Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Jonathan Cahn’s “Mystery of the Trump Assassination” Exposed!

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

At one time, I liked Jonathan Cahn, and thought he presented a lot of intriguing prophetic things. And to be clear, I still agree with about 95% of what the man teaches!

However, there is that other 5% that he teaches that seems to be riddled with a Political Zionist Agenda to push Donald Trump into the seat of Antichrist in the 3rd Temple. Much of what he teaches affirms the evil of Pope Francis, and the Left-Wing Liberals. And I do agree with him 100% when he exposes the Democratic Liberals.

But if you listen closely, you can tell that he is highlighting the evils of the Left, while deliberately ignoring the evils of the Right-Wing Conservative Agenda being preached by Trump.

Satan’s strategy is tricking many of you into choosing evil. Many of you tell me that you feel compelled to vote for “The Lesser of Two Evils.” 

But what if I showed you that Scripture does not command us to “VOTE” at all? 

What if I told you that the elites are using the extreme agenda of the Democrats, to force you to choose “The Lesser Evil” of the Republicans? 

In reality, the Illuminati knows that most Americans are in favor of “Biblical Values.” They are using the LGBT & Woke Agenda into scaring you, so that you will readily embrace the Biometric Tracking System (RFID Chip underneath the skin), aka “The Mark of the Beast!” 

They are using the “FEAR” of Illegal Immigration & Voter Fraud to round up “The Vacca” (The Cattle) or “The Sheeple” into their TRAP! 

They formed the “Greater Evil,” to trick you into choosing what they wanted all along! In other words, they want you to choose “The Lesser of Two Evils!” 

See the following YouTube Video: What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

Admittedly, I became suspicious of Jonathan Cahn in 2007, when some friends of mine attended his congregation in New Jersey, and they reported to me that he celebrates Christmas & Chanukkah together (mixing the paganism of Rome with the Dedication of the Temple of YaHuWaH). 

However, since 2020, I became even more suspicious of Rabbi Jonathan, when I heard him refer to President Donald Trump as “Messiah Ben Joseph.” Since that time, I began to smell a rat, and started seeing some serious issues with his teachings on the Jubilee Cycles & President Trump. The title “Messiah Ben Joseph” is a prophetic title that is reserved for the real Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (at his first coming), for he portrayed the role of the “suffering servant.” 

At his second coming, Yahuwshuwa will portray the role of “Messiah Ben David,” the conquering reigning king. Therefore, to refer to President Trump as “Messiah Ben Joseph,” is to place him in the same position of our Savior, and King, which is blasphemy!

Jonathan Cahn presents some interesting concepts concerning the Shemitta years (7-year sabbaticals), and some of the harbinger events that have lined up with these cycles. However, he is wrong about the year 2017 being a Jubilee Year.

To learn more about the Gnosticism & Mysticism interwoven into Jonathan Cahns writings, please see this website: Jonathan Cahn: Kabbalah & Mysticism

Based on the data I have gathered, I believe that the next Jubilee Year could POSSIBLY take place on Yom Kippur in 2027/2028. This will more than likely be when our Messiah returns.

The reason why I do not believe that 2017 was a Jubilee Year, is because it does not match the record of Scripture, and neither does it match the historical data I gathered from the Jewish Historian, Josephus. So then, why does Jonathan say that 2017 was a Jubilee Year?

Ever since the Jewish people have been estranged from the land of Yisrael (after the Roman Siege in 70 A.D.), they lost track of the Jubilee Years, and their count is not accurate. 

There are certain Zionist/Jesuit Global Elites, and bankers (i.e. Rockefellers, and Rothschild family) that began calling the year 1917 a Jubilee Year, based on “The Balfour Declaration.” They add fifty more years to that date, and came to the year 1967, (when Israel recaptured Jerusalem in the 6-day war). They add 50 more years to that date, and they came to the year 2017, when President Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital City of Israel.

I believe that the Political Zionists, and the Jesuits in Rome have purposely planned “false flag events” to make it appear that they are lining up with the Shemitta years, and the Jubilee Cycles. 

What is a Zionist? Zionism is a term that was coined by the Jesuits in the 1500’s with a Vatican/Illuminati agenda to help the European Jews return to Jerusalem, so that they can be controlled by the papacy in the end of days. The Vatican currently owns 60% of Jerusalem since Shimon Peres handed over the Old City to Pope John Paul II under the Oslo Accords in 1993. 

