Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Trump, Rockefeller & Rothschild Connection

By Maria Merola אריאל 
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, January 26, 2021

If one day is like a thousand years with our Creator, I would say that we are in the final minutes before midnight, according to 2nd Peter 3:8 & Matthew 25:6. We are told in Daniel 12:4, that in the latter days, “Knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:10 says that “The wicked shall not understand...but the wise shall  understand...” 

And indeed, we are witnessing an unprecedented “Strong delusion to believe a lie,” (2nd Thessalonians 2:11) as even those who are called “The elect” are deceived as never before in history (Matthew 24:24). Incase you are thinking that our Messiah was declaring that it is “Not possible” for the elect to be deceived, consider that the Greek word for “possible” is “dunatos,” which literally means powerful! 

In other words, he is not asking a rhetorical question, as if to postulate “Gee, is it even possible for the elect to be deceived?” No, he is declaring that there shall be a powerful deception, aka strong delusion, so that even the elect will be deceived!  

One of the political strategies that has been used on the minds of the public, is something called “The Hegelian Dialectic.See my other blog to learn more: “What is the Hegelian Dialectic?”

There are still many lazy believers who will not take the time to study the Scriptures for themselves. Even though there is a wealth of information available on the Internet through blogs, websites, and videos, many refuse to ask YaHuWaH for spiritual discernment. There is no excuse to be willfully ignorant of the truth, especially as we are now in the age of information. 

Daniel 12:4 But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 

Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 

Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

One of the strategies of the Illuminati, is to create what I call “The Left-Right Paradigm.” It is their way of cornering you, so that you feel compelled into choosing one of two evil alternatives. At one time, I too was convinced that we have no choice but to choose “The lesser of two evils.” 

If I am at a restaurant, I might be put into a position of having to  choose between something on the menu that is either too expensive, or something that is too unhealthy. In that instance, choosing the lesser of both evils means choosing the more expensive item, because I wont compromise my health for the sake of a few extra dollars.

However, when it comes to a moral dilemma, such as choosing the White Witch, or the Black Witch in the Wizard of Oz, I will choose neither one, because both witches are working for Satan. But this is exactly what American believers in Messiah are doing when they vote.

In the summer of 2020, I heard the voice of Yah say to me “Maria, look up the meaning of the word vote,” and when I did, I was stunned! I learned that the etymology of the word “vote,” comes from the Latin root “votum,” which means “a solemn promise.” This also stems from the Latin root “vovere,” which means “to take a vow.” 

In Matthew 5:34, our Messiah commands us not to “swear at all.” Looking at the dictionary definition for the word “swear,” we can see that it means “To make a solemn declaration or affirmation by some sacred being or object, as a deity, or the Bible.A secondary definition is “To bind oneself by an oath.”

Voting is like Partaking of the Poisoned Wine Goblet in “The Princess Bride

We have all seen this narrative played out in films, such as “The Princess Bride,” when Westley challenges Vizzini to a game of Russian Roulette using a cup of poisoned wine. Westly turns away, as he pours odorless, tasteless poison in two cups of wine (scrambling the cups as he serves them). 

The name “Westley” is an Old English male name, meaning “From the west.” This could be a metaphor for the United States of America. Princess Buttercup could also be a metaphor for the British Empire, to whom Westly was a subservient. Vizzini is an Italian name, and he could be a metaphor for the Roman Empire.

In this metaphor, we can deduce that Westley symbolizes America (as the US broke away from the British Empire after the Revolutionary War). The princess is Great Britain (because America is west of England). Rome has been attempting to conquer both empires and the entire world since the days of Roman Emperor Constantine. But Westley (like Trump) outsmarted Vizzini (symbolic of Rome). But this does not mean that America is “The benevolent savior. It simply means that America will become the last empire, aka “The eighth king” (Revelation 17:10-11).

Vizzini assumes Westley served him the poisoned cup, so he diverts his attention for a moment as he switches the cups. When Vizzini drinks his cup he dies within moments. Westly knew Vizzini would switch the cups, (when his attention was diverted), therefore he served himself the poisoned cup.

