Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Is Donald Trump the Anointed King Cyrus?

By Maria Merola אריאל 

© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, March 2020-August 2024

I want to begin by declaring that Donald Trump is NOT King Cyrus, nor is he the High Priest of Yisra’el, nor is he an anointed Messiah!

So where did this false teaching come from anyway? 

Many Jewish Rabbis have been purporting since 2015, that Donald Trump is just like King Cyrus, to whom YaHuWaH called “His anointed servant.”

But what was King Cyrus anointed to do? Was he anointed to save humanity from their sins? No! King Cyrus was anointed for one purpose, which was to allow the Yahuwdiym (Jewish people) to return from the Babylonian Captivity, and to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 45:1 Thus says YHWH to his (mashiyach) anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut.

In 2015, a Jewish Rabbi named Mattityahu Glazerson, made the astonishing claim that Donald Trump’s name in Hebrew adds up to 424, which also matches the Gematria value of “Mashiyach Ben David” (Messiah Ben David). 

He also tries to make the connection between Isaiah 45, King Cyrus, and Donald Trump. Because King Cyrus was chosen by Yah to help the Yahuwdiym (Jews) to rebuild the Temple, he is attaching the prophecy of Isaiah 45 to and DJT becoming President #45. 

But there are many flaws with his theories, which I will slowly uncover as we progress in this teaching.

Leading up to the first coming of Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) there were many patriarchs in the TaNaKh (Old Testament) who were “types and shadows” of the real Messiah from heaven, (who many call Jesus Christ). 

*Examples: Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samson, David.

However, once our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (Joshua) came and died for us sinners, THERE ARE NO MORE MESSIAHS TO BE HAD! 

Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) was the ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT of Messiah Ben Joseph, (the Suffering Servant), as well as the Messiah Ben David, (the Conquering, Reigning King)!

There is not one passage of Scripture telling us that just before the real Messiah returns from heaven to earth, that e will send a flawed, mortal human being to do the job for him!

Why does Donald Trump need to build the Temple, when the prophets of old told us that our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) will be the one who will rebuild it at his return? 

Zechariah 6:11 tells us that the real Messiah will be given MANY CROWNS, not just ONE CROWN! 

But the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is only given ONE CROWN! 

The real Messiah, whose name is Yahuwshuwa (Joshua), will be given MANY CROWNS, as also described in Revelation 19:12.

Zecharyahuw (Zechariah) 6:11 Then take silver and gold, and make CROWNS, and set them upon the head of Yahuwshuwa (Joshua) the son of Yahuwzedeq (Josedech), the high priest; 

Zecharyahuw (Zechariah) 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaks YHWH of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is THE BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and HE SHALL BUILD THE TEMPLE OF YHWH: 

Zecharyahuw (Zechariah) 6:13 Even HE SHALL BUILD THE TEMPLE OF YHWH; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. 

Show me one passage of Scripture that says that just before the real Messiah returns to earth, he will send a flawed, mortal human being who will build the Temple! 

Show me one passage of Scripture that says this OTHER MESSIAH will do ALL THE SAME THINGS that the real Messiah Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) has been prophesied to do when he returns!

Why do we need Trump to fight against the Beast Power, when that is what the REAL MESSIAH from heaven is going to do when he returns? 

Why do we need Trump to SAVE ISRAEL, when that is what the REAL MESSIAH from heaven is going to do when he returns? 

Why do we need Trump to do all those things, when Scripture tells us that the REAL MESSIAH will rebuild the Tabernacle of David that has fallen down? 

Why do we need Trump to build the Temple, and then sit in it, pretending to be Elohiym (2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4)?

Why would it be the will of Elohiym for Trump to build the Temple, (only for it to only be standing for 42 months), until the real Messiah, Yahuwshuwa returns to earth and cleanses the entire earth with fire? (see Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:2; 1st Peter 3:10-12).

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 16:5 And in mercy shall the throne be established: and HE SHALL SIT UPON IT IN TRUTH IN THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness. 

Amos 9:11 In that day WILL I RAISE THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID THAT IS FALLEN, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: 


Does Donald Trump’s name add up to 424, as Rabbi Glazerson falsely purports?

There is a serious deception that I have uncovered regarding this claim, and I will also point it out from a graphic I made. Instead of using the Hebrew Letter “Vav” (Waw) for the letter “U” in the name “Trump,” they use the “Aleph” which makes his last name sound like “Tramp!”  