The Vatican’s goal is to seat the False Messiah in the 3rd Temple, and to trick the Jewish people into worshiping the beast. Zionists are not waiting for the Messiah to come from heaven. Many Orthodox Jews do not agree with Political Zionism, therefore, I am very careful not to call all Jews “The Synagogue of Satan.” 

It is not for us to decide who are the real Yahuwdiym (Jews), and who are not. That is for the Father to decide. 

See my other blogs: 

The Illuminati/Political Zionists have already selected their own political Messiah who has Jewish heritage. Pope John Paul II & President Trump are two individuals that are said to be from the Jewish Merovingian Bloodline (supposedly descendants of Mary Magdalene & Jesus).

This is (of course), a satanic lie that has been circulated to the masses by the Mystery School Religions and Secret Societies, such as “The Knights of Templar and “The Rosicrucians. 

Jonathan Cahn regurgitates many of his ideas from the Zohar (Kabbalah Magic), as he comes to his false conclusions about President Trump. I believe he is secretly following the Political Zionist Agenda of Anti-Messiah, because he praises President Trump, calling him a “Messiah figure.” I heard him say this on the Jim Baker show, as well as on Sid Roths show. He claims that Trump ushered in a Jubilee Year in 2017. This was the year when Trump declared Jerusalem the Capital City of Yisra’el. See my other blogs revealing Trump’s training in Kabbalah Magic since the 1980s:

Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Trump declaring that Jerusalem is the Capital City of Yisra’el. This had to come to pass, (and I believe YaHuWaH wanted it to come to pass), but not for the same reasons that Jonathan Cahn is purporting. 

If what Jonathan is saying is true, (that 2017 was a Jubilee Year), this means that our Messiah will not return until the year 2067! 
It means we will have to wait yet another 50 years from 2017 for him to return on another Jubilee. Therefore, I do not believe his calculations for the Jubilee Cycles are accurate.

In the year 2014, two baby cows were born with the number seven, on their faces, and they just happened to be born on September 20th, which was five days before the Jewish Rosh HaShanah, aka “The Feast of Trumpets,” according to the Rabbinical calendar. My husband I have been following the biblical sighted moon calendar, since 2006, which would have caused “The Feast of Trumpets,” to fall on September 26th or 27th that year.

Even though I disagree with Jonathan Cahn’s rendering of the Jubilee Cycles, he does have some intriguing things to say regarding these two cows that were born with the number seven on their faces. Listen to this video (with a grain of salt) making sure to “chew the meat, and spit out the bones. 

Also see my blogs where I share the prophetic meaning of these two cows:

I believe that these two cows are telling us that we may only have fourteen years left (after 2014). Therefore, the second coming of Messiah could POSSIBLY be in 2027/2028 on Yom Kippur!

Listen to the video by Jonathan Cahn where he affirms the false narrative that Trump was anointed as the High Priest with a bullet to the ear. 

While we are on the topic of assassination attempts, it is important that you also read my other blog, which raises questions as to why the Globalist Bankers wanted to stage an assassination attempt of Trump. See my other blog: 

Politico Magazine also ran a great story on August 3rd, 2024 highlighting the history of Benito Mussolini's assassination attempts, and how effective they were at catapulting him to fame with the people of Italy.

In January 2020, I had become increasingly more suspicious of President Trump, despite the fact that I previously supported him in 2016.

When I saw in the news that Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner were offering 
“The Peace to Prosperity Plan” to Israel & Palestine on January 28th 2020, I immediately remembered this description of the Little Horn:

Daniel 11:39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

When both parties (Israel & Palestine) rejected the plan, the very next day came “Sudden Destruction” on January 29th, 2020, as The World Health Organization announced “A Global Coronavirus Pandemic.”

President Trump intends to separate (distinguish) the regions of Israel, and divide some of the territories with Palestine. Will he accomplish this through his Deal of the Century?

Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace [prosperity] shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

The Hebrew word for “policy” literally means “intelligence, success, prudence.” This describes a man with Trump’s business savvy and skills. The word “prosper” literally means “to push forward.” The word “craft” literally means “fraud, deceit.” 

But what really jumps out at me is the Hebrew word for “peace”  in the above passage which is “shalvah.” This word literally means “PROSPERITY!” 

Is this beginning to sound off alarms yet?

Now, I am going to show you how President Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity Vision” seems to line up with the following description:

1st Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace [prosperity] and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

The Greek word for “peace”  in the above passage is “eirene” which literally means “PROSPERITY!” 

Read the entire plan at this website:

On January 28th 2020, Netanyahu met with Trump to announce “The Deal of the Century.” The next day, The World Health Organization announced a worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!