Westly outsmarted Vizzini, by letting him think he outsmarted him. What most people didn’t pick up on (but my husband Gary clued me in), is that Westly had been building up his tolerance to the poison” for years, and he actually poisoned both cups! 

That is how he outsmarted Vizzini! Both cups contain the same poison, just as both Democrats & Republicans have the same agenda!

This is exactly what takes place in the “Left-Right Paradigm.” I believe Donald Trump will be the last American President, as shown to us in the book entitled “The Last President” by Ingersoll Lockwood.

Like Westley (in the Princess Bride), the Right-Wing Conservative (Trump) knows what his constituents will do before they do it. He is a master chess player, and he has been trained for this role for many years. 

Therefore, he uses a strategy of making them feel sorry for him. He is the poor, persecuted martyr, and they are the bleeding hearts that are more than willing to fight for him. He has made lofty promises to them about making their country great again. 

He promises to go after the Cabal, the Pedophiles, the Child-Sex Trafficking Rings, and the Corrupt Bankers. Before you know it, his followers are blindly loyal to an impostor, and they have no idea who he really is. There is a term for this, and it is called “Controlled Opposition.” 

It is when the enemy makes himself look like the good guy, the savior, or the hero. He does this by allowing his opposition to beat him. He takes so many hits, and so many blows, that his followers are even more beholden to him, than if he had won the fight. 

Here is another parable. Imagine that a poor, little, old lady is walking slowly down the street, when along comes a villain with a ski mask on and grabs her purse, (knocking her down to the ground), as he takes off with all her money and credit cards. 

Another clean-cut young gentleman comes along, and helps the old lady get up from the ground. Not only that, he tells the lady he will help recover get her purse back, as he runs to find the thief that stole it.

Meanwhile, two streets away, the two men (the thief and the clean-cut man) split the money that was taken from the old lady's purse. The young man then returns the purse to the old lady.

The little old woman is so grateful for his selfless, heroic act, that she asks him to drive her to the ATM Machine, where she withdraws more cash, and gives it to him as a reward. 

And there you go! 

The little old lady is convinced that the clean-cut young man had her best interests at heart. Even when the police question the old lady, (and they inform her that the purse-thief and the young man were working together), she refuses to believe it. She even becomes angry at the Police Officers for telling her the truth about the young man. 

When asked to testify against the business man, the old lady refuses to testify against him. She is convinced the business man is her rescuer, and the masked bandit is the bad guy working solo.

President Trump, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers are all working together to implement OPERATION LOCK STEP!


This plan goes hand-in-hand with the DEPOPULATION AGENDA & CLIMATE CHANGE! 


See the documentation below:

Operation Lockstep - Rockefeller Plan for Martial Law 2010 

Operation LockStep Rockefeller Playbook 

Operation Lockstep

Rothschilds Caught Rigging The US Presidential Election in 2016 August 5, 2016 Baxter Dmitry News

The U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first ballot was cast. Everybody knows Hillary Clinton is the establishment’s candidate of choice, backed by the Rothschilds and the New World Order. 

What is less well known is that Donald Trump is also a Rothschild creation and actor, playing a part in the great sham that is the Illuminati’s fake election, designed to keep control of the people in this supposedly “democratic” society. 

Political analysts have been saying that Trump’s tilt for the presidency has been 30 years in the making. This makes more sense than they realize. 

30 years ago, members of the Rothschild family saved Trump from bankruptcy and took him under their wing. They recognized his potential as a “man of use” and “colorful front man” for a secretive organization that prefers to keep itself in the shadows. 

Consider how Trump built his wealth – and who supported him during his booms and busts. 

“In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International. 

Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities. 

On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.” 

“In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.” 

“Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International – Rockefeller and Rothschild – remained hidden from public view.” 

After quickly expanding the reach of Resorts International to Atlantic City in the final years of the 1980s, Donald Trump found himself in financial trouble as the real estate market in New York tanked. 

The three casinos in Atlantic City, like other Trump assets, were under threat from lenders. It was only with the assistance and assurance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. that Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his threatened empire.” 

This was detailed in a Bloomberg article from March 22, 1992. 