But that is not being intellectually honest! Rabbi Glazerson, and other Rabbis are deliberately used the wrong Hebrew letter, forcing his name to match the same value as “Messiah Ben David!” If we swap out the “Aleph” for the “Vav,” that changes the numerical value of Trump’s name from 424 to 429. 

Additionally, when we add Trump’s middle name (John), or in Hebrew “Yochanan,” we come to the Gematria value of 550. 

But guess what else adds up to 550? 

I did a Google Search and found the following: 

Nazi = 550.
Hidden Enemy = 550.
Human Trafficking = 550.
Rage against the machine = 550.
Flip the Script = 550.
Spy = 550.

What do all these terms have to do with Donald Trump? If you haven't figured it out yet, let me show you.

*Nazi reveals who Donald Trump really is. His first wife (Ivanna) wrote in her book that Trump kept Hitler’s books on his nightstand, and he read his speeches often before bedtime. 

Trump has also told us on many occasions that he intends to become a dictator once elected. He also admires all the dictators of the world who have the same war-like spirit as he does.

*Hidden Enemy is very appropriate, since he pretends to be a Bible-believing Christian. In reality, he is a 33rd Degree Freemasonry.

*Rage against the machine, is the name of a rock band. But this phrase implies that Trump (who is supported by Elon Musk) will fast-track Transhumanism, and begin building “Super Soldiers” (just like in the Terminator Movies). 

This is the agenda of the Global Elites, to depopulate the earth, and to replace humans with Robots! 

*Flip the Script is something that Trump is notorious for doing. During his 2016 campaign, he spoke out against “Vaccines,” citing that it causes Autism in children. 

However, in December of 2020, he “FLIPPED THE SCRIPT,” and began calling it “A GREAT CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!” He even calls himself “The Father of the Vaccine!” 

Trump is modeling the same narrative of the Captain America films, because Captain America presents himself as a “Patriotic Great American Hero.” 

However, at some point, we discover that Captain America defects to a Nazi Organization called “Hydra!” In other words, Captain America is A DOUBLE-AGENT, OR A SPY! 

The Hydra Vulgaris is a creature that can be chopped up in a million pieces in the blender, but within 24 hours, it begins to reassemble itself! This is why the news media has dubbed Trump “The Hydra!” 

No matter how many times people try and take him down, via Impeachments, Indictments or assassination attempts; he will not be taken out until his 42 months of speaking blasphemies against the Most High is finished! 

There are also T-shirts being sold that say “Hail Hydra” with Trump’s face on an Octopus! 

The #88 is “code” for “Hail Hydra” & “Hail Hitler,” because “H” is the 8th letter in the English & German Alphabet. 

President Trump, is also a graduate of Jesuit Bible College Fordham University, and he was known for keeping books written by Hitler on his night stand.

His first wife, Ivana Trump wrote in her memoirs, that Trump often read the speeches of Hitler before bedtime. Interestingly, history seems to be repeating itself, because Hitler was also arrested for Insurrection and served jail-time, before being released after serving only 9 months out of a 5-year sentence.

When Adolph Hitler was released from prison, the German Christians went wild, as they cheered him on as their hero. 

This empowered Hitler to move forward with his plans to take over the world for the Holy Roman Empire, under orders of Pope Pius XII. 

The result was, 6 million Jews & Christians (who helped hide Jews in their homes) were slaughtered in Prison Camps.

Hitler’s campaign motto was “Make Germany Great Again!” 

Even Trumps enemies are rallying around him, now. Governor Ron Desantis said he will not cooperate with the state of New York, when it comes to having him extradited. The Governor would have to sign off on the paperwork to remove Trump from the State of Florida. Now we know why he moved to Mar-a-Lago! 

The reason why Trump’s political enemies are getting behind him now, is because they fear retribution. If he goes down, they all go down with him. Trump has been collecting blackmail tidbits on them for years, as he used to be friends with Jeffrey Epstein, and he knows who went to the Pedophile Island. That’s probably why they raided his Mar-a-Lago home, to find all the blackmail logs that he possesses! 

Trump has the power to have them publicly executed, which is why he is announcing at his Rallies that he wants to bring back the Guillotines and the Firing Squads, and he wants to conduct these live on television! 

This sounds eerily similar to what Nero Caesar did with the followers of Messiah in the Roman Coliseums, as many were martyred en-masse in front of huge crowds! 

If you doubt that Trump intends to execute anyone who disagrees with him, I suggest that you read about a prophetic dream that my Facebook friend had in 2021.

MakiaDream About Trump in January of 2021

When have we ever seen a United States President being touted as our “Daddy?” 