And to go along with the Covid-19 Scamdemic, the word “SAFETY” is now the key operative word around the entire world!

Here are a few comments I made on Facebook on January 28th 2020:

Even though I voted for Trump (to prevent Hillary from being President), I knew long ago that this was coming!

Christians & Hebrew Root’s folks were acting as if Trump was their Savior & Hero, and putting him on a pedestal where he does not belong.

Yes, I like Trump, and agree with many of his policies, (i.e. his strong stand against abortion, vaccines, etc.), but I was never under any delusion that he was the answer to America’s greatness.

According to the Secretary of state, Trump’s son in law, Kushner, (who feigns support for Israel), has completed a detailed plan for Peace in the Middle East supposedly as part of Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” which puts pressure on Israel to dismantle parts of their security wall; that which has reduced 100% of suicide bombings in the area since it was built.

Imagine that!

Trump wants billions to put up a wall on our border, but tells Israel they have to take down theirs, and let their enemies come in like a flood.

And now you know why things have gone quickly south for the 45th president.

He is usurping the authority of YaHuWaH!

He does not have to divide the Land!

The result?

Well, what you do to Israel will be done to you, America!

The Torah (Mosaic Law) strictly forbids this so-called “Deal of the Century.”

Deuteronomy 19:14 You shall not remove your neighbour’s landmark [border, territory], which they of old time have set in your inheritance, which you shall inherit in the land that YHWH your Elohiym gives you to possess it.

Proverbs 22:28 Remove not the ancient [owlam, eternal] landmark [boundary, territory], which your fathers [Ab, Father] have set [asah, made].

Although I was suspicious of President Trump in 2017 (after I had voted for him in 2016), I was stunned when YaHuWaH spoke to me on March 21st 2020, and showed me that Trump is the Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 6:2. To learn more, see this blog:

From the time that I first voted for Trump in 2016, I was already beginning to feel regret in 2017, when I saw him going to Saudi Arabia, and planting his hands on the globe, as if to assert “World Domination with the Arab world!”

If that wasn’t bad enough, I knew I had made a huge mistake when I saw Trump visiting Pope Francis at the Vatican, and having a face-to-face visit with him about the Climate Change Encyclical. See the graphic below to gain perspective on what actually took place in that meeting:

After that, I began hearing rumors that the Rabbis in Israel were calling Trump “The Messiah,” and were asking him to build the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.

In 2017, there were many American evangelists who were aligning themselves with this false notion that Donald Trump is a “A Type of Messiah,” and one such evangelist was Jonathan Cahn. Even though I liked Jonathan Cahn in previous years, I was beginning to see an agenda unfolding right before my eyes. 

But the obvious question must be asked “What could be the motivation behind Jonathan Cahns declaration of Donald Trump as a Type of Messiah?”

In this blog, I show the erroneous teachings of Jonathan Cahn concerning the Jubilee Cycles. Political Zionists have deliberately altered the Jubilee Calendar, making it appear that 2017 was a Jubilee Year, and that Donald Trump ushered in that Jubilee Year! The only problem is that Donald Trump declared Jerusalem the Capital City in December of 2017. 

But in Luke 4, we learn that our Messiah ushered in a Jubilee Year on Yom Kippur, which is in the 7th Hebrew month---never in December! 

Listen to this interview, where Jonathan Cahn falsely claims that Donald Trump is a “TYPE & SHADOW” of Messiah, and that he ushered in a Jubilee Year in December of 2017! 

The only problem is, that if what he is teaching is correct, we must now wait until the year 2067 for the next Jubilee Year, when our Messiah will return! 

In 2020, I heard Jonathan Cahn on a television interview claiming that Trump ushered in a Jubilee Year in December of 2017, when he made Jerusalem the Capital City! 

But there is a problem with this, because in Numbers chapter 10, we are shown that it is Aaron and his sons who qualify to usher in a Jubilee Year, and Trump is not from the Tribe of Levi. Donald Trump is from the Tribe of Dan!

Here are some things to consider:

Beware of the mainstream Messianic & Christian Leaders on television who are working together for the Illuminati to seduce you into “STRONG DELUSION TO BELIEVE A LIE!” 

It is becoming increasingly more obvious that the blasphemous narrative they are pushing is meant to exalt Donald Trump as the False Messiah! 

This is further proof that the entire Assassination Attempt was scripted, planned and faked! 

They did it to make everyone believe that Donald Trump is the Messiah! 

Did you know that 80 years ago on July 20th 1944, there was an Assassination Attempt on Adolph Hitler, and his ear was injured? 

