are seven mountains in Jerusalem, and seven hills in Washington D.C., these two cities do not sit directly ON TOP OF THESE SEVEN HILLS, whereas Rome does!
See this blog: Who is Mystery Babylon?
Revelation 17:10 And THERE ARE SEVEN KINGS: FIVE ARE FALLEN, AND ONE IS, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
*Explanation: When the Apostle John was receiving this vision on the Island of Patmos, the Roman Empire was in power, hence the phrase “AND ONE IS.”
The previous five empires that had fallen are as follows: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, & Greece.
This Roman Beast that “WAS, AND IS NOT,” is also “THE EIGHTH EMPIRE/KING!”
Revelation 17:11 And THE BEAST THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, EVEN HE IS THE EIGHTH, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and goes into perdition.
The Eight Kings/Empires of Revelation 17:10-11 are as follows:
1.) Egypt (2,768 years).
2.) Assyria (756 years).
3.) Babylon (299 years).
4.) Medo-Persia (66 years).
5.) Greece (290 years).
6.) Imperial & Papal Rome - (1,842 years).
7.) British Empire - Continues a short space (108 years).
8.) United States of America - 1945 (under the Yalta Agreement) to the present.
*Explanation: America is the 8th king (empire), which is of the seventh empire (Great Britain).
After the Revolutionary War, America is described as “TWO EAGLE'S WINGS” that were “plucked” from the lion (The British Empire).
*1st Reich - Imperial Rome ruled by the Caesars (31 B.C. - 476 A.D.).
*2nd Reich - Papal Rome ruled by Constantine in the 4th Century, and successive Popes as the Holy Roman Empire (313 A.D. - 1808).
*3rd Reich - Nazi Germany commissioned by Pope Pius XII in 1933 under the Reichskonkordat Act (1933 A.D. - 1945 A.D.).
*4th Reich - The United States of America taking over the entire world under U.S. Presidents with Trump as the final end-time beast (1945-Present).
Under the 4th Reich, we will see the last United States President become just like King Charlemagne, who was crowned the Pope of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 A.D.!
I believe that DJT could replace Pope Francis as the 8th Pope since Mussolini restored the Papal Power of Europe in 1929!
Amen, well done sister. DJT the Vaxx Daddy.