The above graphic I made, illustrates how the American people are calling DT “Daddy Trump,” and believing that he is going to “SAVE AMERICA!” 

A friend of mine from South America, told me about a dream she had about Donald Trump at the beginning of 2021. This was her dream:

DT was a powerful leader, who had the people of the world in his hands. Most idolized him and trusted him; and everything DT said was believed. He had prepared the way for when he returned as President. 

When he returned, the whole world cheered and loved him. He promised to end all the evils in the world, especially corruption, injustice and poverty throughout the world (no matter where one was); But it seemed that he was the only one who moved the masses, and people did not trust anyone but DT, and his word was “law.”

Everything he promised to do, he fulfilled, and everything they asked for, he gave to all the people in the whole world. DT decided who was corrupt, who was “good,” or who was “evil,” and they would be taken to jail at his command. 

DT began to get rid of all his political opponents, and important characters, just by saying that they were bad people. He would then condemn to jail, or death, and the people supported everything he said and did. DT did whatever the majority of the people asked for, and he would order the execution of anyone who disagreed with him by the gallows, or imprisonment. 

Suddenly, one day, he was no longer the seemingly “good guy” who smiled all the time. His face began to change into something fierce; he no longer smiled, and he became an evil tyrant, who accused, gave orders and began executing everyone, one after the other. All of his orders were to finish off many leaders and presidents of the entire world. 

They were accused of corruption, and very bad things. He wanted to finish off everyone who opposed him, because his desire was to be the only world ruler on earth. People adored him, and they were surrendered at his feet. He had practically assassinated almost all the powerful rulers, and wealthy people of the world. Then came the day, when he accused the Pope. 

Apparently, the Pope was the only ruler left alive, so he accused him of the worst horrible crimes. However, before that, he had already prepared all the evidence against the Pope, which he had in his hands. He had planned everything in advance to get rid of all his opponents, all the powerful people of the world, and anyone who stood in his way. 

People were so hypnotized, that they did not realize that DT was really bad. With all the accusations, and incriminations against the Pope, DT directly called for the Pope’s Execution, but this time, there was no need for him to ask for the opinion of the people. 

Then, DT became the only world leader and ruler; he had everyone on their knees and eating out of his hands. He said “I create decrees, and everyone has to obey.” People tried using passes for transit, or to buy and travel, but those who did not have the passport were imprisoned. 

He felt they had too much control---the whole word was in his hands. Those who did not obey, or have a passport to travel from one place to the next were persecuted and/or executed. They could not buy food, and they suffered a lot. 

The few who were suffering were in hiding, but the majority accepted all of DT’s laws that were imposed upon the entire world, for they all obeyed him with pleasure. All those people (who obeyed DT) lived happily, and they lacked nothing; they had no concern for anyone else, only themselves. 

There was only one type of Military. They were tall, bald, dressed in uniform, and armed; and they were everywhere. Most people had no problem with them, and everyone who obeyed DT were happy. Only those who did not have the passports were suffering, and were in hiding. 

Before I had this dream, I admired DT. But Yahuwah showed me from this dream, that no matter how much somebody appears to be “kind,” we can all be deluded. 

*Maria’s Comments about Makias Dream: 

What really stands out to me, is that the word “Pope” in Latin comes from the word “Papa” which means “father.” All United States Presidents are descended from Pope Charlemagne who was the Pope of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 800 A.D. Even the name “Donald” in Gaelic means “World Ruler!” 

Many T-shirts are being sold displaying the moniker “Daddy Trump!” Could it be that DT wants to get rid of Pope Francis, so that he can step into his shoes? 

Many New Agers (who refer to themselves as Christians) are part of the Qanon Cult, and they have made outlandish claims that Trump is a reincarnation of Saint Germain. Saint Germain Theosophy

Some say that Trump is a reincarnation of Pope Charlemagne, who was a political/military bully in his time. Trump Another Charlemagne?

*Disclaimer: Reincarnation is not biblical. Hebrews 9:27 says: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

It’s also interesting, that in the film “Megamind” from 2010, Megamind shapeshifts into Marlon Brando from “The God Father,” (after he injected Hal with a DNA-altering serum). Adding to the idea that Trump wants to imitate the Heavenly Father, he was personally responsible for altering the DNA of all humans on the earth who subjugated themselves to the kill-shots.

Megamind (disguised as the God-Father) told Hal “I am your Father, I am your Space Dad,” after injecting him with a DNA-altering substance.

In March of 2021, DT made the very same statement, calling himself “THE FATHER OF THE VACCINES!” 

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