See the History Channel Documentary: The July Plot: When German Elites Tried to Kill Hitler: 

Please listen to this blasphemous teaching that Jonathan Cahn published on YouTube, where he claims that Trump was anointed with his own blood as a High Priest!

But there is a problem with this, because in Numbers chapter 10, we are shown that it is Aaron and his sons who qualify to usher in a Jubilee Year, and Trump is not from the Tribe of Levi! Donald Trump is from the Tribe of Dan. To learn more, see this blog: 

The Two-Horned Serpent From The Tribe of Dan

See the video: 

Not that there is anything wrong with declaring that Jerusalem is the Capital City of Yisra’el. 

But Jonathan Cahn is using a FALSE JUBILEE CALENDAR, as he claims that 2017 was a Jubilee Year! If 2017 was a Jubilee Year, we must wait until 2067 for the REAL MESSIAH to return to earth in a Jubilee Year! 

Scripture tells us in Isaiah 61:7, Luke 4:19-20 & Revelation 19, that our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) will return to earth in a Jubilee Year. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, 23 B.C. was a Jubilee Year, and our Messiah began his ministry 50 years later in 27 A.D., which was the 80th Jubilee Year since the Creation. 

By adding 40 more Jubilees (2,000 years), this means that our Messiah could POSSIBLY return by Yom Kippur 2028! 

 Additionally, our Messiah taught us “THE FIG TREE PROPHECY,” which tells us that when the Fig Tree Blossoms (Israel became in a nation again in 1948), that is when the “LAST GENERATION” begins, which leads us to his SECOND COMING! 

Psalms 90:10 tells us that “A GENERATION” is at the most 80 years! By adding 80 years to 1948, we come to the year 2028! 

In his latest video, Jonathan Cahn declares that Trump was anointed with his own blood on his right ear, on the right thumb, and the right foot! But according to Numbers 10, only the Sons of Aaron qualify to become High Priests on earth! 

Our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa is our ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST, from the Tribe of Yahuwdah (Judah), and no earthly man can take his place (see Psalms 110 & Hebrews 7).

In the first five minutes of the video, Jonathan says “Trump is not the High Priest of Yisra’el,” just to lower everyone’s defenses. But then he does this thing called “Double Speak,” (which is like Bait & Switch), where he backpedals, and presents evidence that Trump was anointed as the High Priest on July 13th 2024! 

Jonathan even cites the Torah Portion on July 13th from Numbers 19-22, where Aaron is being anointed. The only problem is, there is nothing in these verses about Aaron’s right ear, right thumb, and right toe being anointed! 

Those verses are in Leviticus 8-14, not in Numbers 19-22. Many Jewish Rabbis in Israel are now calling Donald Trump the High Priest & Messiah, who qualifies to build the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem! 

But Zechariah 6:11 tells us that the REAL MESSIAH, whose name in Hebrew is Yahuwshuwa (Joshua) is given “MANY CROWNS,” and he shall build the Temple of YaHuWaH when he returns to earth! 

But since Judaism at large has rejected Yahuwshuwa as the Messiah, now they are looking for “ANOTHER MESSIAH,” and they are calling Trump “Another King Cyrus,” who was anointed to build the Temple in Isaiah 45:1. 

But there is another problem! Once our Messiah came, and died for us sinners, there are NO MORE MESSIAH’S TO BE HAD!

Yahuwshuwa was the ultimate fulfillment for all the previous “TYPES & SHADOWS” of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa! 

According to Leviticus 16, it is understood that when the High Priest finished his atoning work in the Temple, he “SAT DOWN!” This is precisely why our Messiah “SAT DOWN” at the throne in heaven after he ascended back to the Father. 

The Jewish Talmud falsely claims that there is an Angel in heaven named “Metatron,” who is the long awaited Messiah for the Jewish people. However, I believe that “Metatron” is the same fallen angel we see in Isaiah 14:12, who is Heylel (Lucifer)! 

 Revelation 9:11 calls him “APOLLYON” in Greek or in Hebrew, “A-BAD-DON!” 

Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon

So I calculated the Gematria value of “TRUMP IS METATRON,” it has the value of 666! See it for yourself at this website:

Modern Judaism denies that our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa is Malkiy-Tzedeq (Melchizedek). They instead claim that Melchizedek was Noah’s son “Shem,” who does have a genealogy, and he does not have an ENDLESS LIFE, as described in Hebrews 7:3! 

See my blog: “Who is Melchizedek,” where I show from Scripture that only Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) is our Eternal High Priest, and no other! 