The same Wilbur L. Ross, still Jacob Rothschild’s right hand man, came out in support of Trump’s nomination in March 2016, also reported by Bloomberg. Jacob Rothschild’s son, Nat Rothschild, even dated Ivanka Trump. 

Both major party candidates are controlled by the globalist powers that be. You have Hillary Clinton sacrificing chickens and preparing to pay her penance to the Rothschilds. 

Meanwhile, Trump appears to have been bought long ago. He was made by the Rothschilds. Either way, American citizens don’t have a choice in this election. 

The Illuminati have been working behind the scenes for decades creating the actors to play the roles. This was Illuminati’s plan all along. To have both candidates operating under their interests while systematically pitting the entire nation against each other, creating the chaos they need to push their New World Order agenda closer to completion.

Rothschilds Caught Rigging The US Presidential Election

President Trump is helping to carry out “Operation Lockstep,” planned by the Rockefellers years ago.

See the links below:


How the Rockefellers “Trumped” the World

Many of you do not know this, but the Rockefellers & Rothchild’s bailed out President Trump from bankruptcy back in the 1980’s, and now, he has to “pay the piper!” 

President Trump was deliberately SELECTED (not elected) for this OPERATION LOCKSTEP PLAN, years ago, and this also includes OPERATION WARP SPEED! 

American Christians are preoccupied with trying to save America as a Republic (the Roman Empire was a Republic), instead of saving souls! 

Why are you trying to preserve the Government of the Roman Empire? Revelation 13:11 reveals that America is the SECOND BEAST that “Exercises all the power of the first beast” (The Holy Roman Empire). 

In other words, the Roman Empire was both a REPUBLIC & A DEMOCRACY! 

If you are a Patriot of this kind of government, you are not fit for the Theocratic Government that our Messiah will bring with him at his return! 

If you are a Patriot of this Revived Holy Roman Empire, you are carnal, and worldly! 

Most believers are not paying attention to the more urgent matter of the Mark of the Beast Vaccines being rolled out by President Trump. 

They are more interested in preserving the “American Dream,” when they should be warning their friends and family not to worship the beast, nor take his mark, nor worship his image. 

They care more about saving a nation that is like Sodom & Gomorrah, than they do about leaving this world to be with our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. 

They are like Lot’s wife, looking back at Sodom & Gomorrah while it burns to the ground. Stop trying to save President Trump, and the Revived Holy Roman Empire! You should be more concerned with your own soul, and the soul of your loved ones! Trump is not trying to save us! 

He is carrying out the plans of the enemy, under the guise of trying to save America. Our Messiah is not coming back for Americans only! 

He is coming back to set up his new Millennial Kingdom here on earth for all people, tongues, and nations who love him and obey his Torah!  

Our mantra should not be “Make America Great Again!” America has shed too much blood to be great again! Our Prayer should be this: “The Spirit & the Bride say, Come, Yahuwshuwa!” (Revelation 22:17).

Colossians 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

President Trump, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, Rothschilds & Rockefellers are all working together to implement OPERATION LOCK STEP!!!! 


This plan goes hand-in-hand with the DEPOPULATION AGENDA & CLIMATE CHANGE! When they say WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, BELIEVE THEM! 

Rothschilds Caught Rigging The US Presidential Election 

In 2016, the U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first ballot was cast. 

Everybody knows Hillary Clinton is the establishment’s candidate of choice, backed by the Rothschilds and the New World Order. What is less well known is that Donald Trump is also a Rothschild creation and actor, playing a part in the great sham that is the Illuminati’s fake election, designed to keep control of the people in this supposedly “democratic” society. 

Political analysts have been saying that Trump’s tilt for the presidency has been 30 years in the making. This makes more sense than they realize. 30 years ago members of the Rothschild family saved Trump from bankruptcy and took him under their wing. 

They recognized his potential as a “man of use” and “colourful front man” for a secretive organization that prefers to keep itself in the shadows. 

Both major party candidates are controlled by the globalist powers that be. You have Hillary Clinton sacrificing chickens and preparing to pay her penance to the Rothschilds. Meanwhile, Trump appears to have been bought long ago. 

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