In 2015, a Jewish Rabbi named Mattityahu Glazerson, made the astonishing claim that Donald Trump’s name in Hebrew adds up to 424, which also matches the Gematria value of “Mashiyach Ben David” (Messiah Ben David). 

But there is a problem with this, which I will point out from this graphic. Instead of using the Hebrew Letter “Vav” (Waw) for the letter “U” in the name “Trump,” they use the “Aleph,” which makes his last name sound like “Tramp!” 

That is not being intellectually honest! They deliberately used the wrong Hebrew letter, forcing his name to match the same value as “Messiah Ben David!” 

If we swap out the “Aleph” for the “Vav,” that changes the numerical value from 424 to 429. 

Additionally, when we add Trump’s middle name (John), or in Hebrew “Yochanan,” we come to the Gematria value of 550. 

But guess what else adds up to 550? 

I did a Google Search and found the following: 

Nazi = 550 
Hidden Enemy = 550 
Human Trafficking = 550 
Rage against the machine = 550 
Flip the Script = 550 
Spy = 550 


*Nazi is self-explanatory, because Trump’s first wife (Ivanna) wrote in her book that Trump kept Hitler’s books on his nightstand, and he read his speeches often before bedtime. Trump has also told us on many occasions that he will become a dictator. 

*Hidden Enemy is very appropriate, since he pretends to be a Bible-believing Christian. In reality, he is a 33rd Degree Freemasonry, who worships Baphomet aka Lucifer (Heylel in Hebrew).

“Rage against the machine,” is the name of a Rock Band. This name implies that Trump (who is supported by Elon Musk) will fast-track Transhumanism, and begin building “Super Soldiers” (just like in the Terminator Movies). 

This is the agenda of the Elites, to depopulation the earth and to replace humans with Robots! 

“Flip the Script” is something that Trump is notorious for. During his 2016 campaign, he spoke out against “Vaccines,” citing that they cause Autism in children. However, in December of 2020, he “FLIPPED THE SCRIPT,” and began calling it “A GREAT CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!” 

He even calls himself “The Father of the Vaccines!” 

Trump is modeling the same narrative of the Captain America Films. Captain America presents himself as a “Patriotic Great American Hero.” 

However, at some point, we discover that Captain America defects to a Nazi Organization called “Hydra!” 

In other words, Captain America is A DOUBLE-AGENT, OR A SPY! 

The Hydra Vulgaris is a creature that can be chopped up in a million pieces in the blender, but within 24 hours, it begins to reassemble itself! 

Yah did not save DJT from a bullet, because there was no real bullet that grazed his ear! Scripture tells us that the MAN OF SIN, THE SON OF PERDITION PERFORMS LYING SIGNS & WONDERS: 

2nd Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with ALL POWER and SIGNS and LYING WONDERS.

The entire ASSASINATION ATTEMPT was planned, scripted, and staged many years ago by the Illuminati Bankers! They did this on purpose to make him more popular with the sheeple! 

They did it to make it appear that he is “THE CHOSEN ONE, THE MESSIAH,” and that he is divinely protected by Yah! 


I believe there will be another FAKE ASSASSINATION, but next time, they will make it appear that he really died! 

After that, they will FAKE HIS RESURRECTION, so that the entire world will WONDER AFTER THE BEAST, WHOSE DEADLY WOUND IS HEALED! 

In the following passages, the Greek word for “HEALED,” is #2323 and it has the following meaning: 

“To serve, do service, to heal, cure, restore to health; to wait upon, to adore, to relieve, to worship.” 

In other words, one of the ways that we can read Revelation 13:3 is as follows: 

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was adored/worshiped: and all the world wondered after the beast.” 

And what are we now seeing? We are seeing DJT being adored and worshiped by his followers, even to the point that they are calling him “THE HIGH PRIEST, THE MESSIAH & THE CHOSEN ONE!” 

They are even wearing bandages on their right ear to imitate him!

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 

After his deadly wound is healed, the people of the world, (whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life) will worship the DRAGON (SATAN), and they will also worship the BEAST, as they proclaim “WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WITH HIM?” 

In other words, “WHO IS ABLE TO KILL HIM?” 

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WITH HIM? 

The Greek word for “MAKE WAR” is #4170, polemeo, which means “TO FIGHT!” Do you remember when Trump held up his fist to his audience and said “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT?” 

Luciferians/Satanists believe in something called “Karmic Retribution.” This is why the Illuminati have to tell us indirectly through film and music what they are planning to do years in advance. 

They call it “PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING.” This means that they “PROGRAM” the minds of the public, by telling us in advance, so that when it happens, nobody takes it seriously. 

They will say things like “You watch too much television,” or “You are just a conspiracy nut who wears a tin foil hat!”

The evidence that the Mark of the Beast is going to be rolled out by DJT is right in your face, but many of you refuse to believe it! 

The so-called “Election Fraud” was a Psyop that was planned many years ago, in order to roll out THE MARK OF THE BEAST BIOMETRIC TRACKING SYSTEM! 

They are using the fear of Illegal Immigration, and the fear of so-called ELECTION FRAUD as an excuse to rollout the Mark of the Beast! 

At 2:58, you will hear Trump promise to complete the Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System, aka Mark of the Beast!

Listen to Trump telling us cryptically, that you won’t be able to buy groceries without his ID: 

his is why the News Media calls Trump “The Hydra!” No matter how many times people try and take him down, via Impeachments, Indictments or Assassination Attempts, he will not be taken out until his 42 months of speaking blasphemies against the Most High is finished! 

There are also T-shirts being sold that say “Hail Hydra” with Trump’s face on an Octopus! 

The #88 is “code” for “Hail Hydra” & “Hail Hitler,” because “H” is the 8th letter in the English & German Alphabet. See more in the comments. 

In September of 2020, Jonathan Cahn, Franklin Graham, and other televangelists came together to pray IN FRONT OF THE PHALLIC SYMBOL OF NIMROD, aka THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT!

In this photo, there are Christians kneeling down in front of the Washington Monument, not realizing that this is a detestable Phallic Symbol in the eyes of YaHuWaH. A close friend of mine took this photo with her cellphone and sent it to me. These people treating this Phallic Symbol as if it is the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Jonathan Cahn was one of the main spokespersons who was advertising this event on YouTube & Television. Given the fact that Jonathan Cahn is famous for preaching repentance for America, (and repentance from pagan idolatry), there is no way that he does not know what a Phallic Symbol is! 

Ezekiel 8 describes this symbol as “The Image of Jealousy,”  and our Creator has warned us many times to DESTROY THESE IMAGES, and tear them down, because he hates them! 

Now, take a look at the poster advertisement for event called “The Return,” in September of 2020. You will see the Egyptian Obelisk, aka “The Phallic Symbol of Nimrod,” aka “The Image of Jealousy” was the focal point of this prayer meeting! 

As a matter of fact, when you look closely at this poster, you will see a PLUMBLINE POINTING TO THE PHALLIC SYMBOL, and directly above the Phallic Symbol is the old city of Jerusalem, and the Temple! 

Jonathan Cahn is very well-educated in all things biblical, so you cannot tell me that he did not know what this image is! 

Ten times in Scripture, YaHuWaH commands Yisra’el to tear down, and destroy these images:

Debariym (Deuteronomy) 12:2 You shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which You shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE.

1st Melakiym (Kings) 14:23 For they also built them high places, and images, and Asherah (groves), on every high hill, and 

2nd Melakiym (Kings) 16:4 And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and 

2nd Melakiym (Kings) 17:10 And they set them up images and groves in every high hill, and 

2nd Dibrey ha’Yamiym (Chronicles) 28:4 He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and 

Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 57:5 Enflaming yourselves with idols 
UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE, slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks?

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 2:20 For of old time I have broken your yoke, and burst your bands; and you said, I will not transgress; when upon every high hill and 
UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE you wandered, playing the harlot.

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 3:6 YHWH said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen that which backsliding Yisra’el has done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and 
UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE, and there has played the harlot.

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 3:13 Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against YHWH your Elohiym, and have scattered your ways to the strangers 
UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE, and You have not obeyed my voice, says YHWH.

Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 6:13 Then shall you shall you know that I am YHWH, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and 
UNDER EVERY GREEN TREE, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.

If find it highly suspicious that Jonathan Cahn has so much biblical knowledge, and yet he condones Christmas Trees, and praying in front of a Phallic Symbol, aka the Washington Monument. 

In the final analysis, I believe Jonathan Cahn is what the elites call “Controlled Opposition.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Landing Page of Double Portion Inheritance Ministries

Welcome to Double Portion Inheritance Ministries! 

*At the bottom of this page, you will see an index, where you can access all my blogs according to category and topic.

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, August 2002-2023

Maria Merola is the founder of “Double Portion Inheritance,” since August of 2007. This photo was taken in August of 2007, when I was 47 years old. This was the summer when YaHuWaH called me into full-time ministry, and he also gave me the name “Double Portion Inheritance.” 

What does the name of the ministry mean? Why is it called “Double Portion Inheritance?”  To learn more, see the blog entitled: What is The Double Portion Inheritance?

Who is Maria Merola? Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born on August 18, 1960 into an Italian, Roman Catholic family, as both parents were born in Naples Italy, but they both immigrated to America after World War II. My birth name is Maria Domenica Merola. My married name since 2014. is Maria Merola Wold. Pictured below is me, at age 2 1/2 being held by my father, Dominic Merola, and my mother Anna Merola holding my baby brother, John in 1962.

The town where I was born, is New Castle, Pennsylvania, (about 60 miles north of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania). New Castle was, (and still is) heavily populated with Italian immigrants, as well as Greeks, Polish, and African-Americans. Growing up in New Castle, was like growing up in a melting pot of various ethnic influences, with a whopping 30% of the population being Italians. 

Although I am 100% Italian (first-generation), I have had a great love for the nation of Yisra’el, and the Yahuwdiym (Jewish) people since being born-again between 1974-1981. I also discovered in 2007 through a professional genealogist that our ancestors since the 1500’s are Sephardic (Spanish) Yahuwdiym (Jews) on both sides of my family. In 1974, I encountered a friend in my childhood neighborhood who shared the true gospel of Messiah with me, as he explained the need for all people to become “born-again,” according to John 3:3 and 1st Peter 2:3.

This had been a foreign concept to me, because it was never taught to us in Catholic School by the nuns. We were erroneously taught that being sprinkled with water on the forehead (as an infant), insured our salvation. It was in 1974, when I first learned that all people are born into the world with a fallen nature, (which we have inherited from Adam). Scripture confirms this, as it is written, that by Adam, (the first man), sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12-14). 

And because we are born with this fallen nature (inherited from Adam), all people must be “born-again,” or we cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohiym. 

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 

Tehilliym (Psalm) 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

Bereshiyth (Genesis) 6:5 Then YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of Elohiym. 

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.

In the summer of 1974, (at the age of 14), this was the first time I had heard of the concept of being spiritually reborn (as taught by our Messiah in John 3:3-8). For the first time in my life, I realized that I needed a savior, and that’s when I first repeated a “sinners prayer,” with another teenage boy from my neighborhood named “Dominic.” Dominic had a special “glow” about him. 

He beamed with joy and excitement every day, as he walked through our neighborhood like a modern-day “John the Baptist,” I made a verbal acknowledgement that I was born a sinner by nature, and that I needed a savior. I knew that the one who could save me, (by giving me a new nature), was the Messiah I had read about in the Bible. Back then, I knew him as “Jesus Christ.” 

However, I would eventually learn his true name, Yahuwshuwa (Joshua in English). It would be six more years, before I completely surrendered my life to Yahuwshuwa, as my Messiah. On February 10th, 1981, I was called out of a life of sin, and that’s when I announced to my family, that I was leaving Roman Catholicism, much to their “shock and horror.” 

I transitioned from a life of living selfishly, into a surrendered life of faith in Yahuwshuwa. Within that first year, I spent every waking hour reading the Scriptures, (beginning with Genesis), and finishing with the Book of Revelation. It was during that first year, that I had an insatiable hunger to understand the ways of Elohiym our Creator.

That same year, I was immersed (baptized) in water, but also with the Ruwach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and fire. What came along with my being filled with the Spirit of Yah, was the evidence of speaking with “renewed tongues” (Isaiah 6:5-7; 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:2-17; 1st Corinthians 12:1-11 & 14:1-40). 

This gift has been promised to every Messiah-follower as a “sign” of his “Renewed” (New) Covenant (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16). 

To learn more about this gift, see the following blogs:

When we are “Born-again of incorruptible seed” (1st Peter 2:3), we are given the same spiritual nature of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa! It is only by the “The blood of the lamb,” that we are cleansed from the evil nature. a Yahuwshuwa himself told us that if we “Eat his flesh and drink his blood,” we have his life in us (John 6:54-56). 

Eating his flesh, and drinking his blood, is not meant to be literal, as Roman Catholicism teaches. Our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa was sharing with us a “metaphor” when he said the following words:

Yahuwchanon (John) 6:35....I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst.

The word of Elohiym is our sustenance, and the only thing that can satisfy the human heart: 

Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohiym. 

Luqas (Luke) 4:4 And Yahuwshuwa answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Elohiym. 

In other words, when we “come to him,” we are eating his flesh (metaphorically), because our spiritual hunger shall be satisfied. When we “believe on him,” we shall never thirst, because our spiritual thirst shall be satisfied. 

Therefore, “eating his flesh” is a metaphor for reading his words, and allowing them to transform our lives. “Drinking his blood,” is a metaphor for allowing his words to make us clean (John 15:3; Joel 3:21), thereby changing our very DNA! 

Thus, being born-again of “incorruptible seed,” means that we have Messiah’s seed in us. Just like a plant is sown into the ground, it must first “die” (decompose), before it produces life, and springs forth into a green plant! Similarly, those of us that have our Messiah’s “seed” in us, shall one day be given immortal/incorruptible bodies, just like him! (See Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:23; 1st Corinthians 15:35-54). 

If you would like to experience this transformation, pray these words, and mean them from your heart: 

“Heavenly Father, I know that I was born a sinner by nature, and I must be reborn spiritually. I come to you now, asking you to forgive my sins. I repent of my sinful ways, and I ask you to cleanse me with the blood of Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. 

I turn away from all my sinful ways, and I choose to pursue a life of righteousness, by the power of your Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit). I now surrender my life completely to you, Yahuwshuwa, and I invite you to change me, and to transform me into a new creation, after your likeness. 

Let me become ‘born-again’ of your incorruptible seed, and fill me now with your Ruwach ha’Qodesh.” 

If you have recited this prayer, I urge you to continue to pursue a life pleasing to YaHuWaH, by studying the Scriptures, and asking the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) to teach you all things: 

1st Yahuwchanon (John) 2:27 But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.

What our Messiah was telling us, is that the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit), has been given to us when we are “born-again” by the blood of Messiah, and his Spirit will teach us all things. 

It is important not to be turned aside to false teachers, who will lead you into a spiritual ditch. Stay in prayer, constantly, and study the word of Elohiym! Let the Ruwach/Spirit of Yah be your teacher, and if you listen to the teachings of others, weigh it up against Scripture. Now, the question often arises, “Maria, which Bible shall I use?” 

I strongly recommend the “Easy Read King James Bible,” which is the same thing as the 1611 King James Version, without the archaic language. Why do I recommend the King James Version? 

The main reason is because there is a copyright law in America, (and in other nations), requiring Bible Translators to make at least 30% changes to the text, before registering their “version,” as a new copyrightable work, worthy of earning profit. 

These “changes” are required for a new “Bible Version” to be copyrighted. For this reason, I have been using the King James Version since my conversion in 1981, but as I read it, I restore the sacred names of the Father and the Son. 

When I see the name “Jesus Christ,” I read it as “Yahuwshuwa Messiah,” or “Yahuwshua ha’Mashiyach.” 

When I see “God,” I read it as “Elohiym.” 

When I see “LORD” in all capital letters, I say “YaHuWaH,” which is the proper name of our Father. 

When I see “Lord” in lower and uppercase letters in the Tanakh or Old Testament, I read it as “Adonay.” 

In the “New Testament,” it’s a bit more complicated. There are three different definitions in the Greek Textus Receptus for “Lord.” Whenever it’s the word “Kurios,” the word should be the proper name of YaHuWaH. 

The other two definitions mean “master, or a ruler of a household.” I also recommend downloading the “Esword Program” free onto your desktop, and be sure to download KJV & KJV + which enables you to hover over the words, and look up the meaning of each word in the Hebrew Concordance (for the Tanakh/Old Testament) or Greek (for the Briyth Chadashah/New Testament). 

I also recommend the following Bibles: 

The ISR Scriptures Version from 2009.
The Aramaic English New Testament by Andrew Gabriel Roth. 
The HalleluYah Scriptures.

To learn more behind the history of King James, and why there has been a conspiracy to alter the word of Elohiym, see my blog:

Blogs About Both Houses of Israel:

Blogs Explaining the Tabernacle & the Temple: 

Blogs About the End-Time Beast:

Commonly Misunderstood Phrases by Paul:

Blogs Explaining Pauls Epistles & the Law of Moses:

Blogs About the Deity of Messiah:

Blogs About Biblical Time-Keeping:

Sacred Name Blogs:

Blogs About The Feasts of YaHuWaH: 

Blogs About the Great Tribulation & the Second Coming of Messiah: 

Blogs about Pagan Holidays:

Blogs About Donald Trump:

Blogs Debunking Flat Earth:

Blogs About the Cross: Is it a Pagan Symbol?

Blogs About the “Serpent Seed” & Cain:

Blogs About the Bronze Serpent on the Pole:

Blogs about Marriage, Weddings & Divorce:

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